Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1628: Hot discussion in the world!

?Anhua City, an ancient city with a long history, located in the center of Zhongzhou University 6. ⒉

Because of its location in the central area, it appears to be extremely prosperous, with turbulent heads. There are many **** islands and hanging temples, and top powerhouses from all over the world often linger among them.

Jiuyan Tower is a relatively lively restaurant in Anhua City. It is magnificent and magnificent. It is located on a floating island in the center of the city. Nowadays, there are many cultivators of various races gathered, crowded and very lively.

And there are many people who are discussing the various battles between Emperor Tianjiao and Gulu Tianjiao, and they are very concerned.

The progress of the two sides is constantly being transmitted here through the people in front, and it is well known, and it is also a kind of management method of the Jiuyan poster.

"Oh, do you think that the few supreme Tianjiaos of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty will be killed by those young supreme on the ancient road of the ultimate? Now the number of young supreme on both sides is so different." Someone said.

"It shouldn’t be possible. Although the number of young sages descended on the ultimate ancient road is larger and they have the upper hand, aren’t they afraid to completely anger the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty? After all, on this birthday emperor star, the early Yuan Dynasty The emperor is truly the first overlord that deserves it." Another person retorted.

"How can't it be? This is just a battle between the young generation. Even the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty can't intervene, and they can't intervene, otherwise it will definitely provoke the behemoth of the ultimate ancient road to anger."

"Yes, the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty didn't know what to think. It's nothing more than slaying the extraterritorial powers. It was the powerhouse of the older generation who did it without fear. The emperor's heritage has always been unfathomable, and there is no lack of ancient times. The monarch is the overlord of the universe. The extraterritorial powers are lost, and there are really few people who will offend a prosperous emperor for these extraterritorial powers. It’s just that the younger generation dare to take action against those ancient road gods on the ultimate ancient road. I don’t know if my head is caught by the door. Who doesn’t know that the ultimate ancient road gathers the strongest arrogances of the ancient universes in the entire Chaos Sea, even the emperor can’t be compared.” Others echoed and made it. Your own evaluation.

"Hush, you dare to respond to the early Yuan Dynasty emperor like this, and you are really not afraid that the Yuan Dynasty emperor will kill you."

"What are you afraid of? Even the emperors at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty have been constantly targeting us these extraterritorial cultivators these days, and they have killed several extraterritorial powers. It is clear that they are aimed at us and the Eternal Conference. Is it impossible to beg for mercy from the emperor?"

"That's true, but the five young and supreme emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty are all generations after generations. They have been accumulated through countless years. They have terrible potential. It is a pity that they can even prove Dao Chengdi. They have all appeared in this life. In this most terrifying world, no amount of Supreme Tianjiao can be compared to the ultimate ancient road. The ultimate ancient road now has too many young sages from all ancient universes. It is said that it is known as the past and the present. The accumulation of not only this epoch, but also the previous epoch, and even the young supreme from a few epochs ago, are released in this life, and it is destined to be an extremely terrifying world."

"Yes, this life is indeed terrifying, or it is more terrifying than any previous great life. Not only those supreme arrogances, but also emperors, Chaos Young Supreme has also appeared, and now there is even a reincarnation of the great emperor. What kind of terrible world it is."

"Don’t be afraid to tell you, I have heard from an old imperial family before that the end of this life, or the end of this era, will face the most terrifying blood-stained future ultimate battle in history. All the disappeared emperors and supreme immortals will appear, terrifying endless, turbulent years, throughout history, but all creatures are robbed, and I don’t know why."

"What, there are such great worlds, please tell us." In addition, many people have changed their colors. Few people know about such deeds. Only the emperor is qualified to pass through the ancestor emperor. Learned part, but only that.

Ye Chen and Nine Snake were in a VIP box in the Jiuyan Building.

Originally, Ye Chen only understood the progress of the Young Master of the Emperor Clan and the Young Master of Gulu. He did not expect that some of them had understood the ultimate battle of the blood-stained future. He couldn't help but **** his ears and hope to learn some secrets.

But another person spoke and retorted: "Don't listen to this guy bragging, how can the ultimate blood-stained battle be born. Those Supreme Emperors and the Supreme Immortal are crazy to start such ultimate battles, many thousands of years This argument has been circulating before, even in the last epoch, but it hasn't been passed peacefully yet. It's just some unpredictable illusory argument, unbelievable."

This person staggered the topic, and the others were also changed topics, making Ye Chen a little helpless.

"We don't know all of these. Let's see whether the young supreme on the ultimate ancient road will win, or the young supreme of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty will win."

"In fact, there is no need to guess at this point. Almost all can be said that the young supreme of the ultimate ancient road will win. It can be said that it is enough to defeat the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty."

"That's true."

