Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1648: The battle is over!


Hearing that, almost everyone looked at Ban Gu, the young supreme alien of the race for the first time.


Bangu was furious at the insulting remarks of the Fighting Saint King, and said coldly: "Fighting Saint King, you are too insulting."

"Oh?" Ye Chen looked at him slightly in surprise, and said: "You didn't even run away, but I was a little surprised."

"Why should I run, this is not your home, and do you dare to deal with me in front of everyone?" Bangu sneered again and again.

"To deal with these aliens, there is really nothing I dare not dare to."

Ye Chen smiled, and at the same time, he took a step forward and rushed towards Ban Gu.


Ban Gu's expression changed drastically, and he immediately cursed in his heart. Knowing the purpose of the fighting sage king, he couldn't help but screamed a lunatic. He was really strong enough, but he didn't dare to stay all the time, so he immediately rose to the sky and wanted to leave here.

Because he knew that he would never leave again, I'm afraid he would never leave again.

But no matter how fast he is, can it be faster than Ye Chen who has mastered the world's speed.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Ye Chen seemed to have surpassed the long river of time, broke through the common sense, crossed the sky, and suddenly came to Ban Gu's side.

And while waving his hands, this world has been blocked by imprisonment.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary blockade at all, even if Bangu can break through, it is impossible to break through in a short time.

"court death!"

Ban Gu immediately turned around and shot, and a terrible death sickle appeared in his hand, engraved with a strange and dark pattern throughout his body, revealing the aura of evil, entraining the black light of death and slashing towards Ye Chen.

"Small bugs!"

Ye Chen just smiled, not afraid, slapped it out, and shook it head-on.

There was a loud noise, and his figure was still like a mountain, but he shot Ban Gu's whole body upside down.

And that death sickle was also broken into pieces by raw shots, and many cracks appeared.

Dare to collide in front of Ye Chen, even if it is to use immortal ancient soldiers, it is purely a death-seeking behavior, and his chaotic body surpasses everything.

At the same time, Ye Chen's second blow came over, still slapped on the death sickle, there was a loud bang, all the lines were completely annihilated, and countless cracks were directly spread over it.

Afterwards, the third slap fell, and the death sickle was completely shattered and exploded. Under Ye Chen's intention, all the sickle fragments contained terrifying scars, and rushed into Bangu's body. , Even many nailed through his demon body, splashed a large amount of black demon blood, and suffered heavy injuries.

Ban Gu coughed up blood and suffered heavy injuries. Even a wisp of blood appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and his soul was almost affected.

At the same time, Ye Chen strode forward.

Seeing this, Ban Gu immediately became frightened, and hurriedly said: "Fighting Saint King, you have to understand that you and I are all arrogances on the ultimate ancient road. We should unite together to fight against those arrogances of the early Yuan Dynasty. Instead of killing each other."

"Sorry, there is no possibility of unity with you, and there is no saying that there is no killing each other. Killing you alien races is my best intention."

Ye Chen was cold, and shot directly, and shot fiercely and thunderously, no matter how Bangu resisted, he couldn't be his opponent.

With just a few short strokes, a large amount of dark demon blood splashed into the sky, Ban Gu was also torn apart half of his body, blood stained the world, and his neck was finally gently grasped by Ye Chen with a palm of his hand. The whole body was imprisoned by Moments, and he couldn't move at all.

At this point, Ban Gu was like a chicken, lifted in the air in shame by Ye Chen in front of everyone.

The scene was silent, the world was peaceful, no one spoke to plead for Bangu.

The current fighting sage king is so invincible, he has fought against the emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty and is not equal, and his previous achievements have proved how strong he is.

I'm afraid that even the Emperor of the Primordial Kings could not let the Holy King of Fighting Fight Bangu free.

Being lifted up by such humiliation, especially in front of the world, in front of countless strong people, and even countless cultivators who are far weaker than themselves, and many ancient people who once needed to look up to their invincible posture. Lu Tianjiao, there was a huge sense of loss that fell from the altar in an instant, making Ban Gu's face hotly felt an unprecedented shame.

Compared to this shame, Baku would rather die than do it.

However, even if he died now, he couldn't get rid of this shame. He could only get rid of this shame by killing the fighting king in front of him.

But he deeply understood that he was alone, even if he pulled the other fourteen young supreme, he would not be able to defeat the Fighting Saint King.

After all, the fighting king is no weaker than the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Forcibly resisting the huge humiliation, although Bangu looked frightened, but at this juncture, he said coldly: "Battle Saint King, although I admit that you are strong, I advise you to let me go, otherwise I When the clan emperor returns, he must be the first to come and deal with you."

At this point, Ban Gu couldn't forget to threaten the alien emperor.

Ye Chen smiled: "You are really confident in your emperor."

"Naturally, our emperor is invincible." Ban Gu said hard.

"A hundred years ago, I defeated your clan emperor's dark prison in the fifth trial continent." Ye Chen said lightly and directly caused Debangu's words to be stuck in his throat, and he never said it again. Does not come out.

That's right, the fighting sage king entered the fifth level of the ultimate ancient road by mistake a hundred decades ago.

Looking back now, it proved that the fighting king has the strength to defeat the emperor.

Although it was only a difficult victory that time, it was enough to explain everything.

You must know that even other emperors and daughters dare not defeat the dark prison of the same supreme bloodline, but the fighting saint king did but Bangu snorted coldly and said afterwards: "That It’s just that the Highness of the Dark Prison made a mistake. If you fight again today, you will not be able to defeat the Highness of the Dark Prison."

"He has to lose again." Ye Chen said indifferently, not caring about the hindrances in the opponent's mouth, and immediately interrogated: "Say, who of your foreign emperors returned, how many?"

"You think too much. Although you have caught me, how can you tell you that an outsider knows all kinds of information about my clan? Don't think too much."

Ban Gu refused to die and was still threatening. If Ye Chen didn't let him go, he would definitely regret it.

Ye Chen naturally knew that Ban Gu could not tell any information, but he also sneered, and said, "If you don't tell me, do you really think I have no other way to know the information that I might want to know?"

"what do you want?"

Ban Gu suddenly became frightened, as if he had understood something.

PS: The update was wrong, it will be corrected now, sorry!

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