Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1857: Yin Chen back to the myth, the foreign emperor kills!

Ye Chen stood on top of it, watching silently, and then stepped forward, actually going against the long river of years, starting to walk on top of the long river of years, walking against the time.

Along the way, not only the things that have happened in the sealed universe, but also the things that have happened in the Chaos Sea, there are various ancient universes, and there are also mysterious Chaos Seas, and there is no shortage of Primordial King-level battles. . . . . .

A chaotic light appeared on his body, not only as simple as the chaotic light, but also a special power permeated in the light, the power of time and space, which protected his safety. Being eroded by the long river of years, he was able to go up against the river of years sadly.

Otherwise, even Ye Chen would be eroded by the power of the years, and would die away.

I don't know how long it has passed. Ye Chen has gone through the years, but he has come to the end of the long river of years.

Maybe it can't be called the end, because the river has been cut off and cut off.

Where it was cut off, there was a huge and incomparable ancient stele. It was not known how high it was, but it towered into the highest place, with no end in sight.

It is wide, and the end cannot be seen, completely covering the front.

The monument is simple and vicissitudes of life, inscribed with ancient words, contains the principles and principles of the heavens, and releases a boundless energy of the sky, like the heavens, vast and boundless.

It also seems to be the supreme emperor or the supreme immortal, and all spirits will also surrender.

It’s just that there are blood stains on the sky stele, and it still shows a bright red color, as if it was not long ago, and that blood also made Ye Chen feel the boundless grandeur and the supreme emperor's might that crushed the heavens. .

That is emperor blood.

The ancient monument is the burial monument of the emperor!

At that time, the foreign emperor looked down from the mythical era and wanted to go down the river and kill him, the key person in the sealed universe. He was repelled by a mysterious person who was suspected of being the supreme emperor and surrounded by chaos, and he was buried in the sky. The monument cuts off the long river of years, cutting off this era and the mythical era.

Although there was almost an accident in the long river of years on the ancient gate of Tongxuan, the supreme supreme in the future set out to take action, stood up again, and continued to cut off, and it still exists today.

Ye Chen didn't understand why he could see the river of time from the ancient coffin.

For some reason, he was able to follow the long river of years, upstream, and came to the position where he was cut off by the burial monument.

All this seems to hide some unknown things, but it seems that someone is calling to himself, let himself step into the coffin, and go back here against the long river.

What is all this?

Ye Chen didn’t know. He stood in front of the monument to the sky. He looked up at this endless ancient monument. Once an emperor was buried, the blood on the monument was the blood of the emperor. Unfailing.


Suddenly, there was a drop of emperor's blood on the burial monument, sinking into the river of time.

The moment it fell, it seemed as if the sky was full of stars falling, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the long river violently shook.

Moreover, it was visible to the naked eye that parts of the Long River in those years were quickly dyed red, turning into a sea of ​​blood, flooding a large area of ​​Ye Chen's body.


Suddenly, from the red-stained area, a scene rushed out over the long river of years, which recorded the various emperors of the end of the mythical era, the fierce battles of the emperors, the fall of all souls in the sealed universe, the decline of all races, and the existence of a thousand things Second, left the universe of the Dark Blood Age.

This situation will completely envelop Ye Chen, making him seem to be in it, looking back at all the things that year.

Even though he had returned to the destruction of the myth several times, Ye Chen still looked angry and sad, because this was a sealed universe, a battle of prosperity and decline, and he felt the same.

It's just that he is also very curious as to why he has to return to the mythological destruction again, because the secrets that need to be understood will basically have to be understood the first few times, so why do they have to return again.

It's just that this time staying in the mythical era seems to be a bit long, Ye Chen wants to escape and go to nothing.


Suddenly, on the top of the sky that day, an immeasurable demon shadow descended.

It is a foreign race great emperor, descending from the sky, the heavens and stars are as small as dust, and the emperor's prestige trembles through the heavens and domains, and also wiped out countless creatures in the sealed universe.

But among them, the alien emperor with boundless power clearly looked at Ye Chen, and his cold eyes seemed to be able to see him who had entered here inexplicably.

Ye Chen immediately felt the creeps all over his body. He was clearly not in the mythical era, and why he was seen by the foreign emperor.

This is impossible, it must be a coincidence.

Ye Chen swept around, but in the area within a radius of 10,000 miles, there was almost nothing, nothing, all the creatures were completely lost, and the Primordial King was not immune.

But the eyes of the great alien still fell on Ye Chen's body, even if he was not in this life, he still felt great pressure.

