Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1558: 9 阶 Advance!

The grandest alchemy event in the entire ancient universe is underway, attracting worldwide attention, and a lot of attention has been drawn to it.

And at the same time, the door of the Dan realm continued to open, and there were continuous powerful figures 6 coming in from the outside world, coming to the Dantian city and paying close attention.

After all, this is the grandest alchemy event held every 10,000 years.

On the Ultimate Ancient Road, there have also been a lot of supreme arrogance leaders, and even some old antiques that have been hidden in the world for many years have appeared. Among them, other emperor-level powerhouses have come, and even the supreme ancient kings have appeared.

Once the supreme existence appeared, the Dandi clan would never dare to be careless.

The Primordial King of the Dandi family personally came forward to welcome the three Primordial Kings from outside.

Also because too many powerhouses came, the emperor formation in Dantian city quietly opened part, and even fully opened at critical moments.

The Supreme Imperial Army is always ready to recover, and when the most terrifying crisis strikes, it will combine with the imperial formation in the imperial city to unleash the emperor's invincible power and fully recover.

It’s just that all of this makes Ye Chen feel a little strange. After all, the Dan Emperor should not close the Dan Realm on this occasion, because too many powerful people come. If something happens, even the Dan Emperor would be difficult to suppress. There is no shortage of Primordial Kings among them.

He always felt that these actions of the Dan Emperor Clan had no deep meaning.

When Ye Chen was refining alchemy, he also paid a lot of attention, paying attention to the outside world, and also focusing on the strong people on the side of the Forbidden Soul Palace. Because they were too quiet, they always felt like the eve of the storm. Bad premonition.

And he saw Qin Jiuyou in particular, and occasionally showed a mysterious smile at the ninth-level masters such as Dark Mu and Dan Chen.

He didn't dare to be careless, the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia was suspended in the hands of the Chaos Holy Soul, and he had to revive and sacrifice at all times, ready to deal with the most terrible accident.

The 6 continuations of many outside powerhouses did not affect the alchemy of the top alchemists who are always on the roof of the town. After all, all of them are superb figures who have really seen the world, and they are all awakened at this moment. In order to achieve twelve points of spirit, he is closely practicing alchemy.

Strains of peerless medicinal materials that can be regarded as one of the best in the outside world, there are no lack of invaluable treasures such as Wannian Yaobao and even Yaoling. They are continuously poured into the pill cauldron for refining, and wisps of smoke float out, remove the dross, and take the essence. .

During this time, the rumbling sound rang endlessly, spreading from the immortal and extraordinary pill cauldron, attracting attention.


In the Great Chaos Cauldron, there were a few plumes of soot floating out, which were the ashes destroyed by the pill.

Even with the aid of one of the Nine Tripods, Ye Chen still failed to maintain his previous peak state, failed in alchemy, and wasted all previous efforts.

It’s just that the more important thing is that when the pill is about to be successfully condensed, the small pill cauldron that disperses the mysterious power and refines the pill suddenly becomes unstable. The mysterious power is dazzled. The medicine showed an extremely unstable state, and finally failed completely and exploded.

Ye Chen understood immediately, and his eyes swept towards other alchemy masters and grandmasters.

Obviously, among the alchemists participating in the grand event, there must be other Jiuding, competing in the same field, interfering with each other, causing him to fail in alchemy.

At the same time, Danchen was the same. The master in the dark swept his eyes towards other people intentionally or unconsciously. He naturally knew all of this and wanted to know who had mastered the other Danding.

However, Ye Chen concealed it well, and directly isolated the secret of heaven with the Great Chaos Cauldron, so that Dan Chen could not fully detect it, and could only withdraw his gaze with a little disappointment.

It was just that Ye Chen glanced suspiciously, because he felt that more than a wave of fluctuations appeared. In the presence of him, not only he and Danchen had it, but at least there was a third person in charge of one of the Jiuding.

That's interesting.


After the seventh day of the event, someone refined the pill.

That was an eighth-level alchemy master. The pill light in the pill cauldron was gushing, and it was even more flaming than when Ye Chen was refining the gods. The beam of light reached the sky, and a powerful cloud of tribulation was gathering quickly. It was more than tens of thousands of miles magnificent, and the thick pill thunder continued to smash down, arousing the attention of all parties, and the pill was fragrant.

The eighth-order pill is born, it is much more intelligent than the seventh-order treasure pill, and the precious pill is so precious that it makes people jealous and crazy when not knowing how many powers, every eighth-order divine pill All have amazing effects of mystery and unparalleled.

It also made me wonder how many alchemists had their eyes brightened. After all, for many alchemists, being able to reach the eighth-level master's domain was also a goal in their lives.

Next, with the passage of time, the other alchemy masters in the field also refined their own divine pill six times. The pill beams are so thick and flaming, as bright as the sun, if it is a huge pillar of the sky, Continuously running through Xiaohan, it is very eye-catching.


