Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1641: Heads-up and group attack, no one will refuse!

The Sun King, Shengtian, Chu Shuangyu, Yuntian Goddess, Hu Xue, Yuan Tianzi, Ban Gu, and other powerful young and supreme ancient roads, descended from the sky and landed on the platform on the top of Huading Mountain.

On top of each of them, there was a pillar of light that seemed to pass through the sky, accompanied by vigorous blood, as if the roaring dragons of blood, sinking into the sky, and then dispersing.

The blood is enough to submerge the outer starry sky of Emperor Birth.

This is the strength of Gulu's Young Supreme. His vitality is incomparable, and his majestic aura is sweeping over him, so that all the onlookers feel as if they are suffering from an unparalleled sense of pressure.

The same is true of the great power in the sky.

Because these young supreme beings are terrible beings in a powerful state.


At this time, a stream of light flashed quickly, and then quickly broke through the aura, the void was torn apart, and a figure slowly appeared in the air.

He wears a divine crown and Uphisan on his head. He is not so handsome, or even an ordinary face in a certain sense, but he is such a person with a special temperament, like the reincarnation of the great emperor, with others. The noble temperament that can't be compared, like the emperor above the nine heavens, everyone has to surrender when facing him, maintaining awe from the depths of their hearts.

The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, the face is not broken!

He is here, the invincible emperor Tianjiao.

In the crowd, Ye Chen's eyes also shot a ray of light, and immediately became deep and introverted, returning to the ordinary.

Once appeared, there was no action, but it made the fifteen young sages standing on the opposite side look like enemies, and their expressions changed drastically.

Needless to say, being able to face the coercion of so many young sages scattered by them and such a light wind, everything is enough to explain how extraordinary his cultivation is, otherwise he is ordinary and powerful, ordinary young sage How dare you be so.

"You are here."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor spoke, with a special charm in his voice, calmly looking at the 15th young supreme standing opposite, such words, it seemed that he was not here late, but was waiting for them here early.

It's just that other people have heard another level of meaning, which means that the 15th National Congress of the Young Supreme has finally come and dare to come.

The young supreme of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China naturally heard it, and his expression immediately became gloomy, and the foreign young supreme Bangu even said: "The face is not broken, you set up a ring to challenge me, why don't I dare to come."

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor slowly landed on the top of the mountain platform, his eyes flowed, did not look at them, but landed underground, and then slowly said: "Back then, my father was here because he was too powerful, too enchanting, and suffered. All the big enemies on the Star of Birth are besieging here, unable to leave, and the most shocking battle has been launched."

"In that battle, Huadingshan was also cut off from it. My father pushed all the peerless enemies horizontally, achieving invincible prestige, and powerful forever."

He seemed to be talking about an irrelevant thing, but his tone changed abruptly in the later stage, becoming many times sharper, and blazing light beams shot out from his eyes, no one could look at him: "Today, I will continue my father's invincible prestige and challenge all the young talents from the ultimate ancient road. They can be singled out, group attacked, and no one will refuse!"


Everyone has changed color. The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was too strong, and he wanted to challenge all the princes of the ultimate ancient road alone.

The look of the young supreme of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China changed drastically, as did other Gulu Tianjiao, everyone looked at the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty in shock.

Only the people of the imperial clan in the early Yuan Dynasty always looked the same, as if they were very ordinary.

Because this is the invincible emperor son of their emperor, he inherited the most powerful blood of the great emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, innately invincible, and will inevitably inherit the invincible posture of the great emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, and push all the enemies in the world, invincible ancient and modern.

The Sun King and other young supreme sneers sneered. Although they all had such thoughts, they had always been jealous, because if they were put into action in this way, they would be ridiculed by the world that they could only besieged.

Right now, the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty had already spoken and gave them a step.

"Well, since the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty is so arrogant, thinking that the world is invincible, I will ask for advice and take action together, and ask, can you really be so invincible." Ban Gu was the first to speak, and this fits everyone. Heart.


The young supreme of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all of them dissipated the monstrous coercion, and even joined together, terrifying.

Don't say it's this world, even the entire Zhongzhou University 6, shrouded in this unparalleled coercion, and hundreds of millions of creatures would be terrified.

You must know that everyone is a powerful person, not a low-level person. Under such a comprehensive coercion, it is naturally terrifying.


Huading Mountain trembled, and there were wisps of road marks flashing quickly, intertwined with the void, and then evolved into a vast world, completely enveloping all the pressure, without ever revealing it.

"This is the Dao Mark left by the Great Emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, because after he became a Taoist, he interacted with heaven and earth, and the Dao Mark left in the past has undergone a qualitative change. It is a relic of the emperor, and now he has incredible power."

Among them, the strongest of the older generation spoke, explaining like this.

The emperor is invincible, even if it is the Dao marks and traces left by the past, once he proves that the Dao becomes an emperor, the universe and the world will be sympathetic, and all the things left in the past are likely to sublimate and transform.

That's it right now.

Both sides understand that if you immerse in this evolving emperor mark world, you can fight as much as you like without worrying about harming the world.

Boom boom boom -

One after another astonishing beams of light pierced the sky, which originated from the fifteen young supreme beings. They are all fully blooming with invincible prestige. The powerful aura is like a dragon, and their blood is enough to drown a vast party. , Like the fifteen gods in, together they forced the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Never shot, but this combined aura is so powerful that it is far more powerful than the previous separation. I don't know how many times it is terrifying, enough to tear the world apart.

Even the great world world evolved from the emperor's relic is constantly rumbling, as if it is going to be bombarded alive.

The scene on Huading Mountain has attracted much attention. Some people have also used light curtains to project all over the world.

On the opposite side, the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty had a divine crown on his head, and his face was ordinary, but he had a special temperament. At this moment, the feeling of oppression in his body suddenly heard a loud roar that shook the sky and the earth. It was mighty, like a big dragon. Roaring, roaring, roaring, it was amazing.

That is the power of the emperor's bloodline, and it is the purest emperor's bloodline power, revealing from the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, as if there was an eternal emperor dormant in his body, and now it is about to recover.

With infinite potential and unparalleled energy, it has withstood the infinite coercion of the fifteen young supreme.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor calmly looked at each other with the young supreme of the 15th National Congress, nevertheless calm!

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