Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1761: Prince of the West

Ye Chen fetched the sword qi from his hand, and it was wrapped in the chaotic dao fire. The sword qi continued to struggle horizontally and horizontally, trying to rush out, but it was always wrapped in the chaos dao fire, and it was ineffective. ?? W? W? W ∧. ? 8 ㈧ 1? Z? W ㈧. ㈠C㈠O?M

He opened the eyes of God, the ancient chaos aura was permeating, and the sword aura was seen through. The sword aura contained at least ten powers of great power, including destruction, death and other powerful power of great power, contained in that sword. , Ye Chen was defeated and was seriously injured by Yijian.

Even if it is Chaos Daohuo, it can't be refined in the first time.

At this moment, Ye Chen did not leave the depths of the seabed, but looked at the countless criss-crossing spiritual veins of heaven and earth in the depths of the seabed. They were all collected together and included in the small chaotic universe in the body.


With just a few simple tricks, the heaven and earth spiritual veins in this Lingtian Sea were all taken away by Ye Chen. This is also the interest of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan hurting him.

However, the immeasurable storm in the Lingtian sea area will not completely disappear all at once, but it will take at least ten years to slowly dissipate, but there are not many spiritual veins that can be unearthed since then.

If Jiuyan Emperor Clan knew about it, he would be crazy.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

At this moment, Xiao Budian rushed out of Ye Chen's body, stood on his shoulder, tweeted and yelled non-stop, the red gold fluff reflecting the bright red gold brilliance, and constantly yelled: "Dad, dad, you finally let go I `m coming out!"

Xiao Budian looked very cheerful, and kept yelling non-stop, spinning around Ye Chen's neck constantly, yelling non-stop.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and then rushed up from the depths of the seabed, and came to the sea full of violent fury.

Regarding the variety that grows deep in the sea, the sea cannot be heard at all.

This is a sea area called Jiangyan area in the Lingtian sea area. It can have a vast radius of thousands of miles and is also a sea area rich in spiritual veins. It can produce more than 700,000 catties of spiritual stones every year. It has always been seen by nearby countries. Covetous, fierce sea wars will occur from time to time.

The most powerful of them are the Xi Kingdom and the Hong Kingdom. They are the two most powerful countries near this sea area. In order to compete for spiritual resources in the Jiangyan region, the two countries have been born big and small throughout the ages. How many wars have suffered heavy casualties.

Now we meet again and we are at war.

I saw that the turbulent seas were less than a hundred miles apart, each with dozens of giant warships of thousands of feet long, and hundreds of smaller warships facing each other in the distance, full of troops, coming by wind and waves.

On that terrifying giant ship, each one is equipped with five giant cannons. It is the legendary cannon of divine power, inlaid with spirit stones. Through a special and precise conversion circle, the spiritual energy contained in the spirit stones Converted into divine power, a series of terrible divine powers attacked each other's giant ships.

I could only hear terrible loud noises resounding from the sea from time to time, and every blow of the cannons of the gods could set off huge waves of thousands of meters, possessing the terrifying power of moving mountains and filling the sea.

Under the bombardment of these divine cannons, the demigods can be easily killed with one bite. The five divine cannons on a huge ship can severely injure and even kill the god-level powerhouses in the divine realm. It is a national-level weapon. .

The ferocious giant ship traverses in the stormy sea, and the soldiers on it are naturally extraordinary, at least they are the strong internal powers of the seven or eight layers or more. The captains are all innate strong, and there is naturally no lack of demigods. The god-level powerhouses of the realm are also better.

As for the saints, they are all the powers of the sacred level, the supreme powers who dominate the course of a war, even if you look at the Xiguo and Hongguo, they are one of the few existences, and they will not appear easily.

"Order the twelve national-class warships on the left to turn 30 degrees to the left, and all the magical cannons aim forward and attack!"

"Order all the sacred cannons of the ten national warships on the right to aim at forty degrees to the right, attack!"

"The 14 national-class warships in the central government are ordered to aim at Hongguo flagship and attack!"

"Send an order to eight hundred city-class warships, all the sky bombers aim and attack!"

"The letter dropped three thousand thunders, thrown into the sea as quickly as possible, and detonated in three quarters!"


The thirty-six thousand-foot-long national-class warships of the Xi Kingdom are located in the center and are the flagship of the Xi Kingdom. The largest warship, the command building is on this flagship.

Located on the upper floor of the command ship at the top, a heroic young man wearing a golden armor, a crown, sword eyebrows and star eyes, he has a rare aura.

Although he is young, he is very stable. Facing the battle, he kept giving orders one by one, orderly. The guards next to him kept sending orders out, and all the ships quickly shot out according to his orders.

