Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1633: The chaos ends!

Suddenly, the entire Star of Santa, which was already in a turbulent state of undercurrent, became even more bizarre, and it was possible to make a King-level battle at any time, which would spread far and wide and put everyone on the Star of Santa at risk.

Fortunately, both the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty and the five kings were jealous and never really went to war.

And according to the gossip, privately, the two sides reached an intangible agreement. During this time, the Primordial King could not take action, and the King under the king would not ignore it.

However, it was just such an agreement that made the entire birthday star boil in an instant.

Among them, the introverted emperor clan in the early Yuan Dynasty was born again, and it became even more intensified.

You must know that the entire Star of Birth originally belonged to the early Yuan Dynasty emperor family. It was the first hegemonic power. It ruled countless powerful clans and ancient countries, not to mention other big six and endless oceans, at least Zhongzhou University 6, the five most powerful 6 is the base camp of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty. There are countless strong people, masters like clouds, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and flourishing as imagined by people from afar.

Under the command of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, foreign clans were completely excluded.

And the other four big six also got the echo, many strong people began to reject, the major forces rushed to chase and kill the strong outside the territory.

For a time, everyone outside the territorial cultivator was in danger and was pursued and killed.

It’s just that a few of the major forces that descended on the Star of Birth are Yi and their generations. They are not truly super-powerful. They were just ancient kings who were afraid of the imperial clan in the early Yuan Dynasty, so they were hidden in the great world. , Had never really taken a shot, but now there is no need for much fear, and they have appeared one after another to fight against the many powerful men on the star of the emperor.

The flames of war spread rapidly, and in almost a few days, it completely affected the entire birthday star. At every moment, there are a large number of strong men dying everywhere. There are strong men outside the territory, but more are The strongest birthday star.

After all, all those who come are truly strong outside the territory.

Soon after, in the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperors also appeared, and the horror was abnormal, especially the great power of the emperor. Relying on the innate power of the emperor's bloodline and the imperial warrior, they would kill in a row. With several extraterritorial powers, a terrible **** wind swept through, and the prelude to the war was completely opened.

Similarly, peerless powerhouses from outside the territory also appeared, and there were several powers of the ranks, and the power came and killed the seven powers of the emperor star.

In addition, the forty-ninth pass was also spread by the flames of war. At one time, the emperor's might appeared, leading many powerful emperor stars to come and demanded the 49th pass to leave the emperor star.

Naturally, the forty-ninth pass was completely plagued by Wuwang, because it was silent at the beginning, in a neutral state, and never stood on either side.

However, in the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperors were extremely jealous. After all, the Ultimate Ancient Road was also one of the best overlord-level forces in the entire ancient universe and had to be solemn.

Among them, the great power of the emperor made a strong move on the 49th pass, to flatten this ancient test pass, and completely send the powerhouse of the ultimate ancient road and the ancient road Tianjiao to the emperor star.

The ancient gate of Trial has always been built by the ultimate ancient road with a lot of resources, it is difficult to break, and the forty-ninth gate is uniquely immortal and stable, as powerful as an emperor, but never came. Break through the defense of the 49th pass.

It was just such a series of attacks that made it impossible for the strong on the 49th level to get in and out, and they could only hide in the ancient test pass, very angry.

During the period, there were also several great powers who went out to discuss, hoping to let it go, but was strongly injured by the great power of the emperor, and they were not opponents.

In the end, after being besieged for three full days and three nights, the city lord of Zhenguan Daneng Jingtian, who had been in hiding, finally appeared.

It's just that Sedum City Lord's expression was cold, he indifferently faced this emperor's mighty power, ignored all the other party's requirements, did not say a word, and shot directly.


On this day, the great power hidden in the 49th pass truly showed his own peerless power. Pushing horizontally, the great power of the emperor was far from an opponent. He was hit and defeated, and he flew out. Extraterritorial.

Shake the world!

Then there was even more shocking news. Soon after, this great power of the early Yuan Dynasty was beheaded, and a large area was stained with blood. There were many visions, ghosts crying and howling, making a sensation in the world and shaking the whole birthday. star.

The one who shot is amazingly the Lord Sedum.

Moreover, the Sedum City Lord was fearless, standing on the highest point of the sky, looking at the position of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, and faintly said: "Although I am unwilling to take action on the ultimate ancient road, I do not think it is a tortoise with a head, otherwise it is an emperor. Come and kill as well, he is the best example!"

As soon as the declaration came out, it immediately shook the entire birthday star, attracted the attention of all parties, and attracted a lot of attention.

Many people have changed color. Is the ultimate ancient road going to fight against the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty?

But beyond everyone's imagination, the emperors were silent in the early Yuan Dynasty.

It was as if the five great princes of the emperor clan had been beheaded by the fighting sage king at the time, staying silent.

It’s just that many people understand in their hearts that the power of the ultimate ancient road is not weaker than that of the imperial clan at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the latter is the first to provoke the majesty of the ultimate ancient road.