"The Five Young Supremes of the Ultimate Ancient Road are enough to crush the two young Supremes of the imperial clan in the early Yuan Dynasty."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the Yuanchu emperor's clan for being so provoked. I have to pick the ultimate ancient road to cheat. Now I am being chased and killed. If I really want to be killed, it would be fun. It's big enough."

There was a lot of discussion in the restaurant, and basically everyone was discussing this matter, and it became a major event on the Star of Birth that draws everyone's hearts.

Ye Chen listened silently, and there was constant news about this matter. Some people went to pay attention to it, but more people did not dare to pay attention to it, so as to avoid touching the mold, once the Emperor Yuanchu was provoked The tribe's moldiness provoked the anger of the emperor, and once it spread, it was not acceptable to ordinary people.

During the period, Ye Chen remained motionless, always tasting good tea, in a superior VIP box, no one could disturb him.

"The big news, the two supreme Tianjiao of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty are both at a disadvantage. They are unwilling to abandon the imperial majesty and enter the clan. They have been killed and severely injured by vomiting blood. It is very likely that they will be killed by the five supreme Tianjiao of the ancient road at the main entrance. ."

Another news came, causing a huge sensation.

"Do you really want to be beheaded in front of the imperial family?"

Many people were shocked, the five young supreme of the ultimate ancient road were really so cruel, and they dared to kill the supreme Tianjiao of the clan in front of the great emperor.

You must know that the Supreme Tianjiao is not comparable to the ordinary Tianjiao. Only a few people have appeared throughout the ages. They are only a handful of them, and they all have the terrible potential to grow to be a primordial emperor. They also have a certain potential to prove that they become emperors. They are indispensable for the emperor. The strongest Tianjiao.

Once done in this way, it is really possible to completely anger the great emperor.

"The five young primates of the ancient road were not afraid of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty. They killed the two young princes of the imperial family and were seriously injured and dying. Now more people have been torn apart, and the souls are exposed. The immortal ancient soldiers are frightening. "

"There was a young supreme emperor who was torn apart and almost killed, but the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty still did not respond, and did not even open the front door."

"Does the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty really want to watch the two young supreme be beheaded in front of the house and just ignore it?"

"It's really going crazy, the young supreme of the two great emperors will be killed. The five young supreme of Gulu relentlessly shot, and they are going to completely confront each other."

"The other three Young Supremes of the Emperor Clan were also chased by the Seven Great Young Supremes of the Ancient Road. They walked far into their domain, and even walked into the land of the outer starry sky, with brilliant blood constantly penetrating, and the outer stars kept exploding. "

"Does the ever-powerful emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty really want to watch the five young sages who have been sealed off with great difficulty in the past and present are killed in this critical eye? They are the overlords of the Star of Birth, or the prosperous emperor, Are you really afraid of the ultimate ancient road?"

"The sky is about to change. In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperors were willing to behave like turtles. Seven emperors Tianjiao have been beheaded by the ancient road Tianjiao. The blood stained his domain, and the emperors were always silent."

"Perhaps the imperial clan at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had to compromise, and no longer have all the strengths before."

"All of this can only be said to have provoked the ultimate ancient road that cannot be provoked. There are more Tianjiao and more terrifying, and the emperor can not be compared!"

A piece of news kept coming, announcing the various developments of the matter, raising the curiosity of many people in the restaurant and attracting attention.

"Lord, won't we go and see?"

The same is true for Nine Snake, and I hope to see it in the past, but Ye Chen shook his head and continued to taste the food and wine of the Emperor Xuan, unmoved from beginning to end.

"It's a pity that the young supreme of the emperor was almost killed, but at the critical moment, the emperor's secret treasure was sacrificed, instead of a death, but there is no life-saving secret treasure anymore, and it will still die in the long run."

"It's a sigh that a generation of young and supreme emperors ~ ~ clearly has an invincible posture, can be said to respect the world, and can go to war on the ancient road. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope for the overlord of the ancient road, but now it can only Death, all this is because of the imperial clan's majesty."

"To blame, they can only be blamed for their origin in the early Yuan Dynasty, otherwise it would not be the case."

In the restaurant, many people sighed. Such a young supreme, who has reached the tenth heaven by his own body, is already called a generation of evildoers, but it is really not worth it to be sacrificed by the majesty of the emperor.

But they also understand that the majesty of the imperial family represents the majesty inherited by an ancient emperor. The ancestor is the supreme emperor who dominates the ancient and the modern.

As descendants of such a great existence, they have their own pride, and naturally they are not willing to compromise the majesty of their ancestors.

I would rather die than submit.

This is the dignity and pride of the emperor!

"Sigh, what a pity!"

Many people sighed like this.

After waiting for a while, just as everyone thought that news of the death of the two young princes of the imperial clan was coming, an even more shocking news came suddenly. Once it fell, it completely shocked the audience: "Shocking news, shocking news, situation Astonishing changes have taken place, and the five young supreme Gulu have encountered peerless enemies!"

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