Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1874: 108 Ancient Protoss!

Nine ethnic groups and eighteen countries were overthrown?

One hundred and eight ancient gods?

"Why say that?" Ye Chen said solemnly.

Xia Mu'er glanced at Ye Chen and the others in surprise, wondering that they were not even aware of the events that had shocked the entire ten-day realm in the past few years, but they blushed when they thought that they had just been released for experience. , Embarrassedly spit out her pink tongue lightly, it looks extra pink and lovely.

At this time, another young man in the tribe spoke. Although he was cautious and shy in front of such peerless beauties like Abenu, he also seemed to show his bravery. He raised his head to face and said loudly, "Because of these years. Wide open, the descendants of the gods in the nine heavens have come one after another, completely changing the situation of the ten heavens a hundred years ago, and the nine nations and eighteen nations have formed the 108 ancient gods!"

The so-called one hundred and eight ancient gods are the thirty-six emperors and seventy-two imperial families of the ancient realm of the Ten Heaven Realm.

The original hegemonic racial forces such as the nine tribes and eighteen nations were actually founded by the heirs of the gods, but in recent years, the ten-day realm has undergone the most dramatic changes since the ages. The heavens have changed and the ten thousand ways have flourished, ushering in history. The most glorious golden age.

At the same time, there are foreign supreme Tianjiao who have broken through the barriers of the ancient ten-day realm one after another, entering from the outside world, all young and extremely powerful, unimaginable, claiming to be the emperor and the emperor. The heirs of the gods in the ancient realm of the heavens have the strongest bloodline of the gods, and they have entered with their respective ancient gods, truly descending on the ancient realm of the ten heavens.

The descending of these so-called heirs of the gods and the ancient gods naturally caused the rejection of the ten thousand races in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, because in the minds of the ten thousand peoples, the true ancient gods have only nine tribes and eighteen nations, and they are the real ones The ancient Protoss has guided the Ten Thousand Races out of the dark and **** age that they did not want to recall, and achieved the glory and prosperity of the Ten Thousand Races.

It's just that the descendants of the gods and the ancient gods who entered from the outside world are indeed too powerful. Anyone who walks out can sweep a whole of the ancients, and it is stronger than the eight hundred royals that are located in the depths of the ten-day realm. They are far from opponents.

And even if the immortal protoss forces left by the nine tribes and eighteen nations came forward in person, it would be difficult for these foreign ancient protoss to get much cheaper.

Because the ancient gods from abroad also have the top-notch Gadai existence, so the nine clans and eighteen nations are extremely jealous.

The most important thing is that these foreign ancient gods are not just one or two, or even more than a dozen, but dozens of ancient gods are coming down one after another, even the nine clans, eighteen nations and eight hundred royal clans have been severely affected. Threat.

Over time, under the awe of the many foreign ancient gods, the powerful such as the nine tribes and eighteen nations had to retreat, acquiescing that these foreign ancient gods could exist in this ten-day ancient realm.

In addition, the nine tribes and eighteen nations seemed to understand that these foreign ancient gods were also descendants of the gods, and they were equally terrifying and powerful.

Therefore, the nine tribes and eighteen kingdoms that were originally the overlords of the ten heavens have now evolved into 108 ancient gods.

And the original eight hundred royal families, because other immortal ancient families second only to the ancient gods, have also evolved into the current three thousand royal families.

One hundred and eight ancient gods and three thousand royals are the overlord ancients on the top of the pyramids in the vast Nine Heavenly Realms of the Ancestral God Pass.

Ye Chen and others naturally knew that the heirs of the foreign gods were the emperors and daughters, and the so-called ancient gods were their respective emperors.

Doesn't the 108 ancient gods represent the 108 emperors?

After Ye Chen and other people got to know them, they were all shocked.

This is what a shocking number of emperors. Looking at the entire Chaos Sea, even if it is the ancient universe of foreign races and the ancient universe of the primordial immortal world, I am afraid that the two strongest ancient universes, the emperor and the immortal clan, cannot have so much.

Only by condensing the entire Chaos Sea and the many ancient Chaos Universes in this special world, can there be as many as 108 emperors at once.

After all, the existence of the Sea of ​​Chaos is unpredictable. There have been one era after another. In the long and extremely long years, all the ancient Chaos universes together will naturally give birth to 108 emperors or supreme immortals. , And even more so.

There are also many emperors and immortals who are hidden from the world. They only hear their names in the world, and they continue to prosper and develop secretly. Only in this special world, the heavenly emperors and immortals have been hidden from the world. Born.

Because these emperors and immortals all know that the ancestor **** emperor or the supreme immortal deduced that the near future will be the most terrible blood-stained future in history. It will completely extend the entire Chaos Sea, even the emperors who cannot be seen from the world. Perhaps the emperor or the Supreme Immortal will all be forced out, unable to really avoid it, let alone them.

