Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2642: Chaos Source Liquid!

Chapter 2642 Chaos Source Liquid!

"Are you trying to take the opportunity to kill me?"

The Sun King spoke slowly, as if carelessly, revealing the thoughts in their hearts.

The Primordial King of the Heavens was shocked suddenly, and couldn't help feeling his heart beat.

Yes, the opponent is the King of the Sun. Seeing their appearance, they dare to continue chasing them. If there is no hole card, how dare you do this.

Perhaps most of the body also carries the Supreme Emperor Soldier, or even two Supreme Emperor Soldiers, or the Supreme Emperor Soldier of the strongest Emperor Soldier.

Missing so far, they all had to suppress the killing intent that overflowed in their hearts.

"The Sun King, you are joking, how dare I wait to shoot at you." An ancient king said with a smile like this.

"Really?" The Sun King seemed to be smiling and not smiling, and there was a faint trace of the supreme emperor's prestige in the body, making the hearts of the ancient kings of the heavens stunned, and the more confirmation that the guess in his heart was correct, the king of the sun really took it. Supreme Imperial Soldier.

"Friends of Taoism misunderstood." Other Primordial Kings also spoke, and the killing intent in their hearts was suppressed.

The Sun King did not continue to entangle this matter, but turned to look at King Henggu, and said coldly: "Everyone, you have also seen it. Today King Henggu is the first to attack me. I have to fight back. Now I am rescued by you. After I have come down, I still want to provoke the separation and let you all kill me together. Today I will kill him!"

Feeling the monstrous killing intent that the Sun King's words did not cover up, the expressions of the Primordial Kings changed slightly.

Immediately, the Emperor of the Emperor Clan said with a stern face: "The Sun, King Henggu offended you, but the crime is not dead. We believe that as long as you are willing, King Henggu is willing to pay some price to resolve this grievance."


The Sun King gave a long cry and looked at King Henggu.

In an instant, the light in the eyes became bright and flaring many times, like two rounds of the sky in the sky, with a majestic sense of oppression, slowly said: "Prince Henggu, do you mean that too?"

At this point, King Henggu also knew that these Primordial Kings would basically not help himself against the Sun King, or more importantly, fear the terrible Supreme Emperor Soldier of the opponent, the Supreme Emperor of the strongest Emperor. Soldiers.

He could only swallow all this and said bitterly: "Yes."

The Sun King said indifferently: "In this case, you can take out the equivalent treasure that is enough to exchange your life."

King Henggu also had an ugly face, and he had to take this step if he didn't take it. He had to bite the bullet and said, "I am willing to exchange it with this thing."


He opened the original world inside his body and took out a ball of light that radiated hundreds of millions of meters.

It is said that it is a light group, while it is filled with brilliant and brilliant light, there is also a billowing chaotic light spreading, evolving into the universe of heaven and earth, or the origin of the universe, which is very mysterious.

The Taikoo Sovereign present at the scene absorbed a trace of energy, and immediately felt a strange feeling of raising Xia Feisheng. He looked at the light mass in shock and couldn't help but be surprised: "What is this?"

The Sun King also showed a hint of surprise, looking at this thing, marveling at it.

King Henggu bitterly said, "This is the divine object that I obtained from the original world of a monarch-level wild beast **** in the battle of the dark blood age. I heard that it came from the mysterious chaotic sea. "

In the arena, such as the Hongtian immortal tribe, such as the **** emperor tribe, are the strongest emperor, the descendant of the immortal king, they were the first to see it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's the Primal Liquid of Chaos, it's this kind of priceless The most precious thing."

The other primordial kings were shocked upon hearing this.

Chaos Source Liquid, as the name suggests, is related to Chaos, and also has a great relationship.

It is rumored that the Chaos Source Liquid is the most original treasure of the Chaos Sea, and it is more expensive than Chaos Fairy Gold.

And compared to the refining method of the chaotic immortal gold, the chaotic source liquid has a more important role, containing the origin of the ten thousand ways, and it is easier to understand the supreme way.

It is necessary to know that after refining the Primal Liquid of Chaos, one can understand the most original avenue.

For example, it's like a cultivator who is only a demigod refining the Primal Liquid of Chaos, even if his realm is low, he can still directly understand the origin of the Dao and come into contact with Dao laws that are comparable to the Divine King Realm and beyond.

Once you have these advantages, you can directly improve multiple realms in a short time, which is equivalent to obtaining an excellent shortcut to cultivation. You don’t need to be like other cultivators. Only when you reach the corresponding realm, you can go to the corresponding level. Avenue.

The power of using Tao will be stronger and more terrifying.

Similarly, the Primordial Chaos Liquid has infinite magical effects even for the Primordial King. It can break down barriers and conduct an insight into the Supreme Road, adding a bit of hope to the Supreme.

Immediately, the Primordial King of the Heavens looked at this group of Primal Chaos Liquid with greedy eyes.

At their stage, the universe is respected and called the overlord of the universe, basically there is not much pursuit.

The biggest pursuit is to enter the realm of the supreme emperor and the supreme immortal as soon as possible.

But the more you reach their level, the slower your cultivation progresses. Often times, perhaps half an epoch, even if you reach the end of life, you may not be able to go further.

However, the appearance of the Primal Chaos Liquid could completely allow them to snoop into the Supreme Avenue, to comprehend faster, and to get there faster.

Of course, even the Primal Chaos Liquid couldn't make them directly become supreme, only a little hope could be added.

If you want to become the Supreme, there is no real way to succeed. In the end, you need to rely on yourself to break the shackles and become the Supreme.

The Primal Chaos Liquid is just a way to make people feel part of the Supreme Realm.

King Henggu smiled bitterly. Originally, he didn’t plan to hand over the Primordial Chaos Liquid. In fact, he knew the value of the Primordial Chaos Liquid. It was also the source of his constant strength, even after entering the domain of the king. It doesn't seem that other Primordial Kings can't go further, and they are always making slow and continuous progress.

But today, in order to exchange his own life, he had to hand over the Chaos Source "

The Sun King nodded, and directly under the greedy eyes of the greedy gazes of the Primordial Kings of the Heavens, he took the half-square-sized Chaos Source Liquid.

Although the primordial kings of the heavens were very excited, they did not dare to rob openly, and were afraid of the supreme imperial soldiers on the sun king, which could only suppress the greed in his heart.

"In that case, today's matter will be revealed."

After the words fell, the Sun King was also very clear and neat, and he turned to leave, and with a sigh, he moved away from the starry sky and returned to the realm of the Qin Family Emperor.

Before leaving, there was a question from the Primordial King: "The Sun King, when will I let go of the people of my major forces."

"It depends on when you are willing to pay the corresponding price."

In one sentence, the Sun King had disappeared.

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