Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1638: The emperor war post, who dares to fight!

"Thinking of you too much, when the fifth trial was in the sixth stage, I heard that your foreign emperor's dark prison was defeated by the battle of the holy king, and now another emperor will make the same mistake." Chu Shuangyu is not the pot.


Ban Gu was cold and angry. This was definitely the greatest disgrace of the alien race. The dignified emperor was actually defeated by the enemy's opponents in the sealed universe.

However, everyone knew that the Dark Prison had already demonstrated the strongest combat power in that battle, and it was not that it was not strong enough. In fact, which emperor and emperor would come here would not be able to do better than Dark Prison.

It's just that the fighting power displayed by the fighting king is beyond anyone's expectations, so the alien race is incomparably jealous, afraid that he will become the second king of the incomparable.

But now that he has achieved Chaos Young Supreme, he is really waiting for the second king of Ruo Wuxiang.

"Don't talk about these topics on both sides, it is still unknown whether the alien emperor will return." The Sun King immediately turned around and said lightly: "There is no practical significance, let's continue to return to the topic of the Fighting Saint King. "

"Yes, we agree." The goddess family member of the Moon Palace said.

"You--" Ban Gu was annoyed, but Shengtian, Hu Xue and other young sages were the same, and he was only half-believing the return of the alien emperor.

"The Fighting Saint King can indeed deal with the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, and I heard that it was on the Star of the Emperor Xuan. Not long ago, he shot and killed a pinnacle heavenly king, but where is the other person now?" A young supreme spoke, but never Does anyone know where the fighting saint king is?

It's just that there is silence, no one knows.

"Two fellow Taoists, don't you know that you are members of the Moon Palace?" Another young supreme looked at the gods and relatives of the Moon Palace and asked like this.

Hearing that, both of them looked at each other, only a wry smile and shook their heads: "Although Saint King Fighting is the master of my Moon Palace, he is too vague and unfathomable, and his cultivation is unfathomable. How can we wait It's easy to find out."

"Unless a few hall masters come, I am afraid I will be able to find the Fighting Saint King."

Yaotian downstairs, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a smile.

Indeed, if the goddess, Yi Wu, Chen'er and other people come, there is no need to look for them, and he will automatically appear.

But now he wants to observe the big world from behind and find a suitable opportunity to take action.

The Emperor Star Storm swayed the heavens and had a great impact. It is not the time to take action.


Suddenly, the entire Yaotian Tower was stunned, alarming all the ancient road princes in it, and completely alarmed the fifteen ancient road young sages at the top.

"What happened?"

"Did someone attack Yaotian Tower?"

"Could it be that people from the emperor clan in the early Yuan Dynasty came?"

Many Tianjiao rushed out, even the young supreme at the top.

Only when I came outside the building, an emperor Tianjiao appeared, slender, wearing immortal armor, rumbling loudly in his body, and there were deafening roars from time to time. It was blood washing blood vessels. The sound caused by the wall is full of blood.

There is no doubt that it is a supreme young and supreme emperor.

I saw him standing in the air, standing with his hands holding hands, with a rather cold expression, looking down at these people condescendingly.

"Wanyan Gutong!"

Among the many arrogant talents who rushed out, some people naturally recognized the identity of the person who came. It was one of the five young supremacists of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, and now he came, and many people were astonished.

Does this Wanyan Gutong want a person to challenge all the ancient gods?

"Wanyan Gutong, do you dare to come alone?" In the middle, Shengtian said, although the whole person seemed extraordinarily sacred, but it also appeared cold.

The Sun King also spoke, and said: "Wanyan Gutong, although you are a young supreme, but you come alone, do you want to imitate your clan emperor, alone against us, the ancient gods?"

Other Gulu Young Supreme also looked at Wanyan Gutong coldly, standing on opposite sides of each other, if it hadn't been for so many people to bully each other alone, it would have been a shot.

After all, they are also young and supreme, have their own pride, disdain and bully fewer people.

Naturally, the emperor Tianjiao is a different matter.

Wanyan Gutong stood up in the sky and said coldly: "You have been thinking too much, I am not interested and will not be so stupid to single out so many of you young supreme, unless it is the emperor and ancestor of my clan. Come here, I was commissioned by the emperor's ancestor, and I came here to send you a war post."

"War post?"

"That's right." Wanyan Gutong waved his sleeves, and suddenly a stream of light rose into the sky, rushing to the front of Yaotian Tower, and then slowly stopped.

I saw that it was a light group that could be the size of a human head. It appeared above Yaotian, and there were thousands of rays of light from the great road, like a thousand avenues descending, with a big horrible energy coming, and pressure This world.

