Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1584: After the robbery, get started!


Ye Chen roared, full of unwillingness. The Chaos Little Universe just now has evolved a lot. As long as he is given enough time, he can be surely perfected completely. When he is perfected, he will have heaven-defying good fortune coming to him. Even he will gain immeasurable divine power for creating a small chaos universe, allowing him to improve faster.

But now everything is broken.

He rushed out of the tattered chaotic small universe, and his head was full of black dancing and flying, and an unparalleled grandeur emerged from his whole person, capable of sweeping the sky and shattering everything.

"you wanna die!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, his eyes sharp like a pair of heavenly swords, cutting everything apart.


He proactively attacked, driving the Great Chaos Cauldron, and slammed head-on towards the incarnation of the tenth day.


The avatar of the tenth day flickered and did not continue to maintain the state of unity. The avatars of the nine heavens all walked out, and together they attacked Ye Chen's most terrible total attack.


Ye Chen's body was broken to pieces, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't completely resist the combined attack of the ten heavenly incarnations, and he was completely broken to pieces, and nothing was there anymore.

Ye Chen reorganized his body, panting in the fierce battle, and summoned the Great Chaos Cauldron, stepped out of the Supreme Chaos Body, and fought together with himself.

At the same time, the chaotic universe began to be repaired, and the broken caves were repaired. The eight divine power clones did not enter Ye Chen's deity. Instead, they continuously released the eight original divine powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder, and continued to push forward. Evolve with the chaotic small universe.

Everyone was shocked. The Saint King of Fighting wanted to resist the incarnation of the ten heavens by one person, and let the chaotic universe continue to evolve. What an act of not being afraid of death, how could he stand up to ten by himself? The incarnation of the great sky, every way is not weaker than the deity of the fighting and fighting holy king. The ten ways come, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha.

It’s just that they don’t know. Ye Chen has already had experience in battle. He has always been fighting the incarnation of these days like this every time he breaks through the great realm. The experience is very familiar. Although he has been blown away several times, he has Eucharist regeneration is always immortal.

Among them, he even swallowed two gods one after another, and these two gods have always played their role.

Originally, the gods were able to give the heavenly king a great opportunity to become powerful, especially when the main medicine was refined as a medicine spirit, its effect was even more heaven-defying, and most people would definitely be able to break through.

Although it is impossible for Ye Chen, the most enchanting Supreme Tianjiao, to reach this level, the effect is still great. Two times, he returned to the peak state, fighting the incarnation of the ten heavens, constantly conquering the heavens and the earth, fighting for the robbery. Guang Lei Hai blasted out a bright universe, killing everyone in the world.

At the very least, even the power of the Five Heavens couldn't achieve Ye Chen's level.

He relied on various means to fight against the incarnation of the ten heavens, killing extremely fiercely.

On the other hand, the chaotic universe was once again repaired and continued to surging. When it was perfected, a lot of insights poured into Ye Chen’s mind, which made his understanding of chaos continue to improve, and the more chaotic attacks he performed Terrifying.

This calamity lasted for a full day and night, and it lasted. The degree of durability was that the Primordial King was deeply stunned. How could there be such a long and powerful calamity.

Among them, Ye Chen had been destroyed nine times, and under the unavoidable circumstances, Yao Ling had sacrificed several plants to repair the origin, otherwise how could he survive again and again.

His fundamental purpose is to survive the catastrophe and finally complete it completely.

Only in the end, even Ye Chen felt it was difficult to hold on. He rushed back to the chaotic cosmos. The whole person was hungry like a hungry man, madly swallowing a large amount of chaotic source power in the cosmos, repairing himself, and letting Ye Raise the state quickly in the morning, and constantly impact and return to the peak state.


It's just that at this time the ten avatars of the heavens have all been killed again, and they are brave and unparalleled, and they smashed the sky and the earth at once, killing the entire chaotic universe almost to crack.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was almost crazy. This is the small chaotic universe that he finally evolved. After a day and night of evolution, it has improved a lot. How can he let the small universe collapse like this?


At this moment, Ye Chen yelled loudly, opened his own body, and made the dantian space collapse into a source.

Achieve great power, you can open up the original world in the body and master the vast world power.

Ye Chen is also powerful, naturally, but it hasn't really been opened yet. Now let the Dantian space become the source point, and open up the original world here.

But he was really unwilling to abandon the chaotic small universe created by his painstaking efforts, and directly allow the small universe to contain it, and use the Dantian space in his body as the source to accept it.

Perhaps one day he will not only open up the original universe, but also the original universe. This is his big ambition!


The entire chaotic universe was integrated with the Dantian source point, and it was completely unified with Ye Chen.

But it was not a truly perfect chaotic universe, and it was still a lot different, but at least Ye Chen could continue to perfect it in the future.

And at this moment, an infinite source of chaos burst out of the small chaos universe, and the chaotic source light cluster in the center was completely broken. It was the source power light cluster of the chaotic clone of the Chaos Overlord.

A large amount of Chaos Source Power filled Ye Chen's limbs and corpses. At this moment, Ye Chen was recovered and stood at the peak state again. He wanted to rush over and continue to fight the incarnation of the Ten Great Heavens and the heavens.

He crossed the six and eight wastes, and collided with the incarnation of the ten heavens. His chest collapsed, his right side was pierced, his legs were broken, and a blood hole was left in the center of his eyebrows. He paid the price of blood, but it was also ten heavens. The avatar shuddered especially the avatar of the tenth day most feared, unable to see its true face at all, surrounded by chaotic light, the most terrifying, but also the horrible existence that left a blood hole in Ye Chen's eyebrows.


It's just that the vast and mighty calamity has come to an end, Ye Chen basically finished the triumph, the ten incarnations of heaven all returned to the thunder light gate, and all of them disappeared.

The whole world was amazed that the fighting sage king really guarded the sky, completely breaking through the mighty realm. I don't know how terrifying it is, and its combat power will inevitably rise again.

But what is shocking is that Ye Chen did not stand there to let the robbery disappear, but at this moment, he suddenly rose into the sky, shuttled directly past the robbery and thunder sea, and finally appeared in the thunder light. Before, standing on it, facing the incarnation of the ten heavens.

What's the matter, does the fighting saint king want to continue to fight the incarnation of the ten heavens?

It was just that Ye Chen brushed the ground, ignoring the incarnation of the ten heavens, and rushed into the Thunder Light Gate, completely plunged into it, and his whole person disappeared.

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