Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2206: King of Body Refining Stream!

The majestic and boundless Tianguan continued to tremble and faltered, as if it was about to truly collapse at any time. It was shocking to see, and it was also more and more shocked by the terrifying power of the emperor's reincarnation.

If this goes on, it may really be possible to collapse this majestic and immortal heaven.

Boom boom boom--

Ye Chen kept making moves. The emperor's reincarnation waved his fists, punch after punch. Each punch contained the real power of the emperor-level physical body, and the Immortal Pass continued to tremble, and many of them could not truly Stand up, as if you are about to fall down.

After the ninth day pass, naturally there is a vast and magnificent giant city across the earth. It seems calm during the day, but at this moment, the hundreds of millions of creatures living here are all shocked, and all of them raised their heads in shock and looked at the one standing in front of them. The stalwart immortal pass.

The Immortal Pass, which stood for endless years, actually shook. What happened?

Is it?

Suddenly, countless people remembered a legend that had been passed down for a long time. That legend made everyone frightened. It was like a doomsday, inevitable, and destroyed everything.

The eight immortal gates in front of that were destroyed because of this.

Everyone is very scared, and will eventually be completely annihilated just like the previous eight immortal gates, eternally disappearing between heaven and earth.

"No, I don't want to destroy!"

"The Tianguan is shaken, and the end of the eighth-layer Tianguan is suspected to be destroyed. We must stop it!"

"Please call the sleeping ancient ancestor, and let him wake up from the deepest sleep!"

"Yes, call the ancient ancestor, ask him to recover, and stop it!"

In the vast huge city, all of them are united, and everyone has reached a unanimous decision, which is to call the sleeping ancient ancestor, ask him to recover, and stop the doomsday.

The purpose of the ancient ancestors sleeping and dead is because of this.

"The ancient ancestors who slept in the ancient times are dedicated to guarding the ancestors of the whole clan, but today is difficult to pass, the end of the eighth heaven pass is coming. Please revive and stop the end."

Allegedly, hundreds of millions of people were united in the city, and a ray of brilliance was rushed on the cover of each sky spirit, and then they gathered together and turned into a vast ocean, gathered in the most central place of the giant city, and immediately submerged in it.

Soon after, a huge beam of light slammed into the sky. It was stronger than the mountains. It stood up to the sky and connected the sky to the earth. It was accompanied by a terrifying breath of the mighty heavens, sweeping across the sky, like The myth of sleeping in ancient times is coming back to life.

The intensity of this breath is simply unparalleled.

When the sky closed, Zhu Qiang was shocked: "This wave of fluctuations? Is it because the ancient ancestor is about to recover?"

"It's not good, it actually shocked the ancient ancestors. The people in the city must have thought that the end is coming."

"The unparalleled ancient ancestor is recovering, and the people's call is now useless even if it is stopped."

"Well, I didn't expect that it would eventually shock the ancient ancestor's recovery. I did, but now let's take a look at how to deal with it."

Outside the Heavenly Pass, Ye Chen who was knocking at the Pass also keenly felt the stalwart aura that originated from the other side of the Immortal Pass. It was definitely of the Primordial Sovereign Level. It was just how powerful it was that it could only be separated from the Immortal Pass Fuzzy induction cannot be completely clear.

The majestic and immortal Tianguan also trembled slightly, and it was under great pressure. Among them, a majestic and intimidating figure appeared from the Optimus beam. He could not see the true face, but knew that it was very strong and majestic, just like Tianguan. So, it can support the world on the other side.


In the giant city, the hundreds of millions of people who were calling all knelt down, showing sincere attitude, fieryly looking at the majestic and majestic ancestors at the top.

"Is this day finally here? It's my mission!" Gu Zu seemed to let out a light sigh, and then his figure moved, looking around the countless clansmen who were kneeling down, and one step came to heaven, the king. The majesty of the sky pervades the sky and the sky is clear, and many gods and powers respectfully worship.

"I have seen Gu Zu!"

Ye Chen stopped attacking. He saw the burly figure above, a full five feet tall, naked upper body, strong body and powerful, all muscles are like real dragons, flowing with bronze luster, invisible. The world seemed unbearable, and would collapse at any time.

Right now, Ye Chen's expression was solemn.

Body refiner!

The Primordial King in front of him is definitely a body refiner.

If it is a general Primordial King, even if the rule of the king is powerful, Ye Chen is not afraid. With the help of the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, the Primordial King is absolutely fearless, but the Primordial King of the body refiner must be stronger than the general Primordial King, just like the Tyrant King. .

The primordial king of the body-refining stream does not need to rely on the rules of the king's road, just the battle body that is cultivated, is basically enough to force the king's warriors with bare hands.

For example, Chaos Sea’s most powerful body refining flow fighting saint line can smash weapons of the same rank with bare hands, and one can imagine the terrifying aspects of refining flow.

Just like this, when he learned that the Primordial King in front of him was a body-refining stream, even if he had the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, his expression changed. Such a Primordial King is far more than imagined. Difficult to deal with.

When the Immortal Heaven is closed, the majestic and burly Primordial King, like a savage, holding an ordinary mace in his hand, looking down at the reincarnation of the emperor Ye Chen below, but without the slightest underestimation, on the contrary in his eyes There was also a hint of surprise.

"It's not that the end of the Eighth Heaven Pass is coming, just one person?"

Because as a body refiner, he also felt the reincarnation of the great emperor below, the flesh that looked like a little boy, containing incomparable physical power.

This kind of physical strength is that he feels some sense of It is precisely because he is a body refiner that he can only perceive it, otherwise it would be difficult for others to feel it.

The King of the Ancient King who is like a King Kong speaks, and his tone is loud like a big bell: "Are you the one who wants to knock?"

Ye Chen is neither shocked nor afraid, neither salty nor indifferent: "Yes!"

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, I didn’t expect to be able to meet a good opponent like you as soon as I awakened. You should also be a body refiner. You and I will fight hard and have a hand addiction!" The Taigu King laughed loudly. She jumped down from the immortal heaven, and came down with a sigh.

It is too late for the other powerhouses in the sky to stop them.

At the moment, a respected old **** king said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and prepare to open the heavenly gate. Once the king returns, open it immediately, and prepare to sacrifice forbidden soldiers!"


Other strong people all responded, whether this king ancient ancestor can have an accident.

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