Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1570: The suppressed alien emperor!

Hearing that, Ye Chen was shocked suddenly, the King of No Phase had even fought against the Qinggu Great Emperor of another race?

There is such a stunning history of war!

"Naturally, the Lord is very powerful. Although he did not defeat the opponent, he also retreated under the hands of the Qinggu Great Emperor!"

Tianhuang Shendi mentioned that although it is only a few words, if it is spread out, it will inevitably cause stormy waves.

Because the unphased emperor never really broke and stood up in his entire life, aspiring to the emperor's domain, but he encountered an alien Qinggu emperor during his lifetime and had a glorious battle.

Although Tianhuang Shendi didn’t mention the process, he was able to retreat in the end, which is enough to explain the invincibility of the Wuxiang King. Otherwise, even if it is changed to other Primordial Kings, or even the emperor, he will definitely go. It is difficult to retreat under such a brutal and **** alien emperor.

After all, the emperor is the emperor after all. Once he enters the realm of supremacy, he will truly be supreme.

From ancient times to the present, I’m afraid that only the unphased king can retrograde in the realm of the Primordial Kings, and can retreat from the Supreme Emperor. This is also the real reason why the alien race will kill the unphased king at all costs, otherwise it is very possible in the future. There will be a second fighting ancestor.

This also made Ye Chen admire the Wuxiang King more and more, and lamented the fate of the Wuxiang King. It was because he was too far against the sky. He was jealous of the sky and was killed by a foreign race at all costs. Otherwise, the sealed universe would be a general There will be one more Invincible Emperor!

"Emperor Pill is a legendary emperor. This Zhendifeng is so mysterious that it can continuously refine the origin of the Qinggu emperor. It uses the mystery of alchemy." Tianhuang Shendi said with a strange expression. And there is some sympathy: "This Qinggu Great Emperor is also a bit pitiful. In a sense, if this Zhendifeng is a pill ding, while Qinggu Great Emperor is a medicinal material, it is called by Zhendifeng. With the help of time, Danding continuously refines and refines the origin of the emperor."

"Moreover, after so many tens of thousands of years of continuous tempering in Emperor Zhenfeng, most of the origin has been tempered. I am afraid that he will be completely refined in a while, even if the emperor soul will inevitably be disintegrated and annihilated. !"

"Senior, how can I get this group of emperor origin." Ye Chen said straightly.

It’s just that Tianhuang Shendi glanced at Ye Chen and said: "Although the origin of the emperor is very precious, it also contains the profound meaning of the emperor's way of a generation of supreme emperors, but if you want to force refining, you will not end up second. There is only one dead end."

Ye Chen was startled slightly, and said softly, "Couldn't it be enough to refine a little?"

He is really unwilling. This is the origin of the emperor, and it is also a short-cut way to prove that the emperor becomes an emperor. Should he give up like this?

Tianhuang Shendi said: "Little guy, it's too late to pass. Although you are extraordinary, you are the most powerful immortal battle body in the ages. Even fighting the battle body is not as good, but you have to understand. , After all, your current strength is too bad, the emperor's origin is too terrifying, and every bit of it is unbearable for you."

Although this is a bit hurtful, Ye Chen had to admit that this is a fact, even if he is the Chaos Eucharist, he is not even powerful, and he is too far from the emperor. If he is forcibly refined, There will be one in the end--

Bone to pieces!

Even with the Eucharist Regeneration technique, it may not be able to survive, the emperor's law contained in the origin of the emperor can annihilate everything.

It’s just that the gods of Tianhuang paused and said: "But it’s not entirely impossible. As the sacred body of chaos, you have robbed the mystery of the heavens, and contained the mystery of the ultimate chaos. You may be able to refine a little. The help of this group of emperor origin is also great for you. In the future, you can avoid many detours and feel the unparalleled mystery of the emperor's realm in advance."

Ye Chen was delighted, since Tianhuang Shendi had spoken like this, it represented his hope of fighting for the emperor's origin.

"Zhendifeng, although it was arranged by Emperor Dan, with my help, you can also sneak into Zhendifeng. However, you may face the remnant soul of Qinggu Great Emperor at that time. You need to be prepared, even At that time, maybe you will die, but I don't necessarily guarantee that you will be fully protected." Tianhuang Shendi said with a solemn expression, facing the emperor, Tianhuang Shendi couldn't guarantee that Ye Chen would be protected. Life.

The great emperor, the existence that goes hand in hand with the heavens, even if there is only one remnant soul, it is terrifying and cannot be underestimated.

Naturally, Ye Chen is the hope of the fighting saints, and it is the unprecedented chaotic body, pinning the hope of the entire sealed universe, he cannot let Ye Chen die.

