Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1609: As long as their lives!

"Huh, little bugs!"

The two big ancient road little overlords snorted, they both admitted that the fighting king is indeed very powerful, but just want to slap them and kill them?

wishful thinking!

It's just that when they really greeted the two slaps, their expressions suddenly changed, and they only felt that each palm was huge, not only that, but more like it contained a chaotic world and contained all kinds of things. Dao Shenshen is unparalleled in mystery and terrifying.

Both of them hurriedly used their supernatural powers to contend, both of them screamed, and the fairy machines were flaring many times, using their true strength.


The starry sky exploded, and the figures of the two big ancient road little overlords were shot flying, and they fell into the depths of the starry sky, thousands of miles away from here, and I didn't know how many ancient road Tianjiao was stunned.


too strong!

A simple two slaps actually caused the two great ancient road little overlords to be shot flying, which is a manifestation of what a mighty and unparalleled terrorist combat power.

What realm has the Fighting Saint King promoted to.

It’s just how they know that a simple slap in the face contains Ye Chen’s deep insights about chaos, chaos can destroy all the laws of the road, is naturally suppressed by all the laws of the great road, and it kills one of the two big ancient roads. Caught off guard.

It is precisely because of this that Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan were blown away.

After all, the opponent is not the ordinary ancient road Tianjiao, but the ancient road little overlord, the young supreme from the heaven, who has entered the power realm for a hundred years, and can not be easily defeated by two or three moves.

However, only the Chaos Power like Ye Chen could do this step. He was too strong after all, otherwise he would be replaced by other Supreme Tianjiao, even the emperor of the same rank would not be able to do it.


Nine snakes and Abenu were all excited, but they didn't expect the Lord to really get out of trouble.

Ye Chen descended and shot out two chaotic divine rays of light, submerged in their bodies, the **** king resurrection technique was operating, repairing their injuries.

Then he looked over, and his eyes fell on Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan in the distance. Although both were swept away, they were not fatally injured. They are the little overlord of the ancient road, why would there be no response? His healing method, taking the healing **** pill, quickly repaired the injury.

Just facing Ye Chen's indifferent eyes, the spine suddenly became cold, but he did not want to be softened, and coldly said: "Battle Saint King, what else do you want to do?"


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised an increasingly icy arc, both of them were shocked, and it could be seen that the Fighting Saint King was really intent on killing.


Ye Chen passed across the sky and rushed towards the two ancient little overlords.

However, at this moment, someone appeared to stop him. It was Gong Shenxue, who was full of celestial splendor, and his whole body dashed across and fell in front of Ye Chen.

"Fighting Saint King, whether this matter is in my face, I will expose it." The palace **** Xuefeng is like a jade, and the whole person has a kind of flying fairy-like and non-eating fireworks, which is a comparison Women also have handsome men, which makes people feel good.

But Ye Chen was solemn, because the palace **** Xue seemed to be gentle and jade, but the feeling he gave him was similar to that of Yuan Yang Shen Wang and Zhao Chen. They were all unfathomable and very disturbing.

If there is anyone in the court who can make Ye Chen take it seriously, pay attention to it, and treat him as an opponent, there is only this palace **** Xue.

The two top powerhouses confronted each other in the starry sky, causing countless people to focus on the past.

It is true that the strength displayed by the Fighting Saint King is indeed very enchanting and terrifying, but the feeling that Gong Shenxue gives to others is always unfathomable. Although he rarely makes a shot, every shot is invincible. It was let Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan admit that they were elder brothers, which shows that they are definitely an incredibly powerful, peerless powerhouse.

Now he confronted the Saint King Douzhan, and immediately made everyone pay great attention to the past. In fact, he wanted to know if the two strongest people collided, which one is stronger and weaker, it is very exciting.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's expression was cold, and he said indifferently: "Why didn't you stop your two younger brothers earlier, and didn't come forward until now."

Gong Shenxue shook his head: "I didn't pay attention just now, I have been paying attention to you, fellow Taoist."

Many people nodded at this point. Gong Shenxue never moved from the beginning to the end, and even Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan never responded to the questioning. He seemed to be immersed in the process of observing the battle of the Saint King, and never distracted. .

It's just that Ye Chen's face became more and more indifferent.

Never noticed?

You must know that even if it is a retreat from the heavenly king, you can also draw a ray of mind and pay attention to the outside world, unless it is in a state of epiphany.

And Gong Shenxue, such a peerless powerhouse, would have fallen all of his minds on him, this was clearly just a deception.

"If you don't leave, don't blame me for taking the shot." Ye Chen slowly said, the aura from his body became more and more terrifying.

"Fighting Saint King, please stop. I am willing to apologize for the two younger brothers." Gong Shenxue was as gentle as jade as always.

"Big Brother!"

Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan both hurriedly spoke, why are they so.

"Apologize?" Ye Chen raised his sword eyebrows.

Gong Shenxue said: "Yes, as long as the holy king and Taoist friends can calm the anger, I am willing to pay a sufficient price."

"Okay, I agree." Ye Chen said, surprising many people.

You must know that the Fighting Saint King has always been a supreme arrogant coexisting power and domineering. Facing the nine ancient road overlords, he has never given up, but now he is willing to give up. It is really rare.

It also made Nine Snake and Abenu a little disappointed, and originally hoped that Ye Chen could stand for them.

But think about it, The other party is the three big ancient overlords, Gong Shenxue is even more unfathomable. If it can be resolved peacefully, it is naturally better to resolve it peacefully.

"Fighting Saint King, what do you want?" Gongshen Xue said, and opened a space, there are a large number of divine treasures appearing in them, all of them are brilliant, they are all kinds of treasures that are rare in the outside world. Extraordinary, so many people take a breath.

Worthy of being the little overlord of the ancient road, but also the eldest brother of the three little overlords of the ancient road. Sure enough, with countless treasures in his possession, the Primordial Sovereign might be truly moved.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows: "Should I pick it up?"


"In that case—" Ye Chen said, looking directly at Gong Shenxue, and then vomited softly: "I will kill both of you!"


When the words fell, Ye Chen's whole body moved, almost to the extreme, rushing to Gong Xuan and Gong Nanshan, leaving countless people stunned.

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