Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1572: The methods of the emperors shocked the past and the present!

Ye Chen was shocked, it was obvious that Qinggu Great Emperor would have to pay an irreversible price in this way.

But in the end what kind of spell Qinggu the Great would cast.

"You think too much. As long as the emperor breaks free, as long as the emperor's origin is back, everything will be restored. The great cause and effect will come, and I will not be able to hurt my body. I will eventually break all barriers."

Qinggu Great Emperor is cold and authentic, the world is full of depression and the vast killing intent, sweeping the world


Suddenly, the entire world of the Great World trembles abruptly, and the supreme emperor body of the Qinggu Great Emperor below suddenly explodes into a great horrible aura that trembles the sky and trembles the long river of time. It's much more terrifying.

Countless large space and big cracks continued to spread, rushed into all directions, expanded to the entire world, to be completely torn apart.

At this time, Ye Chen clearly felt that from the emperor Qinggu’s body, there was a truly supreme imperial prestige, and he was perfect and flawless. He actually pushed his body's remnant soul state back to the state of the Great Perfection emperor. In, is this the means of the Supreme Emperor?

Ye Chen was shocked

It was visible to the naked eye that the thick chains of the gods bound to the Great Emperor Qinggu clashed, and they flew upside down, pulling straight, as if they were about to be torn apart at any time.

At the same time, the ten sacred pillars inserted in the four poles, five internal organs, and Niwan Palace on his body were shaking violently, and there was also a sign of breaking apart.

It's just how Tianhuang Shendi was able to make Qinggu Great Emperor break free, Tianhuang Euphorbia suddenly exploded with billions of meters of light, and with the supreme emperor's might, Shendi waved the Euphorbia and slammed it down.


Qinggu Great Emperor snorted coldly, his huge emperor body possessed the most complete imperial prestige at this moment. The ten sacred pillars had the emperor mark flashing, shaking sharply, and he almost broke free, but he rushed out. An immense imperial prestige collided with it and exploded, completely tearing apart this big world.

Tianhuang Shendi constantly waved Tianhuang Euphorbia to resist, but at this moment he sighed slightly.

Although he is not weaker than the Supreme Imperial Soldier, Shendi is a Shendi after all, not a true unphased king, unable to compete against the Qinggu Great Emperor who used the Heaven-defying spell to push back to the Dzogchen period.

The increasingly terrifying emperor's law kept rushing out, and when it came to the back, Tianhuang Shendi also felt a kind of difficulty.

He usually needs the divine power of others to resuscitate, but self-resuscitation needs to consume more divine power. After awakening this time, he needs more time to fall asleep.


A terrifying rune of the emperor's path suddenly soared into the sky, originating from the Qinggu Great Emperor, and the birthplace exploded, causing the town emperor world to be torn apart and piercing a passage.

In addition, the Qinggu Great Emperor is reciting the mysterious and unfathomable imperial Taoist spells, possessing the incredible powers that tremble the ancients and the present, and there are a kind of terrifying visions that emerge, what is the supreme real demon, the heavenly demon pressure Eternity, the annihilation of the universe, etc., are all emperor's magical powers, terrifying, this big world is unbearable, and it collapses in an all-round way.

There are countless emperor marks in the entire Zhendifeng, with the rules of the emperor's way, which are not visible during the day, but now they are all over the sky, just to guard against this moment.

"Emperor Dan, even if you dare to suppress this emperor, get out."

The Great Emperor Qinggu roared, he did whatever he could, paid a huge price that was almost irreversible, and returned to the state of the imperial realm near the peak. The immeasurable laws of the imperial way and the runes of the great road appeared and collided with it.


The world of this big world was shattered, and a thick beam of light smashed through all the laws of the emperor, and even penetrated the mountain of Zhendifeng, penetrated the outside world, illuminated the entire battlefield of the emperor, and aroused everyone. Attention.

"this is"

Whether it is the ten great ancient kings of the two sides in the battle, or the two armies on the battlefield, stop the fight at this moment and pay attention to the past.

Because they were all in that flaming beam of light, they felt the vast and vast emperor's power, overwhelming and far-reaching, and all the heavens and all spirits would surrender and kneel down, irresistible.

"Could it be that the great emperor of our world broke out"

The five great ancient kings of the foreign race all showed surprise expressions, but the old kings on the other side and the other five great ancient kings showed shock and even amazement.

Once the alien emperor under the township was born, it would definitely be a catastrophe for them.

They wanted to kill with the Supreme Imperial Soldiers and Jiuding Emperor Tu, but they couldn't. There was Emperor Dan's imperial way restriction. At the beginning, the old emperor guarded the Zhendifeng, but now it has become a bond that restrains them from showing their strongest strength.

"Send the blood of the Five Emperors"

At this time, Qinggu Great Emperor's endless majestic voice came from Zhendi Peak.

"Yes, the Great"

How dare the five great ancient kings of the alien race be negligent, riding the five great ancient brutal beasts and rushing over, but the old king and other five great ancient kings naturally couldn't watch the blood of the five emperors sent down and hurriedly shot.