The Great Emperor of the Alien Race went deep into his career, and across time and space, I saw Ye Chen trespassing in it.

"The ants of the sealed world, you let me wait to find it, and finally it is considered to be waiting for your arrival."

An icy voice slowly spit out from the mouth of the Great Alien Emperor, it was aimed at Ye Chen, making the latter instantly horrified.

The Great Alien was actually waiting for his arrival! ?

What the **** is going on?


Endless power is emerging, and all the space in Ye Chen's body is blocked in an instant, making him unable to move.

Looking down on Ye Chen, the emperor of the foreign race looked down at Ye Chen, who was even more insignificant than the ants. He didn't seem to be eager to kill him. Instead, he spoke slowly and explained the reason: "The emperors of my realm back then, at all costs, carried on the ancient Shuo Jin’s years of great deduction, looking for people who may destroy our world’s plans in the future, and finally deducing nine key people. Pankong, Moruo, Shen Luo, Loukong, and Antian follow the long river of time. The next step is to kill six people."

"The seventh person is you."

"Only by killing you can you go down the river and kill the eighth and ninth people!"

"It's just I didn't expect your human race ants in this area, and your luck is against the sky, so that a great emperor is forced to show up, save you at all costs, expose your own existence, and make our plan to fail. The second time. It even forced the mysterious great emperor from the future to show up, causing several great emperors in our world to return without success. Not only were they unable to kill you, they were also cut off for years."

"But the more so, the greater the emperor will save you at all costs, and the more he will be able to prove your value, prove that you are the key person who is likely to reverse the future, and it is also likely to prevent our world’s grand plan, and it is even more impossible to stay. Come down."

"Do the emperors of the sealed world really think that we have no way to kill you, the key person? In the past, the emperor deduced the possibility of failure for a big plan, and at the cost of being severely injured by the emperor, he would also be buried in blood. The monument is for this time."

"There will be a number of times in the future to save you, send ancient coffins, and send precious information. My clan has also learned this from people in the future."

"Since the ancient coffin will be sent to the river in the future, this emperor will not hesitate to send a mouthful of the ancient coffin of the divine stone of time and space, and use the emperor method to connect the river of years and summon you, let you go upstream, return here, and drip with the emperor’s blood. , Throughout the ancient and modern, indirectly sent you back here, making you unable to leave."

"No matter in the past, present, or in the future, someone will save you, the key person, but this emperor will do whatever it takes to imprison you in the mythical era and see how you can save yourself?"

"See how those people rescue you from the sea of ​​misery!"

Hearing this, Ye Chenli felt the endless ice cold.

It turns out that the mysterious ancient coffin is fake, not from the lonely future of the world, but from the work of the alien emperor, just for design, layout of the eternal years, and more people from the future, sending information to let the aliens know, Let the alien emperor guide himself into the ancient coffin and walk on the river of time.

I also struggled with the crisis of being severely damaged by the Emperor in the past, leaving the blood on the burial monument. At the right time, the right place is dripping, just for the enticement, so that you can enter the era of mythology, you can take action. Beheaded.

The foreign race, in order to kill him, this key person, is really a very deep strategy. Even a foreign race great emperor risked being severely injured by the emperor, and was also bloodied on the monument.

Ye Chen showed a heartfelt wry smile, this time he might really fall down, because this is no longer a long river of years, and the supreme self may not be able to make a move in the future.

Facing a supreme alien emperor, he could do nothing even with infinite means.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is impossible.

The alien emperor suddenly raised his head and looked at the highest point of the There are also sealed emperors who noticed all this. The moment he saw Ye Chen, he immediately understood everything and knew the truth of Ye Chen. Identity is changing.


The heavens are all in the great collapse, and the Great Emperor wants to take action, reverse the situation, and rescue Ye Chen, the key person.

It is a pity that the Great Alien immediately blocked him, and he said coldly: "You still don't want to be wishful thinking, otherwise it will interfere with the movement of the years, and be backlashed by great causal forces. Gu Chu is using the blood of the emperor, so it can temporarily reverse time and space. , Take action against the key person in your closure."

The Great Emperor Gu Chu, who was also the foreign emperor who had dripped his blood and stained the river for years, said: "Although I am also a little curious, there will be other people here who can come out to help you, but it is probably impossible. It can’t come either. In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, I will solve you and let you, the seventh key person, disappear completely."


Great Emperor Gu Chu made a move without any imperial magical powers. To reach this level of emperor realm, he only needs one imperial thought to smash the heavens, with the supreme dili power falling, and rushing towards Ye Chen.

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