Thirty-six national-class warships adjusted the position of the Shenneng Cannon as quickly as possible, and a series of terrifying beams pierced the sky in an instant, hitting the huge ship of the ancient kingdom of Hongtian.

Those terrifying cannons of divine power, under such a comprehensive bombardment, waiting for the divine power of thousands of catties of spiritual stones to be released, the power is so great that it will cause the saints and other superhuman figures to suffer.

Boom boom boom -

It can be seen to the naked eye that a total of twelve huge ships were pierced in the ancient kingdom of Hongtian, and then exploded. They were immediately submerged by terrible stormy waves. The hull disintegrated and a large number of soldiers fell into the water. Waiting for a long time in a dangerous environment, only the strong demigod can rise from the sky, but it is also full of danger.

Moreover, in the Lingtian sea area, not only is the storm terrifying, but also the terrifying sea beasts hidden in the deep sea. Under the bloody, a large number of sea beasts swarmed in, all of them were terrible beasts with abnormal changes. He opened his hideous fangs, rushed past like lightning, and quickly bit down thousands of innate soldiers who had fallen into the water.

And even some demi-god powerhouses rising into the air can't avoid it, there are huge sea beasts leaping over the dragon gate, and they are swallowed by the sky.

War is the best harvester for human flesh. Every war is often accompanied by the disappearance of thousands of lives, irreversible.

This is the cruelty of war.

Boom boom boom--

In the war between the two countries, the state-class warship Shenneng cannon continued to bombard, shooting out a terrifying beam of magical energy, destroying the world and exploding the world.

City-class warships also have second-class divine cannons. Although they are not as terrifying as national-class warships, they can easily kill the innate. Under the overwhelming attack, the power of the gods will also be broken into pieces.

Those many sky-blasting thunders are even sea mines. When they are detonated, they continue to blow up huge waves, and their power is no less powerful than the sky-blasting cannon.

Occasionally, the storm sea clouds in the Lingtian Sea will be pierced by the raw earth.

The war is still going on, and it has fallen into a fierce battle.

It’s just that the young man commanding the Xi Kingdom is unusually extraordinary, decisive in decision-making, and with great dignity in the army. Hundreds of thousands of troops follow his orders from top to bottom and execute them at the first time, without the slightest. The ground is slow, allowing the fighters to manifest as quickly as possible.

He kept giving orders one by one, quickly mobilizing the 36 state-class warships and 800 city-class warships under his command, swiftly and flexibly, constantly avoiding all kinds of attacks from enemy countries, and doing Attacks also often harm the opponent effectively to the greatest extent.

Even a semi-god powerhouse sent by Hongguo, even a god-transforming powerhouse, wanted to rush to destroy the warships of the Xi Kingdom, but they were all resisted by the powerful people on the Xi Kingdom side.

The two countries competed. On one side, huge ships sailed hard in the stormy waves, while on the other side they were constantly bombarding the sky, exploding huge waves and shattering many ships.

This is not a battle of equals. Although the combat power of both sides is similar, one side has strong command and conducts group attacks quickly and efficiently, while the other side can only attack stiffly, and the magical cannons are not effective. The ground hit the opponent, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

A huge ship quickly shattered, countless soldiers quickly fell into the sea, and then was swallowed by countless sea beasts, blood stained the sea, very embarrassed.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to leave, but after seeing this war, he stayed, and watched the battle with interest, and even came to the center of the battle between the two sides.

It's just that from beginning to end, no one saw his existence, and even no matter how madly bombarded him, he could never hurt him.

He seemed to be separated from the whole world, without the slightest influence.


In the end, Hongguo’s forty giant ships and hundreds of warships sank one after another in the ocean. The entire army was annihilated. Thousands of soldiers fell into the water and were bitten by many sea beasts, irresistible.

On the other side, the thirty-six giant ships of the Xi Kingdom had very few losses, only three giant ships were sunk, and most of the others were city-class warships accompanying the battle, nothing more.


Ye Chen came to the flagship giant ship in the center of the Xi Kingdom. On the highest floor, the extraordinary young man in battle armor stood on it. There were many generals who followed him in the battle, but he could not see the existence of Ye Chen. .

These generals looked at the young man with a touch of awe from the depths of their hearts, reporting the situation of the battle: "Report to His Royal Highness, this time 36 national-class warships of our Seal State were dispatched and two were lost. Another eight hundred city-class warships lost 83 ships, while the opponent’s 40 national-class warships and 1,000 city-class warships were all annihilated. Thirty-seven thousand one hundred and forty-three enemy troops were captured. People, among them the acquired 34,783, the congenital 2,347, the three demigods!"

