Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1577: Shocking the past

Emperor Qinggu roared: "No, Emperor Dan, you can't do this!"

He struggled hard, not hesitating to burn, in exchange for the emperor's mighty power, which is almost Dzogchen, but the Jiuding map and several supreme emperor soldiers are all glowing, as if the entire chaotic ancient universe is being pressed down, as powerful as a generation of emperors at this moment But he couldn't break free.

Everyone could only watch everything and was shocked by the unparalleled methods of Emperor Dan.

Actually want to sacrifice the Qinggu Great Emperor, and continue an ancient road!

No, at this time, the people of the world realized that the reason why the ancient emperor was not completely killed was to wait for this moment to make the ancient emperor the main medicine of sacrifice.

What an invincible great emperor Dandi who runs through ancient and modern times, actually saw so far-reaching and left such a big handwriting, there is no fear of Qinggu Great Emperor breaking out.

"The Great!"

The alien army naturally couldn't watch the fall of the Great Qinggu, all rushed to rescue him, the countless army behind rushed past.

It was just that Emperor Dan gently shook the Jiuding Emperor map, and several supreme emperor soldiers burst into the supreme emperor's might at the same time, annihilating everything, and directly smashed more than half of the foreign race army into nothing.

All this is because the five emperors supreme soldiers have recovered at the critical moment, and a piece of light has been shaken out, resisting it, otherwise all the powerful aliens, including the five great ancient kings, will be killed.

The five Great Primordial Kings of the alien race were shocked, and the others were shocked.

It can only be said that the emperor's mighty power is unparalleled in the world, even the primordial emperor can hardly contend!

"Go, Qing Gu, your sacrifice will not be wasted!"

Emperor Dan opened his mouth, and the map of Jiuding Emperor was completely sealed off. Zhendifeng once again became a prison for him, rushing to the passage in the Immortal Pass, and gently said: "Jiuding is one, the emperor's road opens!"


A splendid passage leads to the mysterious place, and there are several Supreme Imperial Soldiers recovering and blessing them.

The whole world is shocked, the nine tripods are united, and the emperor's road opens. This is the original point.

It is not only to open the channel, to lead the return of the Dan Emperor's battle soul, but also to continue the ancient road to the land of origin.

It's a pity that everyone has misunderstood all the time, thinking it is the final ancient road leading to emperor and emperor.


At this moment, the five supreme imperial soldiers of the five Great Primordial Kings of the alien race all revived on their own and rushed to the starry sky on the other side.

That is the ancient cosmic passage connecting the alien races, which has always restricted the emperor’s arrival. That is because the alien emperors avoided their arrival, which intensified the fall of the Qinggu Great Emperor’s remnant soul. This has never been forcibly descended. But at this moment everything has changed. The Great Qinggu is about to be sacrificed, which is intolerable by the alien race anyway.

The Emperor Supreme, looking at the entire alien ancient universe, is the top existence and the strongest manifestation of combat power. Otherwise, the Five Emperors' blood will not be sent, and they will continue to rescue.

The alien ancient universe passage there suddenly appeared infinite magic light, and the most terrifying emperor aura was emerging, not only one, but vaguely visible on the other side of the passage, there were one after another, not inferior to the Qinggu Great Emperor. The giant figure is coming across the border.

The big world that needs to be crossed is an ancient universe, and it must truly cross over to appear.

This scene is disgusting.

"You have passed, if you want to come by force, you will all bear a heavy price!" Emperor Dan said slowly, without the slightest fear.

"In spite of the great price, I am not afraid of everything and smash all obstacles!"

An indifferent cold snort came from the passage of the ancient alien universe. It was the alien emperor of the real Dzogchen imperial realm. It was much stronger than the remnant soul of the emperor like Qinggu, and the emperors killed the world. Nian Boom appeared and rushed to Emperor Dan. Everywhere he passed, the world was annihilated and shattered. I don't know how many living creatures in it were annihilated.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Also when crossing the boundary, Yaoxiang controlled the five supreme emperor soldiers, all of them recovered to the extreme, bombarding the emperor Dan, but also to rescue the Qinggu emperor, absolutely can not let him be damaged.

Only with a movement of the emperor's divine mind, the Tianhuang Euphorbia, the Emperor Yan Emperor's soldiers and the other two soldiers all broke away, rushed to this position, rammed into the five foreign race's five emperor soldiers, and resisted.


It's just that the five alien emperors are still coming across the border, and every step they take makes Dediwei more rich and powerful.

On the battlefield of Fallen Emperor, if it were not for the existence of Emperor Dan, otherwise all the other creatures would have been shattered many times, not knowing how many times, and the same is true for the great ancient kings.

There are ants under the emperor!


As if to feel the vast auras of the emperors of the heaven and earth, on the other side of the emperor gate, there are one after another of the emperor doctrines circulating, and there is a supreme existence and I have also seen the emperor gate, seeing here, there is a bright The eyes looked over from that world.

"It's Emperor Dan!?"

The emperor of that vast world opened his mouth, and when he saw Emperor Dan, he was surprised.

"Isn't Emperor Dan in the deepest place? Why does it appear here?" Among them, Emperor Dao Sovereign said, somewhat surprised.

"I understand, it's not the real Dandi, it's his emperor battle soul." Another Supreme Immortal said.

"Well, that was a battlefield of emperors. It was the Qinggu Great Emperor of a foreign race. He was actually restrained, and there was a passage to the universe. The five Great Emperors of the foreign race were going to cross the ancient universe. Isn’t it afraid of being added by the great cause and effect? Body?"

On that cosmic battlefield, one after another Emperor Dao Supreme all sensed the scenes happening here, and was a little surprised.

"Dear friends, please take action to stop them, I need to sacrifice to Qinggu with all my strength, continue the ancient road, and penetrate the origin!" Emperor Dan said, his voice vibrated the 33rd heaven, making the emperor and the Supreme Immortal on the other side All were shocked, Emperor Dan actually wanted to sacrifice Qinggu Great Emperor! ?

This is such a masterpiece!

"it is good!"

There was a voice coming from the Emperor Gate of the Immortal Pass, and I saw that there were also shadows of the world’s emperor appearing there, including the supreme emperor and the supreme immortal, and the same horror The imperial prestige was surging, rushing to the passage of the alien ancient universe along the Immortal Tianguan Emperor Gate to block.

"You are looking for death, do you want to go to war with my ancient universe?"

The five great foreign emperors roared, shaking the ancient and modern future, looking at the great emperor and the Supreme Immortal in the Tianguan Emperor's Gate.

"If you want to go to war, just come!"

The emperor and the Supreme Immortal on the other side had no fear at all. If they hadn't had corresponding restrictions, they would also have crossed the border.

At this time, Emperor Dan completely suppressed the Great Emperor Qinggu with the map of the Jiuding Emperor and the peak of Zhendi, and let the Emperor Dan leave, which shocked his whole body, causing the vast emperor body of the Emperor Qinggu to burn. , The whole body is burning with the mighty power of Emperor Dao, so terrible that the ancient and the present and the future are shaking.

It seems that I have seen it. The long river of years is manifesting. In the ancient, modern and future, there are shocking figures after another, all being sensed, and they are looking over.

Shocking the past and the present!

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