The most important thing is that Sedum City Lord is a majestic power, and his cultivation is so powerful that it may be difficult to find rivals under the Primordial King. When this king could not take action, the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was unwilling to provoke him. A strong man fell silent.

But this is just one corner. Among them, there are still fighting in various places, very fierce.

The entire birthday star fell into a terrible battle situation, with countless casualties.

However, this situation was quickly over, because Wanyan Seventeen and the five Great Primordial Kings couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to act in shock.

Because of the imperial king's intervention, the two sides slowed down and the curtain was lowered.

It’s just that at this time, both sides have suffered heavy casualties. Even the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty have lost two great abilities. Under great power, they suffered heavy casualties. This is the first time in so many thousands of years that they have suffered such serious injuries. .

However, with the current world where the Primordial King is sitting, all this is nothing, and sooner or later it will be able to recover.

With the passage of time, more and more powerful men continue to descend on the Star of the Birth Emperor, with great abilities and powers constantly appearing in all major forces.

The forty-ninth level is even more so. Connecting to the ultimate ancient road, there are many ancient road powers that have come, and the nine phoenix powers at the peak level are also among them.

Among them, even the peerless old immortal who had participated in the alchemy and was infinitely close to the realm of the king also appeared.

Subsequently, the Dan Emperor Clan came, and the Yan Emperor Clan also came. The major forces of the universe and starry sky came one after another, and more and more forces and strong men continued to appear.

Even though it was the well-deserved first overlord of the emperor's star in the early Yuan Dynasty, facing these extraterritorial powerhouses, they gradually became silent, and all their actions began to converge.

Because the emperors of the early Yuan Dynasty also understood that with the advent of the 6th continuation of these real-level powerhouses, it is impossible to contend with the power of the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty. , Perhaps the entire imperial clan will suffer an extinction.

And on the ultimate ancient road, the peerless Tianjiao who reached the depths of the ancient road began to return, which was allowed by the senior officials of the ancient road.

It is even rumored that the ancient road overlord has returned, and in the birthday of the emperor star, another emperor is also rumored to appear.

Suddenly, the emperor birthday star was completely surging, and there were so many Tianjiao gatherings, but it was an unprecedented Tianjiao event.

The shock of the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty gradually dissipated with the arrival of more ancient Tianjiao, and it appeared prosperous and lively again.

Because there is also a strange young supreme who has appeared in it, and has never participated in the battle to encircle and suppress the five young supremes of the emperor, and has never fought against the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, so he is not afraid of the emperor.

What's more, he was ambitious and wanted to fight against the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty to see if he was as strong and invincible as the legend.

Of course, I also want to defeat the emperor and become invincible.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Chen had already stayed on the Star of Santa for a full two months.

These two months were also the two months in which the Star of Birth changed the most. He witnessed the various events from the early Yuan Dynasty emperors to the arrival of the Primordial King, and watched the changes in the world.

However, he appeared to be very low-key. Since he first shot because of the five great arrogances of the imperial family, he rarely shot in the past two months, and he basically observed this increasingly turbulent emperor star in secret.

On weekdays, he always sits in the quiet depths of a deep mountain, watching the great world silently.

Ye Chen didn't have much interest in participating in this eternal meeting. For the most important purpose, he just hoped to see the reincarnation of the legendary emperor.

If there is a chance, he even hopes that the reincarnation of such a great emperor of the same rank will be powerful.

For more time, he is perfecting the small chaos universe and perfecting his own taboo magical powers.

Open Heaven and Universe can be said to be the advanced version of Open Heaven and Earth Fist. What has evolved is not just a big world world, but also a chaotic ancient universe, possessing immense power.

Don’t you see He broke the blockade of the Eighteen Zerg Mother King’s star formation by relying on the taboo magical power of opening the universe, and he broke the seal, and everyone should be afraid of this trick.

It's just that it hasn't been completely perfected, the chances of wanting to show it are very small, and the loss of energy is far from imagination, he dare not show it easily.

Naturally, this cannot be successful in one day, at least it will take a long period of time to slowly improve and continue to sublimate.

In addition, the energy revealed by Abenu in the past two months has become stronger and stronger. According to Ye Chen's own guess, it will not be a long time, two months or five years, and something will happen.

Abenu, the mother king of the heterogeneous Zerg race, once born, and the Zerg warriors bred will be extremely terrifying, and it is by no means comparable to the ordinary Zerg warriors.

As long as forming a terrifying zerg army, it will be very helpful to Ye Chen.

Although the real powerhouse is not afraid of the human sea tactics, it is different from the strength of the human sea tactical individuals.

The Zerg warriors bred by Abenu, the mother king of the heterogeneous Zerg race, must be extraordinary and terrifying, and the rebuilt Zerg army also has the possibility of quantitative change and qualitative change.

Such a terrifying zerg army, as long as it is under the control of Abenu, is enough to face off against top powerhouses.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chen takes this seriously.

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