Pill Tribulation 6 continued to descend, and each time it looked even larger than the first time. It was clear that the sky was covered by the dark cloud of Tribulation all day long, and the whole world was filled with a sense of depression.

Sometimes several alchemy masters refined the eighth-order pill at the same time, and several tribulation clouds were paralleled, almost all merged together, it was very magnificent and huge, and the thick pill thunder was endless, flashing continuously, and descending.

Naturally, these alchemy masters had been prepared for a long time, and they had successfully resisted them one by one. The pill was born, the rays of light shining in the heavens, and the slices of pill incense continued to diffuse out, spreading and causing a lot of Fiery eyes.

A master alchemy master is enough to make alchemy, not to mention that there are so many alchemy masters who make alchemy at the same time and elicit the alchemy, even more so.

It’s just that more people are more concerned about the alchemy masters, including the Danchen and the Dark Mu master. The appearance of the eighth-order pill is already so eye-catching. If the nineth-order pill is born, I don’t know how much it is. Eye-catching.

Many people have a lifetime chance of seeing a 9th-order pill to be born. Not only is it difficult to meet the 9th-level master, the entire ancient universe is numbered, and more importantly, it is actually the medicinal materials needed to refine some 9th-order pill. It is difficult to find, which has led to the rare and infinite number of the 9th-order pill. Every time it is refined, it can be called a world-renowned event.

During this period, with the help of the little pill cauldron, Ye Chen once again refined the gods, not inferior to the previous god, and the pill light that burst into the sky, but compared to other alchemy masters. , It is not as good as it is, and it has disappointed many people.

Even the fighting sage king who is a champion of the younger generation can't compare with him, and he has no hope of competing for the final championship.

Naturally, Ye Chen was not too surprised by the eyes.

Almost at the same time, Danyang, the young leader of the Dandi clan generation, also successfully refined the pill. It was an eighth-tier middle-level pill. Once it was born, it immediately had a bright pill glowing to the sky, and even better than The pill that some alchemy masters refined is still eye-catching, and it completely compares Ye Chen's pill light, attracting a lot of people's attention.

Many people were amazed, and the older generation nodded frequently.

It is worthy of being the leader of the Dandi family's generation, who can actually refine such an extraordinary pill. Looking at the younger generation, they are definitely the first person to refine the pill.

Give him more time, no accidents, it will not be a problem to enter the 9th-level master in the future.

After successfully refining the eighth-level middle-level **** pill, Dan Yang also had a look on his face, the envious eyes of all parties, and even more provocatively glanced at Ye Chen in the distance, with contempt in his eyes.

Even the most enchanting fighting saint king, how about becoming the first guest in the clan, isn't he still far behind himself in alchemy?

It’s just that Ye Chen didn’t even look at it. His expression didn’t fluctuate at all. Danyang, who wanted to be ironic, had a punch on the cotton, feeling no effort, annoyed, but helpless. .

In this way, the last big competition started for half a month. On this day, several pill alchemy masters' pill 6 continued to be refined, and the pill light soared to the sky, during which pill calamities continued to come. , The rumbling sound is endless.

It’s just when these alchemy masters were preparing to cross the Suddenly, the dark animal husbandry grandmaster located in the center of the town’s Tiantai, the huge alchemy tripod in front of him suddenly shook, shook the void, and the tripod lid opened. There was a terrifyingly unimaginable divine light blasting straight into the sky, and it was also a Danguang, but it was far more brilliant than other Danguang, and it was like the most massive Optimus pillar.


Along with the appearance of this Danguang, the other Danguangs immediately looked dimmed, so dull and dull, it was completely surpassed by birth.

Those few Tier 8 pills seemed to be oppressed at this moment, and they started to tremble.

At this moment, everyone's attention suddenly passed, only to see that the Danguang was so big, rough as a mountain, and soaring to the sky, everyone could feel it, not to mention this world, even the entire Dantian city They were all caused by a sensation, and the boundless aura of heaven and earth swept across quickly.

The robbery clouds on the sky were all washed away, submerged in the vast stars, and the heavens and stars were trembling.

Then the stars converged from all directions and merged into a dazzling galaxy, accompanied by the power of the shining stars, descending from the sky and submerged in the dark animal master's pill cauldron.

On the rooftop of the town, I saw the dark animal husbandry grandmaster look very solemn, he made a divine mark, hitting in all directions, you can see that a large number of heaven and earth auras are quickly falling, and the clouds are gathering, and even opened up one by one. Measure the plane space, extract a huge amount of divine energy from it, and then fully penetrate the fast-shaping pill in the flaming pill light.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

It's amazing to swallow, and it needs such a huge **** to fill it. Is this the horror of the 9th-order **** pill?

"Huh?" At this moment, Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, because he clearly felt that Xiao Danding was trembling, and he looked at Master Dark Mu in shock!

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