Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2546: The world is suppressed!

After they have cultivated to the level of the Primordial King, they naturally feel the suppression of the world to a certain extent, but they have never cared about it.

Because at this level, they can absorb the power outside the world world for cultivation, and they no longer need inside the world world.

But what is puzzling is that after they have basically broken through to the level of the Primordial King, even after countless thousands of years of painstaking practice, it seems that it is difficult to go further.

Such as the mythical emperor, it has regained half of the heaven and earth's luck in the prosperous age of mythology, surpassing others, and become a myth, a thousand-year-old king, and an emperor forever.

But after arriving at the emperor, he accumulated a hundred thousand years, practiced hard, accumulated a lot, and still couldn't break through.

You must know that the qualifications of the mythical emperor are really amazing. Looking at the arrogant heavenly arrogant that is rare in the chaotic sea, he still can't break through, and finally he has no choice but to go far into the vast no man's land and never return.

"The energy required for the birth of a supreme is too vast. The world can't bear it. The will of the world will be suppressed and breakthroughs are not allowed. Therefore, even the emperor cannot break through the suppression of the world, the king said!" The truth.

Everyone was shocked, and that was the reason.

The way of heaven circulates, and there are gains and losses.

This world is already strong enough. Throughout the ages, an emperor and eighteen primordial kings have been born only in the age of mythology. It is enough to see the world far beyond the ordinary world, even many emperors, supreme immortals and other supreme source worlds Not up to date.

However, in such a mythical age, an epoch epoch does not necessarily appear once or twice, and each appearance robs the entire world of heaven and earth from the infinite accumulation since the epoch epoch.

There is a limit to the world and the earth. Whether it is the ancient king or the emperor, it belongs to the creatures under the heavenly way. No matter how powerful it is, it is limited. Of course, the unphased king is a special case.

However, the supreme is far superior to the emperor. Once it becomes the supreme, it is to wait if it goes hand in hand with the heavens. The power required to break through the Tao supreme level is too great, far better than the emperor. The vast world where no man's land is located can't bear it.

Otherwise, once a breakthrough occurs, not only will heaven and earth enter a long era of doomsday, it is more likely that the origin of the entire world will be exhausted. This is something that the will of the world does not allow.

Therefore, the mythical emperor cannot make a final breakthrough even if his aptitude is astonishing, being suppressed by the will of the world.

Generally speaking, in the sea of ​​chaos, only the infinitely huge world world like the ancient universe of chaos can give birth to the supreme, because the ancient universe is too huge, far more numerous than other worlds, and even the birth of the supreme cannot lead to the origin. exhausted.

"The suppression of the will of the world, but why doesn't the mythical emperor leave this world?"

Many of the ancestors of the mythical emperor domain do not understand that since the world is suppressed, can you break through without leaving?

The worldless emperor shook his head: "You are thinking too simplistically. The birth of an emperor often takes the infinite energy of the entire world, and also waits for countless years of accumulation of the world and wants to leave. This is the world. Not allowed."

"You must know that the accumulation required for the birth of an emperor is not inferior to that of the eighteen ancient emperors of your year. The way of heaven is about recycling, and there are gains but also sacrifices. Once the mythical emperor is lost, as long as it is still

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

In this world, everything will be returned to this world, supplemented for consumption, and regained infinite accumulation. Perhaps it will not be long before the age of mythology will appear again. "

"But if the mythical emperor leaves, everything is gone. Without the accumulation of an emperor, even such a world world doesn’t know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to return. The origin of the world is also exhausted to a certain extent. Do you think the world Will the will allow it?"

Everyone was shocked, it turns out that there is such a reason.

Indeed, the emperor left with the accumulation of countless years in this world, heaven and earth, is a major blow to the entire world, but as long as it exists in this world, the will of the world will not pay attention to it, because once sitting or perishing, Everything will be returned to this world, the cycle is complete.

Missing so far, all of a sudden, the ancestors of the ten great kings all smiled bitterly: "Doesn't it mean that we will never be able to get rid of the world, nor become the supreme?"

"Theoretically so." Wuxiang Wang said.

The powers of the mythical imperial realm are all showing desperation. In that case, they are talking about going beyond the past and becoming the supreme. With the suppression of the will of this world, it is impossible to succeed at all. From the beginning, if imprisoned in a huge prison .

"That’s all for us. We are very lucky to be able to cultivate to the ancient king. But the mythical emperor is not, the thousand-year emperor, the emperor of Wanzai, that is an immortal myth, has the potential to become the supreme supreme, but has been suppressed by the world. Breakthrough, miss the true supremacy, that is the most desperate.” King Tianheng sighed, and others It’s great to be the King of the Ancients. I don’t know how many princes of Tianjiao have been in the world. Possessing the aptitude for evildoers, and because of all the obstacles on the path of cultivation, they have never grown up in the end, talk about the Taikoo King.

In comparison, they were able to grow all the way and become the King of the Ancients. They can live for many tens of thousands of years, which is already very good to some extent.

It's just that the mythical emperor is really amazing, and he really has the genius to become the supreme. Unfortunately, he was born in the wrong world. As long as he stays in this world for a day, he is doomed to fail to break through.

"It's not necessarily impossible to break through, I think, this world won't keep him trapped for a long time." Wuxiang King said.

Everyone was surprised and puzzled.

Could the mythical emperor still be able to resist the suppression of the will of the world and become supreme?

The unphased king didn't speak any more, just pointed to the deepest part of the vast no-man's land.

Suddenly, everyone knew that the mythical emperor wanted to break through to the supreme, most of which was related to the Heavenly Eye God Emperor.

For half an epoch, the mythical emperor still did not want to leave, perhaps because of this.

At this time, under the leadership of the Wuxiang King, all the powers crossed the deepest part of the entire vast no-man’s land and came to the edge. Without the vast and endless ancient forest, they saw a vast ocean here, but not Calm, on the contrary, it seemed very violent. From time to time, heavy stormy waves were set off, and there were endless storms, which lasted all year round.

Here, even the saints and the heavenly kings have certain crises, but they can ignore them when they reach the powerful state, let alone the gods and the ancient kings, which are regarded as nothing.

"Sure enough, this is the prehistoric divine sea!"

The powerhouses of the ten heavenly realm ancient domains, such as the emperors of the heavens and the immortals, were shocked, even if they had already guessed.

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