Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2636: Strong to the end!

Chapter 2636 is strong to the end!

"Let's do it, explode the emperor world, I see how the Human race refutes!"

The Primordial Kings of the Heavens nodded their heads, and rushed over one by one. There was an extremely terrifying King Tianwei all over his body arbitrarily, as if he was about to explode everything completely.


At this time, the emperor world suddenly opened, the sun king appeared, and a huge heavenly ground appeared, and it was the Great Wall of Emperor Qin Shihuang's supreme emperor, traversing the sky and the earth.

The Sun King appeared on his head with a picture of the Eight Diagrams of the Universe, the Supreme Emperor's prestige was pervading, monstrous, terrifying.

He came to the front of the Primordial King of the Heavens, and said coldly: "Do you still want to force a shot?"

The primordial kings of the heavens were shocked.

The two supreme imperial soldiers are both of the strongest imperial soldiers.

One is Taishenghuang, the other is Qin Shihuang!

Under the power of the Sun King's constant attention to the vast King, they are gradually recovering, with infinite coercion rippling, spreading across the entire ten-day realm in an instant.

In a trance, it was like two ancient emperors awakening, crossing the ages, overlooking the years.

The primordial kings of the heavens must be frightened.

The Sun King of Terran is unexpectedly strong!

"Lord Sun, wait a minute!"

An Primordial King hurriedly spoke, and he was really afraid that the Sun King would do anything at all. Even if it was impossible to kill all the Primordial Kings at once with the use of two supreme imperial soldiers, they would definitely lose more than their hands, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Even the final result will force the emperor clan and immortal clan to break out of the battle of emperor soldiers, and the entire ten-day realm ancient domain is very likely to collapse due to this.

The Sun King sneered: "What's the matter, don't you dare to fight now? Didn't you say that today is a big fight?"


The moment the words fell, the coercion among the heavens increased many times.

The coercion of the two supreme imperial soldiers is rising steadily, and it can be described as endlessly rising, covering the heavens and the ancient kings like an overwhelming sky, as if the two ancient emperors are looking down on them condescendingly.

The Primordial Kings of the Heavens were really taken aback. They didn't expect that the Sun King would be tough to this point. They hurriedly retreated and said: "Sun King, you misunderstood, we didn't mean that."

"It's not that, what does it mean? I heard you say that you can see it if you don't see it today." The Sun King snorted coldly. He has always been calm, but these primordial kings of the heavens have been advancing again and again during this period. Today, I must personally intervene in the affairs of the Primordial King. How can I continue to tolerate all the suppressed heavenly powers?

Human race, indeed, can't continue to be weak, even if the king is not present, but it is not arbitrary.

Being strong is the right way!

He stepped forward, and the two supreme emperors released by the supreme emperor's soldiers drove away in mighty power, causing all the primordial kings of the heavens to be driven away by an earthquake and their expressions were pale.

But everyone clearly understands that the closest step, with the current toughness of the Sun King, it is really possible to make a desperate move.

They came, but none of them brought the corresponding supreme emperor soldiers. They were suppressed in the ancient world of the great emperors and immortals. Once the sun king really made a deliberate move, it would definitely be a one-sided sweep. No way to choose.

"Well, I didn't expect Human Race to be tough to this point."

The Primordial Kings of the Heavens were suffering, and they had quite a headache, but for a while, there was nothing he could do. They could only hold their fists towards the Sun King, saying: "The Sun King, I am waiting for the fault, so I won’t bother. Leave first!"


The Sun King snorted coldly, and he did not make any more moves, and returned to the emperor world with two supreme emperor soldiers, and then blocked the emperor world.

The primordial kings of the heavens reluctantly retreated, shocking the world.

This time, the people of the world have finally seen the strength of the human race, even if the human race supreme and phaseless king is gone, it can't be left to others.

Soon after, the Primordial Kings of the Heavens once again descended on the sea of ​​Canglan God in front of the Qin Family Emperor Realm, but it was not the body, but the projection, seeking to see the Sun King.


The Sun King appeared, still bringing the two supreme imperial soldiers, coldly said: "Everyone, what is your request this time?"

King Henggu was the first to speak, and said with a serious face: "The Sun King, regarding the fact that the Fighting Saint King is the Holy King Ruler, and intervening, I will not wait for it. But from now on, the Holy King body is not allowed. Keep going, otherwise—"


Before a word was finished, the Sun King interrupted directly. He was very strong, and he looked like a scorching sun.

The conversation was interrupted, and Emperor Henggu's expression was not very good, and he said with a solemn expression: "Monarch Sun, what do you want to say?"

"Don't pursue it?" The Sun King sneered, "This prince really wants to know, how can you still pursue it? The Holy King is not the Primordial King, but just a body of the Saint King of my human race. It’s a violation of the agreement."

"Since you are not the King of the Ancients, what qualifications do you have to not be able to shoot, otherwise what do you want?"


Very strong!

The primordial kings of the heavens all shook their hearts suddenly, and suddenly they didn't know how to refute them.

Yes, since the Sovereign Ruler is just a body of the Sage Sovereign, he is not a true King of the Ancients, why can't he make a move?

The primordial kings of the heavens have a headache.

It’s just that some of the Primordial Kings are very powerful, such as Emperor Henggu, coldly snorting: "The Sun King, don’t take an inch. Even if the body of the Holy King is just a Dao body controlled by the Fighting Saint King, its true strength is already comparable to the Taigu The emperor, even stronger, also suppressed the Emperor Yanshen. You know, no matter how I wait, I will not allow the Holy Sovereign to continue to take action."

"Haha." The Sun King sneered, "My human race also does not allow the forces of the heavens to take away the Tianling Tombs. Haven't you waited for a shot. At this time, I want to give you face? ?"

King Henggu's words suffocated, he did not expect that King Sun could be so tit-for-tat.

The ancient king of the God Emperor frowned and said: "The Sun King, how can the human race be willing to prevent the Holy King of the Fighting Holy King from taking action."

"It's very simple, no longer fight for the Tianling Mausoleum."

Regarding the answer of the Sun King, the Primordial Kings directly refused: "Impossible!"

"Then the saint ruler will continue to take The Sun King is also astonishingly strong, and the topic ends with a disagreement.

Both sides are tit-for-tat, no one wants to let anyone else.

In the end, an immortal king took the lead to break the silence, saying: "The sun king, you know that it is impossible for all races to give up, but the holy king is not allowed to continue to take action. After all, it is related to the ancient times. The monarch level, even if it is not in this list."

"So in addition to the condition of not competing for the Tianling Mausoleum, as long as the holy monarch does not take action, other conditions should be mentioned as much as possible. As long as the conditions are suitable, I can agree to it."

The Sun King also seems to understand that long-term confrontation with the forces of the heavens is not a solution. After all, the unphased king is not there, and he will return to the emperor's realm after a word: "I will give you an answer in three days."

"it is good!"

The projections of the Primordial Kings of the heavens did not dissipate, and they sat directly in the void outside the emperor realm, or sat in the starry sky, reflecting the heavens, waiting for the decision of the human race.

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