Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1586: Lost, awakened!

Ye Chen became the world's lord and supreme **** of a world.

Calm down all directions, stabilize the nine heavens and ten places, and made great achievements. The countless creatures in the whole world regarded him as the supreme **** and worshipped him. Stone statues of him were erected everywhere to worship.

Strands of mysterious rays of light flashed across the sky, continuously condensing in the sky above Ye Chen's head, it was actually the power of faith, and it quickly turned into an ocean of power of faith.

Ye Chen touched his hand to take a wisp of power of faith, shaking his heart thoughtfully.

This kind of power, he seemed to have known each other before, as if he had seen it before, but he could never remember it, only a vague impression.

"I've seen it before, but it's hard to remember." Ye Chen muttered to himself, the sea of ​​divine consciousness seemed to be blinded, and there was a part of his memory that he couldn't remember.


He trembles the holy soul villain in the Niwan Palace, his body is full of light, but there is also a hazy haze on it, unable to break through.

After becoming the lord of this world, Ye Chen turned and left, because he saw that the people at the bottom of the other big world also suffered a lot, and he wanted to continue to fight to rescue these suffering people.

"Are you the one who pacified the 63rd Realm? Very powerful, very young, with great potential. You can follow your own king to fight for the emperor, and expel all the invaders."

Soon, Ye Chen was cared by the generation of kings who commanded the true hegemon of the seven worlds, including this world, and promoted him to become a powerful general around him for even more terrifying battles.

Among them, Ye Chen seemed to have really forgotten the other side of the Lightning Light Gate, and also forgot that everything in front of him was nothing more than the evolution of the catastrophe. It actually took root and continued to fight in it.

From the lord of the world on one side, through constant battles, he became the first strong general under the emperor, and finally followed the emperor in the battle, confronting the vast army carried by the Supreme Immortal on the other side, killing the sky and the earth, as if more Over the years, everything will disappear completely.

Later, Ye Chen didn't know how many years he had fought. He seemed to have lost himself, and he didn't know who he was. He just knew how to fight.

Among them, his realm has never been improved, but the more round and natural, and the stronger the control of the chaos, the combat power has always been improved at a slow and stable degree, and he has become a terrifying overlord of the power realm. .

And every time he kills a creature of Heaven Tribulation, there will be a ray of light that sinks into his body. Relative to the creature that is killed, the stronger the creature that is killed, the more the light of the sun will attract attention, otherwise It's the opposite.

Ye Chen also didn't know what effect these rays of light had, only that it was temporarily harmless to him, and it would be difficult to find it even if it was submerged in his body.


In the end, when Ye Chen killed the eighteenth enemy power, all the rays of light bloomed in his body, and also resonated with the accumulated power of faith, and his brows suddenly glowed, compared to the sky. The sun will still shine brightly.


The most mysterious mark of the moon on the eyebrows suddenly turned out a mysterious light, causing the chaos holy soul villain in Ye Chen's Niwan Palace to bloom with blazing chaotic light, and the mist entwining it completely dissipated, restoring clarity.

"this is--"

Ye Chen's whole body was shocked, and his slightly blank eyes came clear, and he was completely awakened. All the information was connected, and they all came together instantly.

When I understand that I have been lost in it for a long time, I have a special fear.

This heavenly tribulation world actually contained a special kind of confusion, which made him unknowingly lost in it, mistakenly thinking that he was one of them.

It was terrifying, if it weren't for the brilliance of the mark of the moon, he would have difficulty awakening.

He doesn't even know how many years he has been lost, I am afraid that at least ten years have passed.

Sure enough, this heavenly tribulation world is forbidden, and it cannot be easily entered if it is not strong enough.

Even Ye Chen looked at the past and couldn't find the way back.

Is he going to be completely lost in this heavenly tribulation world?


At the same time, the final battle broke out, and even in the most central position of the battlefield, there were two stalwart existences standing upright. I don’t know how stalwart it is, and its figure is enough to make the eternal time and space tremble. Everything seems so small in comparison, if it is smoke and dust, the heavens and all realms are not comparable.

I also saw the heavens and all the ways around them, there was a strange trembling, and I was surrendering.

That is the supreme Emperor Dao Supreme, and the other confrontation with it, accompanied by the peerless vast immortal machine, is the Supreme Immortal!

The confrontation between the two supreme beings in ancient and modern times is the battle between the emperor and the immortal, in this world of heaven.

When the final emperor confronted the Supreme Immortal, Ye Chen was shocked.

Because at this moment, he looked up and saw the very center of the battlefield, and even the midpoint of everything. The years and years were manifesting, the emperor and the supreme immortal both entered another dimension of time and space, and saw a stalwart emperor. Ying, he came in from another battlefield.

Hei Pisan, one eye is full of vitality, in which there are the heavens and all spirits, and all things grow, deducing the profound meaning of the road of life.

However, the other eye seemed to have buried everything in the world, with the boundless underworld **** in it, boundless life, boundless corpses.

He is so stalwart and unparalleled, he plunged straight into this battlefield, and behind him a stalwart heavenly gate emerged, as if it could penetrate through all time and space throughout the ages, with the immortal great power scattered and flowing.

"The doorkeeper——"

When Ye Chen saw him, the whole person woke up suddenly, also with unparalleled excitement.

Because this is the Sect Master of the Heavenly Gate, he was able to see this senior again. He clearly passed away a hundred years ago. However, in the Heavenly Tribulation World within the Thunder Light Gate, he can continue to see the Sect Master of the Heavenly Gate, and even more The powerful gesture appeared, which made him excited.

He wanted to shout, calling the Tianmen Sect Master, but he couldn't, because he was there, and because of the appearance of the Tianmen Sect Master, another emperor and Dao Supreme Sovereign had also killed him, and together with the other party's Supreme Immortal, he moved the most terrible The battle of A great melee broke out directly.

The immeasurable laws of the emperor's path overwhelmed everything, and it was impossible to see what kind of fierce fighting had occurred. The figure of the Tianmen Sect Master was submerged in it, so how could it be truly seen.

If it is not in the special dimension of the long river of years, otherwise once the emperor battle explodes, the aftermath will be enough to destroy any power.

And there is also a big battle here. Both armies are fighting together. In the blink of an eye, there are endless creatures lost. The mighty life is like a grass, and the Primordial King can’t get better. Although it is the top combat power, there are also people. The ground passed away.

This was an endless and terrifying duel. Ye Chen turned into a member of the battle, rushing to kill the opponent, beheading a hostile majesty, and I don’t know how much he was killed under the majesty.

Ye Chen's killing made the whole person go crazy, he kept fighting, and he kept fighting and killing in chaos.


In the end, with a terrible loud noise, in the time and space dimension of the long river of years, the most fierce imperial battle also came to an end.

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