Only when the emperors and daughters of all races or the descendants of the immortals are sent to the Supreme Ancient Road to compete for the "Supreme" immortal fate left by the last emperors, and become stronger, can the entire emperor and fairy clan be in that terrible Bloodstained will survive in the future.

But what surprised Ye Chen and others the most is that the Supreme Ancient Road is the same as the Ultimate Ancient Road. It should only be accessible to the younger generation, but it sounds like it’s not just that simple, as if it’s even the emperor’s emperor. The imperial clan behind can enter it.

If this is the case, then how did the emperors behind these emperor sons and daughters step into the ten-day realm ancient realm? Are they also the descendants of the emperors?

However, it is obvious that neither Xia Muer nor the young people of other tribes can understand these secrets. Even the elder Xia of the tribe who is at the helm is also true. In the final analysis, they are only members of the elders. It's just a small tribe, far from reaching the level of knowing these secrets.

This made Ye Chen sigh slightly, these secrets can only wait for him to enter the ancestral pass, set foot in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, and personally investigate.

Ye Chen suddenly said: "Human race is at the level of ten thousand races, what level is it? Does it belong to the 108 ancient **** races?"

Xia Mu'er shook her head, saying that human race is just a vague concept of race, because human race can also be divided into many races, such as simple human race, ape-man race, murloc race, celestial race, and Xuanyuan race. A unified family name gathered together.

In the ten-day realm, there are actually twelve giant races, such as human race, monster race, alien race, heaven race, sea race, and so on.

Even if it is considered to be the 108 ancient gods and three thousand royal clans that dominate the ten-day realm ancient domain, almost all races are from these twelve giant tribes.

It can be said that the ancient ten-day realm is vast and huge, and it is also very complicated, with many divisions.

Ye Chen understood that, just like among alien races, many of the 108 ancient gods must belong to alien emperors, and even among the three thousand royal families, they belong to the huge ethnic group of alien races.

For example, in the sealed universe, the Taisheng royal family, the emperor Ye family, the angel family, etc., in general, are not part of the human race, but they are different in terms.

Ye Chen asked again: "Among the 108 ancient gods and three thousand royal families, is there no strong clan belonging to the human race?"

Xia Muer said: "Yes!"

"If this is the case, why do you still say that my human race is weak?" Ye Chen is unclear. Since there are emperors and royal families belonging to the human race, it should be the prosperous human race. Why do you still say that it is the opposite of weakness?

This seems contradictory in any way.

Hearing that, Xia Muer shook their heads. After all, they are just young people in a small tribe. They are not qualified to be exposed to too many things, but they can hear that the human race known as the 12 Big Mac race is weak. , Their status in the Ten Heavens Realm Ancient Territory seemed very ordinary, and sometimes even their Terran cultivators would be oppressed by other ancient races.

Suddenly, Xia Mu'er looked at Ye Chen and the others with a little hesitation, and said cautiously: "Brother Ye Chen, I will tell you some rumors that I heard from Grandpa. Don't just say it, otherwise Grandpa will know for sure. Punish me for thinking about it."


The other young people were a little anxious and wanted to stop Xia Mu'er, but the latter shook his head towards the others: "Don't worry, I believe Brother Ye Chen will not say anything, and it is not very important. Secret."

Hearing that, several young people had no choice but to agree, but they watched Ye Chen and others warily.

Ye Chen didn't care much, and said softly, "Miss Mu'er, let me say that someone Ye can swear to the sky and won't say a word to others."

Hearing that, Xia Mu'er everyone was relieved, they still believed these vows, Xia Mu'er carefully looked outside the house, and then whispered: "Brother Ye Chen, this is what I stole from grandpa. What I heard seems to be a rumor. I don’t know if it’s true. I heard that in the depths of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, even though the 108 Ancient Protoss and Three Thousand Royals also belong to my human race~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But the number is not large, not even one tenth. And I heard that the alien race is very powerful, and it has enemies with my human race in ancient and modern times, and because this time, many ancient gods who entered from the outside world belonged to that alien race. I also cooperated with some ancient gods to suppress the ancient gods and royal clans of my human race. Although there are powerful gods in my human race, but the number is not as good as that of the foreign gods, my human race can be said to be very prosperous now, but it also appears to be prosperous. weak."

So that was the case, it was the hateful foreign race again, but I didn't expect that these foreign races would really linger wherever they went.

A cold killing intent flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.


Suddenly, the entire ship, which had been traveling smoothly, shook violently and received a huge impact.

Everyone in the room was suddenly alarmed, and rushed out quickly, trying to understand what happened.

Then everyone on board was panicked, and vaguely heard shouting: "It's not good, the Seven Demon Pirates of the Yellow Sea are catching up!"

(End of this chapter)

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