"Our country's victory is due to the wise leadership of His Royal Highness."

These words are not flattery, but sincere, because this war between the two countries was due to the command of the prince, and only achieved such an outstanding record. Otherwise, even if it is for them who have experienced countless wars, large and small. The generals did not dare to say that they would do better than His Royal Highness.

This is a perfect record, and it can be said to have never been before.

The prince in front of him is worthy of being the most outstanding genius in the history of the country. Not only is his talent for monasticism extraordinary, but even the commander is so outstanding and enchanting, it is really not to be underestimated.

His Royal Highness did not see much pride on his face, he just said indifferently: "Several generals have made a serious statement. Thanks to the help of the generals in this battle, we can achieve such excellent results. We will return to the palace later. , The main hall must ask the emperor father for merits for several generals and soldiers, and the sacrificed soldiers will also receive a thick burial and more pensions."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness!"

A group of generals immediately bowed their heads and knelt and thanked them. With the words of His Royal Highness, it is indispensable to give a generous reward.

"His Royal Highness, dare to ask those captured enemy soldiers how to deal with it, or if you want to rely on the meaning of the minister--"

A general made a gesture of wiping his neck with a hand knife, meaning to kill.

The other generals also nodded.

"No--" His Royal Highness refused and shook his head: "Although it is a prisoner of the enemy army, if it is killed, it will inevitably arouse the anger of the nations, which is not appropriate. Imprisoned in a water prison today. You can take good training and join our army. Become a force. As for the three semi-god powerhouses, they are also well-known powerhouses in Hongguo. They are allowed to join in with generous gifts. If they can’t, they can be killed. Neither can be used by our country, but they are also people from the enemy country. return!"

"Prince wise!"

A group of generals spoke.

Commanding wisely, handling things decently, killing decisively, the true generals, the talents of the country leader, will lead the entire Xi Kingdom to a more glorious future in the future.

This was the first impression of the Prince of the Kingdom of Xi to Ye Chen.

Of course, if only this is the case, the latter will never stay here to watch this complete war.

The so-called war between the two countries, even if it involves demigods, gods, or even the Holy Tibetan realm, in his eyes, if it is a mortal war, how many times in the world will be born, how can he watch it.

However, what interests him most is actually the Crown Prince of the Xi Kingdom. A special temperament is invisibly scattered on his body, which makes Ye Chen unable to help but pay some attention.

He felt in his heart that this prince of the Xi Kingdom would be a special person, a person who can make him interested.

So he stood aside in silence and continued to observe.

After a short while, all the generals retreated, but His Royal Highness stayed here, silently looking at the violent Lingtian sea area, only a slight sigh in his heart, as if he said to himself: "Even if you defeat Hong What about the country? After all, it’s just two of the six thousand nations in my nine faces. There are 108 ancient kingdoms on it, 36 emperors, seven empires and more powerful ones. The immortal emperor family of the entire Jiuyan Emperor Star."

"I, Yan Wushuang, although a member of the Jiuyan imperial clan, is only a mere tribe, and I cannot even get the emperor's surname. If I don't awaken my blood, I will be afraid and cannot become more modern throughout my life and become a holy Tibetan It is also difficult, let alone escape from the holy Tibet, escape from reincarnation, and become the supreme being that is high above and dominates all souls of the common people."

"I am not reconciled, I dare not only become a mortal, I am not reconciled to be trapped under the holy Tibetan realm for the rest of my life. What I want is not the throne of this secular world, not the emperor among mortals, but to be above all the heavens The emperor, the supreme emperor!"

There was a fiery light in his eyes, which was a yearning for the supreme godlessness. He hoped to get out and truly overlook the heavens and all the souls, the great generations, and the nine heavens.

But soon, the blazing heat in his eyes disappeared, and a little dimmed.

Because he knows that even the prince of a country can't do it, because it is too difficult, and it will be difficult for him to become a sage of a country even with all the resources of a country, let alone to create The immortal inheritance of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan's lofty supreme emperor is an unattainable dream.

It's just that he didn't know. Right beside him, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly sparkled. He who saw this prince had a special kind of greed, but it was pure, just the greed for becoming the Supreme Emperor.

Ye Chen had seen countless people in his life, and had seen countless Supreme Tianjiao, but had never seen anyone in the great world so greedy for the Supreme Emperor, greedy to become one of them.

Everyone else yearns and pursues!

Perhaps this is the special temperament of the Xiguo prince.

But if that was the case, Ye Chen was a little disappointed, because he was only slightly interested at best, but not too special.

It was only the words that the prince of Xiguo wanted to say next, but he had to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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