Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2400: Terrible in the Emperor Realm!

Although somewhat scrupulous, Ye Chen continued to collect many spiritual veins along the way.

For the power of these curses, he is a chaotic sacrament, capable of transforming everything, as long as it is not an overly powerful curse, or is not afraid, enough to resolve.

More importantly, he is not alone. Behind him is the Canglan Continent, Tianmen, Moon Palace, etc. They are all forces that need to be cultivated. They want to fight against the forces of the blood-stained future with him. To become stronger, there must be countless gods to make the power stronger.

Therefore, his burden is not small.

The powers of the Emperor Guangming also took action to help Ye Chen collect a lot of spiritual veins.

Naturally, the powers of other human races also took action one after another, and soon swept away the spiritual veins of millions of miles.

In this territory, the aura will gradually become thinner in the near future, and will never have such a unique cultivation environment.

Of course, terrible beasts appeared during this period. They were native creatures in the Emperor Realm. There were no shortage of large-energy creatures. They were very powerful. They found this kind of creature.

It even alarmed a strong creature of the **** king level a million miles away.

The king of the gods discovered all this, and he was naturally very angry, roaring the boundless domain, breaking the sky and the earth, countless mountains crumbled, and rumbling to collapse, almost shocked the stars in the sky to fall, it is simply a change in the color of the sky, and it seems to be extinct. The same in the world.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of countless creatures in this vast expanse, the human **** king made a timely move to ban this vast world.

At the same time, the Azure Phoenix Divine King even took action personally, showing the true power of the Five Tribulations Divine King, behind him, the Azure Phoenix Divine Wing spread out, covering the vast territory.

The wings of the gods shook, they could shake off the sky full of stars, causing the world to fall apart, and the huge body that surpassed the stars that was comparable to the three times of the gods robbery was exploded, and the blood stained a million mountains, and it was solved directly.

In order to avoid the disclosure of the whereabouts of the human race, there is no mercy, and directly killed this **** king-level murderer.

The other fierce beasts are dying, they are not immune.

It is worth mentioning that after the smashed body of this **** king-level fierce body, the soul rushed out, the whole body was pitch black, terrifying and evil, filled with a kind of evil smell, just like the pitch black worm that Wakaba Chen pinched and exploded. The power of this curse is far stronger than I know how many times.

Moreover, the power of such a dark curse is contaminated when it touches it, and it is easy to infect and difficult to dissolve.

Even the Azure Phoenix Divine King was jealous, and he was jealous of the terrible curse power, once infected, it was not that easy to expel him.

In the end, it was the angelic emperor **** king who took the initiative to cast the original holy light of the **** king level, covering the soul of the vicious curse, possessing the ability to purify everything, forcibly dissolving all evil curses, and slaying the soul of the vicious.

Although no casualties were caused, this scene is also somewhat worrying.

Because the power of the curse is too terrifying, it is hard to find if it doesn't crush the flesh, if it is not cut and killed in time, once the body is infected, the consequences are unimaginable.

It also makes people more and more afraid, the Emperor Realm is much more terrifying than imagined.

But fortunately, not all creatures in the emperor realm possess the power of this evil curse. At present, it is only this **** king-level fierce, and other creatures have not discovered it.

After a brief contact, the powers of the human race also changed their views on the Emperor Realm.

This emperor world is far more terrifying than imagined.

But at present, according to the strength of the people, there is no danger that threatens them.

"There is no need to worry too much. Other emperors, immortals, mythical imperial domains and other forces have entered in advance, and there is no problem. As you can imagine, just be careful." Ye Chen said, reducing the hearts of everyone. concern.

At the very least, everyone is powerful, and the speed of crossing the mainland is also very fast, not for a long time, they crossed the relatively sparsely populated one million mountains and entered the prosperous area.

It is a prosperous area where many races stand, with many countries, great religions, and many huge cities, even the suspended sky **** city, and you can fully feel the power of the Emperor Realm.

Even if everyone had guessed for a long time, when they really understood it, they couldn't avoid the shock in their hearts.

Not long ago, when they entered a huge city, they were horrified to find that in this huge city, the strong are like clouds, the saints are like mortals, there are many heavenly kings, and there are many great abilities. Even the **** king can have one person. Is the lord of the city.

You know, this is only one of the giant cities. Looking at the entire Emperor Realm, there are still many such giant cities. It is completely conceivable that the entire Emperor Realm contains an astonishing number of powerful people.

Even the most prosperous imperial family, such as the Qin family, can hardly be compared.

"The Emperor Realm, what kind of vast world is this?" Zhu Qiang took a breath and was amazed.

They didn't stay for too long, because there were a lot of people, and they were really strong and easy to be spotted.

Soon after, they came to an area 100,000 miles away from the giant city.

"What should I do now?" someone said.

Di Wushuang said: "Let's act separately, too many people gather at once, it is easy to attract attention!"

This suggestion has been approved by many people, and obviously it is not good for too many people to gather together.

And this time, Emperor Golden Crow personally took action to shield the secrets, no one knew that they were from the outside world, and even as a member of the human race, and virtually avoided many unnecessary crises.

"My emperor Qin family is looking for the traces of the sacred skeletons of the Wuxiang Ancient other Taoist friends, please feel free!" Qin Wushuang said.

From beginning to end, the purpose of the Qin family of the emperor was very simple. It was to find the traces of the sacred corpse of the unphased king, bring it back to the Qin family, and bury it well.

As for the others, they are secondary.

The other emperors are very simple. On the one hand, they are helping the Qin family to find the sacred king of the intangible king. On the other hand, it is not to get some opportunities and improve themselves faster.

It is rumored that the Heaven-defending Treasure that can directly promote the Primordial King is also very likely in the Emperor Realm.

There are also people who care about the inheritance of the emperor's way, hoping to leapfrog the dragon gate from then on and head towards the road of glory.

Of course, to a greater extent, it is the tempering given to these Emperor Clan Tianjiao to become stronger.

Over the years, since leading into the ten-day realm ancient realm, experiencing the mythical imperial realm, then to the land of mythological relics, and then to the ancient road, and then to the emperor Qin family, the imperial battle territory, the Jinwudi realm, etc., all the way, Although there were a lot of deaths and injuries, similarly, no one who survived has greatly grown.

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