Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1607: Open the universe!

"Fine, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and it's time to go out now."

Ye Chen let out a long sigh of relief. The moment he grew up, his muscles and bones stretched, and there was a crackling sound.

Later, if the bones and muscles were thundering, the surrounding stars were constantly trembling and cracking. One can imagine how terrifying the physical Eucharist was, and even the stars seemed to be unable to contain his existence.


At the same time, the palace **** Xue, who has been paying attention from the outside world, suddenly burst into divine light, and looked towards the starry sky prison, as if he also felt something wrong.


It can be seen to the naked eye that the Great Chaos Cauldron, which has suffered all kinds of destructive forces and is full of cracks. At this moment, the great cauldron shook, and there was a majestic wave of air that spread violently. It retreated all the destruction attacks, forming an absolute vacuum, which attracted the attention of many people.

The Eighteen Zerg Mother Queen paid attention to the past for the first time.

In the middle of the chaotic great cauldron, the Ding Li was lifted off, and a slender heroic figure walked out from it, with scattered black hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and deep eyes. It was indeed the fighting king.

He walked around the ancient chaos and stood on a tripod.

At the same time, countless cracks on the Great Chaos Cauldron were healed quickly at this moment, until they were intact and simple and unpretentious, with road after road imprinted on them shining brightly, which were killed in the past. The mark of the strongest, at this moment, seems to be psychic, rising into the sky.

"What, how is it possible!"

"Impossible, Saint King Fighting has nothing to do!"

"No, even the pinnacle power has to be slowly burned and refined, he cannot be safe and sound!"

Don't say it was someone else, even the Zerg Mother Queen in the 18-star lair exclaimed, it was all incredible.

Facing the devastating attack of the refining formation formed by their eighteen Zerg mother kings, the fighting sage king was not only safe, and judging from the faint aura emanating from him, it was obviously stronger than before. A breakthrough.

How can this be?


Even if the super power is trapped, under the concentrated attack for a long time, it will be disabled if it is not dead, at least it will leave a serious injury, it is impossible to be safe like this.

However, the fact is right now!

The Fighting Saint King was safe and sound, and his enlightenment chaos cauldron was the same, it was a monster, beyond expectation.

Gong Shenxue's eyes were instantly radiant, and she seemed to be muttering to herself, and the corners of her mouth raised an arc: "What a fighting king, it really didn't disappoint me!"


The Nine-headed Serpent and Abenu, who was embarrassed by the force in the distance, was extremely surprised, and as expected, he was invincible.

"Impossible!" Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan also changed their colors. This result made them very difficult to accept, but they soon became cold: "It is just the fighting sacrament, and the chaos young supreme, the body is inherently strong. It is normal to be able to bear it. The starry sky prison formed by the eighteenth Zerg mother king is combined in a formation method, not as simple as one plus one stacking. The fighting king can resist destruction attacks, but it will not work if you want to get out of trouble. Trapped there."

Obviously, they recognized the immortality of Ye Chen's Chaos Eucharist, but still didn't think he could break through the starry sky prison and escape.

This is where Hydra and Abenu worry about them. If this is the case, they will be very critical.

"Human, the fighting king, you are indeed very powerful. Not only did you resist our attacks, but you also had breakthroughs. I have to admire you. But we still don't believe that you have the ability to break through the eighteenth formed by our eighteen kings. The star formation." A Zerg mother king said, with a rare touch of dignity, even they all had to admit the power of this Human Race Fighting Saint King.

However, that's only the case, they are still full of confidence in the Eighteen Star Array.

"Oh, is it so?"

Ye Chen's black hair was scattered, and the whole person possessed a special imperial posture, and his demeanor could shine through the past and the present.

Under countless stunned gazes, he swept towards the lair of eighteen stars and smiled slightly: "Although I don't know if I can break it, I still want to thank you for repairing the small chaotic universe for me. If it's not like this, I I can't get the biggest epiphany this time."


At the next moment, Ye Chen suddenly burst into a great terrifying coercion that had never been seen before. It was the cosmic majesty, overwhelming the sky and coercing the sky.

One by one, illusory worlds and worlds continue to emerge. He is like the emperor of the ten thousand realms, standing in the center, looking at the nest of eighteen stars, and gently said: "In order to express my gratitude to you, let you see , The strongest forbidden magical power I have suddenly realized——"

His black hair was dancing and fluttering, and if he looked like a real dragon, he was roaring and howling.

He strode out and descended in front of the light curtain of the avenue with a sweeping sound, and the depth between his eyes was many times deep in an instant, as if there was a sinking in the era of era, unfathomable.

A fist just blasted out.


The world shook, the stars trembled!

The blow of this fist seemed to be very slow, but at the moment it blasted, the fist suddenly rushed out one after another of ancient chaos, across the sky, and there were countless strands of light emerging.

Each ray of light represents a kind of Dao law, thousands of wisps are thousands of different Dao laws, all of which are emerging and evolving into the heavens.

At this moment, Wan Dao exploded suddenly, and a huge spherical phantom emerged.

It was hazy, but it was only a radius of ten feet, but the moment it appeared, there was a terrible loud bang, and the whole world seemed to collapse completely. An immeasurable coercion spread, and it was terrible. , As if this starry sky cannot bear to be completely annihilated.

That's right, it is the phantom of the universe, not the simple phantom of the big world in the past, it contains the miniature phantom of the heavens and the world, and it also contains a great terror and pressure that has never been seen before.

This is the power of Chaos, the coercion of the world of Chaos Sea's highest level. If it is a mature chaotic universe such as the sealed universe and alien universe, the coercion is even more terrifying than the Emperor Supreme.

Because this chaotic universe can give birth to the Dao of Heaven, and it can also give birth to the Emperor Supreme.

Although Ye Chen's punch is far from being comparable, he may not be able to grow to this point in the future, opening up the universe with one punch. At that point, perhaps Ye Chen has also transcended eternity.

The strongest taboo magical power-

Open the universe!

PS: Chinese New Year, I wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year in advance. In addition, in order to show the readers’ continued support, Xunyue intends to send out red envelopes in the VIP group tonight. Welcome everyone to join. The group number is: 476516255. The most basic requirement is still a deacon, thank you!

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