Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2406: Sealed Emperor Will!

The emperor was high above, overlooking Ye Chen below, and shouted: "Where is the rat, I see that the emperor has not knelt down quickly!"

A powerful coercion fell from the sky, covering Ye Chen below, pressing him too hard to resist.

It's just that there was a faint light flowing around Ye Chen, which easily offset this coercion.

He looked unchanged, and said: "It turns out that the emperor idols in each temple are attached to a ray of self-will. They belong to the emperor and not to him. Is it to avoid others from destroying it?"

He has studied the power of belief, and has also referred to countless ancient books. Ye Chen has his own experience on this path, knowing that the statue in front of him is not the real emperor speaking, but his great will can be placed in the power of belief in all beings. , So in this idol can also be transformed into a ray of autonomous will, but it can be independent, not completely belong to the emperor.

At the same time, he strode forward to the huge statue of the mountain.

"Dare to face the emperor without kneeling, you are blasphemy!"

The idol yelled and burst into a terrifying majesty. The power of faith accumulated for hundreds of years suddenly rose up. It actually possessed the power comparable to the peak of the Holy Tibetan realm. It was amazing. This temple must Was shattered.

Most people really dare not offend.

The other creatures below all knelt down one by one, panicked, and looked at Ye Chen to see how this blasphemer resisted the emperor?

"The so-called manifestation, but comparable to the peak of the holy treasury, is not worth mentioning, Zhenfeng!"

Ye Chen said indifferently. He did not put it in his eyes, and stretched out a hand, which derives the laws of the great avenue. It fell in the idol, and the brilliance of the gods was instantly restrained. The idols returned to ordinary again, just like not long ago People are shaking.

What an astonishing method for the blasphemer to directly seal the manifestation of the Emperor God.

Later, Ye Chen wiped away all traces with the ancient chaos.

Chaos can obliterate all energy and traces.

At this point, the power of faith in this temple was sealed, and the Emperor sitting in the center of the world would not feel it.

Of course, this will not be sensed in a short period of time. If the emperor personally collects the power of faith in the heavens, he will definitely be aware that the power of faith here is lacking, and will discover all this.

Naturally, including Yang Hongsheng, everyone's memory was erased by Ye Chensheng, and the memory of this time was lost.

At the level of his cultivation level, he also has a certain amount of research on the spirits, and it is just a breeze to erase the memories of the strongest but the saints.

All this was done quietly.

Ye Chen didn't leave immediately, standing amidst the sealed emperor's idol, dissolving the will of the power of faith.

It’s a pity that Ruhai’s power of faith cannot be used. It belongs to the Emperor alone, and it should not be studied. Otherwise, it may be affected by cause and effect, especially if the other party suspects the existence of the ancient emperor supreme. Once infected, it will be his chaotic practitioners. It is difficult to resolve.

In the end, his power of faith in the idol planted a divine mark.

In the future, if the seal of the power of faith of this statue is cracked, this divine seal will be able to perform gong, it will be a success.

"Be careful, the gods in the temple all have a ray of will, which is bred from the power of faith, which can drive the powerful power of faith, and can exert amazing combat power. The greater the temple, The stronger.” Back to the people, Ye Chen warned, although these temples of China, even if the emperor manifests, it is not very strong, such as Zhaoxia City, but with the cultivation base of the holy treasury peak, the will is only What is born from the power of faith does not belong to the true emperor's will.

But in any case, there are always some temples that are special, and it is not ruled out that they will nurture a stronger will and have a stronger power of belief.

Once something goes wrong, it may alarm the entire Palace of Emperors and cause a territorial master of the Primordial Sovereign level to take action. The result is very serious.

In such a big world, you must be careful about everything.

Leaving Chaoxia City, Ye Chen joined hands with his two wives and his seven supreme Tianjiaos.

He personally produced a chaotic talisman, containing chaotic energy, let them help, quickly shot, and the temples were sealed with the power of faith.

At the time of sealing, it only sealed the power of belief gathered before, and did not affect the continued gathering in the future, it was to avoid leaking in advance.

In the same way, special divine seals were planted, such as those in the statue of Chaoxia City.

In just half a month, a group of people swept over a radius of nearly a million miles and sealed thousands of temples. The power of faith in the seal is considerable, comparable to the power of faith in the inner world of a **** king. .

However, what makes them feel helpless is that the Emperor Realm is too magnificent, and it is better than the original emperor realm and the immortal realm. It is divided into ten domains, each of which can be huge, and it is magnificent for hundreds of thousands of miles. .

The temples sealed within half a month are only less than one percent of one domain.

They found that the current speed is simply not the solution, and over time, it is easy to be discovered and the plan will be exposed.

"The Emperor Realm is too big. It will take a long time to seal all the temples one by one." Mo Hai Shinto said, "Lord, do you want to summon the Tianjiao from the Emperor Guangming Realm to come back to seal it faster? ."

Ye Chen pondered a little, and then said: "No, let them continue to practice and temper in the Emperor Realm. We are not short of time. Of course, you can still take the opportunity to conquer some strong people. These seals can let them do it for help, and Taking the opportunity to understand the Emperor Realm, you may be able to get some useful information."

Merely with these people, they may be very strong, but after all, the number is a little bit small, and there is always some scruples, unable to seal too quickly, if they develop a power, they will do things more calmly.

"Lord, let us do this!"

Mo Hai Shendao, he led the other six supreme Tianjiao to leave and began to rule the world, surrendering to many great forces.

I have to say that Mo Haishen's work efficiency is very strong, and everyone is very strong. The cultivation of these years has at least reached the level of the Mighty Seventh Heaven, and Mo Haishen is even a half-step god.

The **** king and the strong are basically concentrated in a hundred giant cities, and rarely pay attention to other things.

With their cultivation base, they can naturally do more with half the effort. In less than a month, they have already conquered more than a dozen powerful nations.

These countries all have great ancestors. Looking at a vast ancient realm, they can be regarded as first-class top powers, with a population of hundreds of millions, and there are many strong ones, but obviously this cannot stop Mo Haishen etc. The sweep of man was quickly conquered under absolute strength, and it planted a mark in the soul, which was enslavement.

It is about the plan, in order not to leak, only the enslavement of the soul is the most guaranteed.

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