At this time, in the Zhendi Peak, there was a boundless imperial might soaring into the sky, and then suddenly spread, sweeping away all the five kings on this side, completely unstoppable, with a look of awe.

Is it true that Emperor Qinggu is about to recover?

The five avenue bottles carrying the blood of the five emperors are completely disintegrated at this moment, dissolving the sky runes, revealing the five drops of the emperor’s blood, each of which is no more than a thumb, but there is no avenue bottle. After being carried, the endless power belonging to the emperor's blood was completely revealed.


It was visible to the naked eye that the appearance of five drops of the emperor's essence and blood immediately changed the world, and various shocking visions appeared, boiling the sky.

The immeasurable chaos surging up sharply, it can be seen that a big world opens up. In the ups and downs, the mountains and rivers are formed, the stars appear, and there are the birth, birth, aging, sickness and death of all souls in the world. chaos.

Repeatedly and repeatedly, so endlessly.

I also saw the emergence of one kind after another, which only belongs to the chaos, the heavenly holy spirit, endless flashes of thunder, there are also mysterious heavens and gods, three thousand gods roaring

All of this is derived from the blood of the five emperors, and each type of emperor’s essence and blood has different visions, all of which belong to the legend, but also carry the terrible scene of the era war. The great emperor screams blood, the supreme immortal Cheng Bei

Everyone was shocked. Is this the true embodiment of the emperor’s blood?

Each drop seemed to contain an ancient universe, possessing the profound meaning of the heavens and the path, and even the supreme emperor's prestige, which was unparalleled and heart-trembling.

This is the blood of the emperor, one drop is enough to destroy the world and the heavens.

If it is obtained by the Great Qinggu, it is really possible to come back to life against the sky.


The immeasurable emperor's prestige is leaking from the blood of the five emperors, and all the creatures in this perish emperor battlefield, including the ten great ancient kings, have received a strong sense of oppression.

At the same time, the heavens and the earth roared, and another rule of imperial Tao emerged. Located at the highest point of the sky, a magnificent large cauldron emerged, primitive and mysterious. The mouth of the cauldron contains the universe of the universe, the starry sky is vast, and the emperor is permeated. There are countless chains of order and gods intertwined, resisting the emperor prestige of the five emperors.

"this is"

Everyone looked over and felt the flow of emperor prestige. Like the pill emperor cauldron of the Dan emperor clan, it was not a pill emperor cauldron, nor was it a true supreme emperor soldier, but a pure imperial law. .

Obviously this is the emperor mark left by Emperor Dan, but now it has emerged, condensed into an immortal emperor cauldron.


"Di Zu"

The emperor and many members of the Dandi clan were excited.

Especially the emperor felt the aura that her father was familiar with. She has always been strong, tears flickering in her eyes at this moment, her heart trembled, staring at the emperor cauldron, perhaps she could get some traces of her father from it.

However, no one saw that the old king was equally excited, and there were some tears in his eyes, but it was dimmed again.


The emperor descended from the sky, not a true supreme imperial soldier, but at this moment it possesses the true supreme imperial prestige, pressed against the blood of the five emperors, and the chains of order and gods fly out, intertwining the heaven and the earth, and there is the mighty power of the emperor. To obliterate the visions of the heavens, it was necessary to collect the essence and blood of the five emperors and prevent the Qinggu Great Emperor from getting it.

Imperial means

The whole world is shocked, even though Emperor Dan is no longer there, he has also performed the current various things from the endless years ago, leaving such means to stop and avoid the most terrible"

The five great ancient kings of the alien race were horrified and wanted to stop them, but they couldn't be as powerful as them. The emperor's prestige was terrifying, making it difficult for them to break through and enter.


At this moment, in the blood of the Five Emperors, there was a sudden ray of light among them, among them there were five boundless and huge figures appeared, one after another, all the emperors were overwhelming, and the years and years were looming.

This is the emperor, the master of the blood of the five emperors, they can't come over, but they have left a shocking method in the blood of the emperor.

The shadow of the emperor appeared, as if the five emperors of different races had arrived, and the years and years were about to completely manifest. The boundless emperor flooded the battlefield of the emperor, the sky full of stars was completely quake down, and the starry sky became empty and dead. The land.

"Emperor Shadow Coming"

The five great kings, including the old king, the emperor of the Dan clan, and the king of the Yan, all changed color one after another.

Each Dao is a projection of the true Supreme Great Emperor, with corresponding emperor Dao laws, all of them shot, blasting the emperor cauldron on the sky, to smash, and even break the imperial Dao restriction here.


At the same time, the Pill Emperor Cauldron that opened the Emperor Gate far away from the Immortal Pass trembles, bursting open with billions of divine glory, if it is the most flaming sun, then there is a loud bang, Coming through the air, and then completely submerged in the emperor cauldron, the two became one.


The most terrifying emperor prestige is permeated, as if the real emperor is returning against the sky, the emperor's cauldron is fully recovered, the emperor's laws belonging to emperor are fully emerging, and the power of the emperor realm is emerging. , As powerful as the five emperors.

"Everlasting, what is gone will eventually be shattered"

A voice appeared out of thin air, carrying the years, with unparalleled majesty. *Like*Chinese*Chinese*

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