The numerous ancient road Tianjiao on the Yaotian Tower immediately couldn't help their discoloration change one by one, as if they were suffering from an immortal mountain, the whole person could hardly move past.

Among them, the fifteen young supreme also felt a great sense of oppression, and looked at the light group on the sky.

"This emperor's war post, please take it down." Wanyan Gutong stood with his hands, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he watched these ultimate ancient road young supreme in time.

It's just that there are so many ancient gods, but the fifteen young supreme all feel a terrible pressure, and the void has become more and more dense, and it is as strong as they are difficult to cross in a short time.

"Why, don't you dare to go next?" Wanyan Gutong said again, but it sounded a bit mocking.

"Damn it, this emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty clearly wanted to embarrass the people of our ancient road Tianjiao."

Many Gulu Tianjiao understand that the war posts of the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty came over, and they wanted to give them these Gulu Tianjiao's prestige in front of the world.


Naturally, none of these young supreme ancient roads is easy to be the same generation, all of them are shocked, blooming with the strongest power to resist.

Although the emperor warned Xiguang, but they couldn't stop them. Among them, the Sun King took the lead and under great pressure, his expression paled, but he also caught the battle post.


Suddenly, the light group bloomed with a more terrifying pressure, like a million mountains being pressed down at the same time, the void collapsed completely, the Sun King's whole body was crackling and crackling, and the sun's holy light would collapse. To fall down.

"Oh no!"

Not only the Sun King, but the other ancient Tianjiao all have changed. I didn’t expect the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty to be so terrible. It was just a war post that caused the Sun King to protect the body and the divine light frequently collapsed. Analysis, it is going to fall from the sky.

Especially in front of so many people, it will completely lose face.

"Hehe, my clan emperor Xiaozu's war post, how can you wait easily to follow." Wanyan Gutong sneered.

However, just as the Sun King fell down, an indelible light suddenly fell into his body.

In an instant, all his pressure disappeared, and the emperor’s war post in the early Yuan Dynasty could no longer give him any pressure. There was an equally vast and energetic power running in his body, which surprised him but was suspicious. , Where is the sacred shot.

"Don't panic, take a look at the post."

A gentle voice passed, with a familiar taste.

The Sun King was stunned, and immediately understood who was sacred, and secretly surprised and said: "Sheng Wang Shishu, is it you?"

That's right, Ye Chen who shot.

Moreover, Ye Chen and the Sun God came from the same sealed universe, and they had friendships for some reason. The Sun King is also a disciple of the Sun God, so it is not an exaggeration to call him Master Uncle.

Secretly, Ye Chen said: "It's me, take the war post with peace of mind, and look at the content of the war post."

Hearing that, knowing that the invincible Fighting Saint King was in the dark, the Sun King suddenly became calm.

It seems that with the presence of this Saint King and Uncle, there is no fear of everything.

Because he clearly understands that the terrifying aspect of this fighting sage king and uncle is not weaker than that of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, and now he has the support of his strength, dissolving the great power contained in the early Yuan Dynasty emperor's war post, and re-vacation Rise, touch on the light group.


The light group suddenly dispersed, and only a gilt war post slowly fell, still flowing with terror.


However, everyone on the scene was stunned, especially Wanyan Gutong. He had clearly seen that the Sun King could not bear it and was about to fall, but now he looked as usual and easily moved on and accepted it. The war post.

How could he do it?

Wanyan Gutong doesn't believe that the Sun King can do it. This is a war post written by the emperor himself. It contains a part of his spirit, which can't be sustained by the young and supreme at an ordinary power level, and the Sun King is naturally unable to do it.

"What the **** has happened? I just saw that the Sun King will not be able to bear it anymore. Why not only can I bear it in a blink of an eye, but it also accepted the war post, it's incredible!"

"The Sun King can't bear just what happened?"

The young princes such as Shengtian, Yuedian gods and relatives, Ban Gu, Yuan Tianzi, Hu Xue did not understand.

It's just that they can't think of it anyway, just in secret, the Fighting Saint King that they have been guessing has been hiding.

The Sun King ignored other people's suspicions, the battle post fell on his palm, seemingly flimsy, but as heavy as a god, making him look solemn, then pinched his fingers and opened it.


A stern air of war rushed over, tearing the sky apart, if it were not for the protection of the fighting saint king's power, the Sun King felt that his body was about to split, because this air of fighting was no less than the group of Xi that originally enveloped the war post. Light.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor looked more powerful and terrifying than imagined.

On the battle post, there was a line of sharp-edged words written out——

Ten days later, on Huading Mountain, who would dare to fight?

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