Ye Chennoi: "Don't worry, senior, I will be very careful."

Seeing this, Tianhuang God nodded, and pointed Ye Chen how to enter Zhendi Peak.

Zhendifeng is a treasure of suppression made by the emperor Dan in the past. It is used to suppress the supreme emperor soldiers who are not emperor soldiers, but they are almost equal to this level. They have the incredible power to suppress the supreme emperor. Yes, suppress the eternal enemy, terrifying.

Naturally, Tianhuang Shendi was almost waiting for the existence of Emperor Ruo's level, and his eyes were sharp. He was also resurrected by the Qi of the Great Emperor of the Alien Race. He pointed to Ye Chen, and revealed a hazy light that was added to it. On Ye Chen, let him avoid being annihilated by the Emperor Ji.


The Tianhuang Euphorbia recovered, and the Emperor's prestige was restrained. It directly penetrated a cave on the Zhendi Peak and penetrated the mountain.

It's not too big, but it allows Ye Chen to enter the mountain body, and with the cover of Tianhuang Shendi, it can't be seen at all.

With a sweeping sound, with the help of Tianhuang Euphorbia, Ye Chen sank into Zhendi Peak like lightning.

This immortal mountain is indeed very huge, the heavens and stars appear to be so small in front of it, but soon, Ye Chen submerged into the depths of the mountain, and at this moment, he entered the inside of Zhendi Peak Space out.

Ye Chen couldn't help his eyes widening when he saw this scene before him.

Because just in the center of the mountain of Zhendifeng, there is a huge mountain space, which is not less than a great world of kings, and more importantly, in the center of this great world, there is a huge and immeasurable The body, horizontally.

This body is too huge. It can be hundreds of thousands of miles away. It is a human form, but not a human race. It has bat wings, red hair, and an emperor crown surrounded by ten silver horns on its head. Characteristic, the whole body is circulating a kind of immortal and immortal aura, as if eternal and always immortal.

Emperor body!

Ye Chen immediately recognized it. This was the emperor’s immortal body, and it was also the emperor’s body of Qinggu Great Emperor. There were astonishing scars on it, many of which were deeply visible in bones. Some scars not only penetrated the front and back, but also It is huge, the blood seems to be drained, it cannot be bridged, and the terrifying emperor's law prevents healing.

He even saw ten huge beams of light standing between the heavens and the earth. If they were like the optimistic pillars that propped up the whole world, they would penetrate the limbs, five internal organs and eyebrows of the Qinggu Great Emperor, completely suppressing them. In this space.

At the same time, there are a series of indescribable big road shackles, which are condensed from the road, containing the emperor's law, which also binds the Qinggu emperor's body to the ground, and cannot be broken away.

Obviously, this is the seal of Emperor Dan, the imperial body of Emperor Qinggu is sealed here, and the ages have passed, and it cannot be broken away.

On the other side of the shackles of the avenue that connects this emperor's body, it is located at the highest point of the sky, where there is a sun, blooming with immense light, shining on this world.

However, this sun made Ye Chen feel the unparalleled pressure of the avenue, a kind of supreme majesty, as if it were a true dragon standing on the nine heavens, and he was like a small dusty ant on the earth. Staying in the heart gives birth to a thought of looking up and surrendering.

But it was quickly eliminated, because Tianhuang Shendi's blessing allowed him to recover, and at the same time, he understood.

He knows that the sun in front of him is probably the origin of the emperor. The origin of the emperor is continuously refined from the emperor's body. Through those order **** chains, it is refined from the emperor's body, and then condensed in On the sun above the sky.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's eyes were instantly filled with fire, and looking at the sun even shot out a brilliant beam of light.

Is this the origin of the emperor?

Such a huge is much larger than the stars, with hundreds of millions of rays of light flowing.

Each ray of light represents a great way, like a condensed body of the heavens and all paths, but it also possesses a kind of supreme majesty. All the creatures in the world must be in awe of the origin of this group of emperors. Surrender, dare not blaspheme!

"Little guy, if you get this group of emperor origin, it will be really helpful to you, because this group of emperor origin is more complete than imagined, not weaker than 70% of the heyday of a supreme great emperor. Above." Tianhuang Shendi also sighed slightly, because the integrity of this group of emperor's origin is beyond his imagination.

Generally speaking, the supreme emperor who was killed, especially the Qinggu emperor, only left the immortal remnant soul. It is impossible to have many emperor origins. It is already remarkable to have more than half, but the emperor origin in front of us But it is more than half of it, reaching 70%, which is enough to be amazing.

"Emperor Pill, it is indeed full of legends, and he has tempered so many emperor origins, but if Emperor Pill is not dead, why don't you let it go?" Tianhuang Shendi's eyes showed a trace of surprise and thought.

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