Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1599: Unfathomable

Gong Xuan was very puzzled and unwilling. Not only did he fail to achieve the desired effect, but on the contrary he apologized in front of everyone in the entire trial of the ancient pass, which made him feel aggrieved.

If it is possible, he would rather die in battle than that. It really hurts the majesty of the little overlord of the ancient road. What would people think of the three brothers of the palace family after it was passed?

"Big brother, second brother, let me ask myself, if you don’t say that my brother is three-pointed into one, you will surely kill that nasty fighting king with your shots. He is just a superpower in the world. The realm is so different. Why? Do you want to lose your prestige and apologize to him?"

Gong Nanshan, the second child of the three brothers, is also puzzled. Although the fighting power of the Saint King is indeed too strong and can collide head-on, who are the three of them? They are the little overlords of the ancient road. , By no means a vain name, if you really want to fight, you may not be afraid of this fighting sage.

Even once it was shot, he was confident that he could kill the King of Fighting with a 90% certainty.

At this point, Gong Nanshan deeply believes that as the boss of Gong Shen Xue, his cultivation is so powerful that he is not only better than the other two big ancient road hegemons, and even the two of them can't say that they can defeat the big brother. The cultivation is so powerful, no need to doubt!

On the central throne of the mansion, the palace **** Xue sits on it, with a body surrounded by immortal glory, and his body is as rich as jade, and his body is full of clouds. There is no doubt that he is a handsome and beautiful man with a kind of immortality that does not eat the fireworks. Since many women look more beautiful, the silk is accompanied by brilliant light.

He said: "He is very powerful, not to be underestimated!"

Although it was just a simple sentence, it caused the other two ancient road overlords Gong Nanshan and Gongxuan to change their expressions, as if they had seen something terrifying, and they were shocked.

You must know that although Gong Shenxue looks very gentle and treats people like jade, but the two brothers of the Gong family who are familiar with him know that the eldest brother is a very arrogant and supreme arrogant, and will not easily recognize others, let alone be peers. , Not many people can be recognized by him.

Even if the two of them are stronger than the ordinary young supreme, they are barely recognized. Only the heirs of the supreme sons and daughters will be truly recognized.

And Gong Shenxue is indeed qualified to do so, even the supreme heirs of the Supreme Immortal in the prehistoric immortal world are quite jealous of his elder brother and recognize his combat power.

It was precisely this that made the two brothers unbelievable, but the powerful fighting saint king would be so recognized by Gong Shen Xue.

Gong Shen Xue’s eyes were peaceful, but unfathomable. After sweeping his two brothers, Gong Nanshan and Gong Xuan couldn’t help lowering their heads, saying: “Although he is only a powerful man, don’t forget that he is not only It is only the Supreme Tianjiao, it is also the young Supreme in the line of fighting saints, and also a chaos cultivator. It is rumored that it is the first ten heavenly confinement since the era of the sealed universe to achieve ten heavenly arrogance, not weaker than that. The emperor, maybe even he is stronger."

"Mighty One Heaven? As far as I know, he was able to fight the Mighty Fifth Heaven before he was still great. Now that he is promoted, he can be called Chaos Mighty. Its combat power is immeasurable, and I dare not say anything. There is a ten-percent certainty that you can defeat it. If it weren't for me to come today, and even come forward to stop it, most of you won't be able to come back with the character of the saint king."

Suddenly, Gong Nanshan and Gong Xuan both had cold backs. In the past, they had always believed that the fighting sage king was retrograde to attack the immortals, and the heavenly kings against the great power of the five heavens were only achieved with the help of the supreme emperor's soldiers. One step, but according to the words of the eldest brother Gong Shenxue, the fighting saint king can clearly do this by relying on his own cultivation base, and now the achievement of great power is no less than that of his brother. What a terrifying combat power this should be.

Just thinking about it is enough to make your heart palpitating.

"You are really too much. When I was in retreat, I sent the Scarlet Heaven King to let the Fighting Saint King come to visit us. If he is stronger, it will not end so easily." Gong Shenxue again Yes, although the expression is calm, it puts a lot of pressure on the two of them.

"Big brother, but if our three brothers fight together, no matter how strong he is, he will be taken down. I don't believe that he can kill the two of us in front of Big Brother." Gong Xuan insisted.

His eldest brother Gong Shenxue, although not the heir of the supreme, is not much weaker, is the top of the ranks of the supreme arrogance, and has entered the realm of great power for a hundred years, and has already deepened his skills. Once he shoots, he fights the holy king. No matter how strong it is, it is difficult to contend, not to mention the three brothers working together, they will inevitably pass by.

Gong Shenxue was as peaceful as ever, with a different charm on her smile, saying: "It's okay, it's inconvenient to make a shot in the city, and he has great achievements in this ancient universe. If he does, he will definitely be condemned."

Regarding Ye Chen carrying the Heavenly Tribulation to prevent the five foreign emperors from crossing the boundary and successfully defeating the cosmic channel, the three brothers naturally understood.

"Hmph, it's just that he relied on Heavenly Tribulation. His Heavenly Tribulation is indeed terrible, but it is only when I feel that the five great emperors of the alien race have raised the imperial abilities to that point and can collapse the ancient universe passage of the alien race." Cold snort.

Even so, but I have to admit that the Fighting Saint King really has made great achievements, and you can't shoot casually, otherwise it will be targeted.

"Okay, let's listen to what the big brother said. When the world of trial is opened, it is a trial of the ancient road. Even if I wait for the battle against the holy king, no one dares to speak. Let's see how he resists the attacks of my three brothers." Gong Xuan Dao.

The palace **** Xue Xue's eyes opened and closed, and she closed her eyes, silent, but it had a different meaning.

In this way, the thirty-ninth pass was also calm for three days.

Soon, three days later, Zhenguan Da Neng returned, and learned that the arrival of the fighting king has always been before Zhen Guan Da Neng’s message, and immediately opened the world of The trial world of the nine passes is in the starry sky. It is a cosmic secret realm, which is full of various broken star belts. There are fragments of broken stars, and there is also a terrible piece of the Dead Sea. The land is vast and vast, and many star debris are floating in the Dead Sea.

Naturally, it was also the main battlefield of the **** wars in the past. Generally speaking, the test of the ancient pass would be selected in such a place, for the ancient road Tianjiao, it has the nature of trial.

Accompanied by the great drink of Zhenguan Da Neng, many ancient road Tianjiao all soared into the sky, one after another into the vast trial world.


Ye Chen also came here, followed by Nine Snake.

The three ancient little overlords of the palace family are also not far away, but the eyes of Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan are full of icy cold, but Gong Shenxue smiled at the night car. Gentle, very brilliant, eye-catching.

Rao Ye Chen had to admit that this was indeed a character, and this kind of face made people feel very fond, but it was difficult to know in the dark, he was quite defensive about Gong Shenxue.

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