Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1597: Saint King is strong!

"Don't think about it!"

How could the nine-headed snake be willing, roaring and roaring, all the nine snakes sprayed out nine dazzling road beams, and rushed past.

It was just that Gong Xuan let out a cold snort, and his big hand shook out a piece of Dao law, actually resisting all the nine Dao Dao light beams, using real strength, a sudden shock, and completely shattered.

But the big hand was also shattered.

Gong Xuan's expression sinks slightly, with a cold snort, he rushes over, showing even more powerful magical powers, a huge phantom of heaven and earth directly expands, that belongs to the original heaven and earth of Gong Xuan, he clearly wants to The nine-headed serpent directly captured and entered his origin world.

The Hydra also opened up the world of origin.

The two phantoms of heaven and earth violently collided, and the entire ancient test pass was rumbling non-stop, and the void continued to collapse.

If it weren't for the trial of the ancient pass, it would have been broken.

It's just that Gong Xuan's was stronger, and it directly shattered Nine Snake's phantom of heaven and earth.


Nine Snake hurriedly called, otherwise he would be completely included.


At this moment, a heroic and slender figure suddenly plunged into it. It was Ye Chen, with a cold expression: "Enough, stop."

When Gong Xuan saw it, he was now the well-known Fighting Saint King, but he sneered: "It turns out that you are the Fighting Saint King, but you are only powerful. It seems that you are just not famous, and you are not much. It’s amazing, enter the original world of this seat with your subordinates, and submit to this seat.”

His origin world opened up even more enormously, and the huge world of mighty force overwhelmed the sky, sealed the sky and the earth, wrapped Ye Chen and the nine-headed snake directly, and wanted to pull into his origin world.

Seeing that Ye Chen's whole person was completely covered by Gong Xuan's phantom of heaven and earth, many people were startled at first, and then couldn't help shaking their heads in disappointment.

I thought that the fighting sage king is very powerful and can really fight against these ancient little overlords, but when he raises his hand, he will be suppressed in the original world. The so-called fighting sage king’s prestige is really just a continuation of his name. People are just exaggerating.

It's just that the other two little ancient road overlords changed their expressions drastically at this time: "The third brother, be careful!"

In the next moment, Ye Chen looked at Gong Xuan indifferently, and said: "You passed, you really think you are someone who dare to accept me?"


It can be seen with naked eyes that Ye Chen suddenly shot, and his body shook suddenly. The four ghost ghosts rushed out of his body, representing the power of the four origins of earth, water, fire and wind. Coming here, possessing world-shocking power in the Great Dao, tore open the vast phantom of the world, and rushed out with Ye Chen and the Nine-Headed Serpent.

At the same time, Ye Chen smashed the ground and rushed directly to the front of Gong Xuan. The speed was astonishing. If it is Shendi Linchen, without saying anything, an immortal holy fist is blasted out, with surging chaos. The ancient atmosphere, the world, the world, and the earth are deriving from each side, as if the eternal worlds are suppressing the Gong Xuan together.

"So strong!"

Gong Xuan's expression changed on the spot. He could fully feel the horror of Ye Chen's fist, which shocked him, and hurriedly shot to resist, a radiant light, as if a fairy was born, containing a powerful **** channel technique. It is the magical power of the fairy world.

"Broken!" Ye Chen spit out a word coldly, and there was a loud bang. He stood still like a mountain, always standing there, never going backwards even half a step, but Gong Xuan was a real individual who was blown away and went backwards. Hundreds of steps only stopped the figure, but blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his right arm was broken, and he looked at Ye Chen in shock.

In fact, not only him, but also the other two ancient little overlords and everyone in the city were stunned.

Gong Xuan is actually no match for the fighting king?

The five great ancient road Tianjiao who had been provocative were even more shocked. This fighting saint king was actually so powerful that he was not even his opponent, who was known as the little overlord of the ancient road?

Ye Chen took a big step, and the whole person rushed towards the palace xuan. However, at this moment, another strong figure appeared. It was another ancient little overlord whose aura was blooming, not weaker than the palace xuan, even More powerful.

Boom boom boom -

In the blink of an eye, there was a series of collisions between the two, the divine light and the fairy light shining brilliantly, shattering the void in all directions, and countless ripples on the road spread.

It's just that Ye Chen's figure is still motionless, but the other little ancient road overlord has completely retreated, at least withdrew thousands of feet, looking at Ye Chen in shock.

So strong!

This little ancient road overlord has a solemn expression. It is necessary to know that he is the strongest and not weaker than Gongxuan Capital, but under the previous frontal collision, he still fell in the wind, which is enough to prove the power of the fighting king.

Of course, he didn't really show his true strength either.

"Do you want to die too!"

Ye Chen spoke coldly, with a bitter killing intent, covering the entire thirty-ninth pass, as if the entire ancient pass for trial had become cold in an instant, and everyone felt a chill.

What a terrible killing intent!

The second Gulu Little Overlord will naturally not let go. He wears a divine crown, has a slender body and a sevenfold divine light, named Gong Nanshan. He looked at Ye Chen coldly and said, "You don't have this yet. Qualification. If you dare to hurt my brother, you want to die."

He strode out, and his body had a stronger Dao Qi exploding, sweeping across the sky, each of the seven divine lights shining with different colors, red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple one layer after another, very scary, and terrifying. The vision of heaven and earth is appearing.

Trial of the Guguan drama quake, worthy of the little overlord of the ancient road, really terrible.


At the same time, a divine sword appeared in Gong Nanshan's hand. It was seven feet long and was exceptionally long. The colorful divine light was heavily added to the divine sword, and it directly pierced Ye this sword. Under the circumstances, ordinary power will undoubtedly die.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised a cold arc, and he leaped over.


Even if it is a humanoid dragon, the whole world is trembling, as if it can't bear his existence, and the world is about to collapse, the terrifying aura blooms over the sky, and the heart trembles.

Ye Chen Hengkong, a war spear appeared in his hand. It was the soldier he had obtained. It belonged to a certain supreme arrogant. It was cut from the sky. It was simple and straightforward, but it seemed as if it was carrying a heavy world. Excessive.

Everyone wants to know which one is strong and weak when the two strongest collide head-on.


However, when the two strongest men collided head-on, a celestial light suddenly penetrated into the air, so fast that many ancient Tianjiao in the ancient pass of the trial had not reacted, and only an elegant figure suddenly penetrated into the two. Between the people, and the whole body, there was an immeasurable celestial light, vast and mighty, with the most terrifying waves.

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