Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2646: Asking prices!

Chapter 2646 The sky is asking prices!

During this period of time, Ye Chen also went to the deepest part of the Tomb of Death, and saw that the essence of the Ten Thousand Paths of the Heaven-defying Immortal Pond was about to be digested by everyone, and their cultivation level had improved a lot.

In particular, the focus is on Abenu, who has been conceived for hundreds of years, and his lower abdomen has always been like a disc, and has not been born.

After careful inspection, you can feel that the fetus in Abeno’s belly is constantly devouring the essence of the fairy pond, and a powerful wave of fluctuations slowly diffused, making him, the supreme chaotic **** king, a little bit weak. shock.


Vaguely, the fetus turned into a chaotic real dragon again, soaring in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, swallowing the sky and the earth, wantonly swallowing hundreds of thousands of miles of ancient chaos, with the glorious atmosphere of the supreme myth.

With a single thought, you can draw billions of time and space energy.

"My child seems to be born with amazing potential."

Ye Chen stroked his chin.

He has a feeling that the fetus in the womb is likely to be born in several years

Worried that some problems might arise, Ye Chen left five giant soldiers here to guard, and transmitted sound to them to continue their practice, and everything is protected by him.

To no avail all night, it seemed calm.

The next day, formal negotiations began.

In the Palace of Emperors, the two sides conducted fierce negotiations on a group of suppressed powers of the heavens.

The negotiation process was fierce, and both parties had disputes over negotiation weights.

The human race requires the powers of the heavens to pay a sufficient price before they can be released, because there are many quasi-kings and kings of the major powers, and there are countless other powerful ones.

If the powers of the heavens want to exchange for the freedom of the powerful of various races, they must exchange for ten king-level gods, twenty king-level secret treasures, the cultivation chapters of the emperor scriptures of each clan, emperor art and celestial art, as well as sacred art. The corresponding super-class magical powers in the five realms of Tibetan realm, heavenly king realm, great power realm, **** king realm, and emperor realm. There are thousands of super-class **** armors and dao soldiers in each realm, and the 6th to 9th ranks are required. , And a series of many treasures.

Also, the human race must not be attacked within a thousand years!

Upon hearing the series of demands made by the human race, all the envoys of the heavenly powers who came forward throbbed their eyebrows, and blue veins appeared on their foreheads.

This Nima is like a lion's big mouth!

The king-level **** city is the natal **** city of the great ancient kings. In a sense, it is equivalent to a king's treasure. They are often placed in the center of the original world, just as the imperial city is relative to the imperial world. The Central God City, dedicated to the Emperor of the Primordial Kingdom, contains the power of the king and is surprisingly powerful.

Completely recovered, it is not much worse than the Emperor's Immortal Soldier, and it can even stop the attack of the Primordial King. It is a defensive king's treasure.

King-level secret treasures are also extremely precious.

As for the emperor scriptures of the various races, the celestial scriptures, the five realm super-class magical skills, super-class divine armor, rank six, seven, and eighty-nine elixirs, which ones are not priceless or even priceless.

It's pretty good to get one or two pieces during the day, but this human race is not bad, so he just opened his mouth to the lion.

This is no longer a big lion's mouth, but a mouth, too greedy.

"No way!"

This is more than the last time the emperor's reincarnation body was asked not to participate in World War I.

The messengers of the heavenly forces directly rejected it, and everyone knew the place against the heavens of the Fallen Tomb. In a short period of time, people could make continuous breakthroughs in their cultivation base and directly understand the high-level road of the strongest. Let the strongest be born.

The longer the time, the more the human race will be able to give birth to enough strongest people. There will be no shortage of **** kings, and there will be a few more quasi-princes. Even without the body of the holy king, the human race cannot be Breached.

After a thousand years have passed, the Human Race does not know how many Xeons will be born, and who else will be able to attack the Human Race.

"Since you can't agree, please leave."

Terran is also simply and neatly, either agree or leave.

Hearing the human race so direct, the envoys of the various races also jumped suddenly, stating that they were not willing to let people go.

"Human race, please don't be too arrogant!"

In the palace of the emperor, there are quasi-kings shouting, filled with the power of the quasi-kings, it is very terrible.

If it weren't for the Imperial Palace, even the stars would explode.

On the Human Race side, the quasi-monarch also releases his coercion and protects his own power from the opposing coercion.

During this time, Qin Wu looked cold and shouted: Xu Que, my human race tells you, either we will meet our conditions, or we will leave, and there is no need to continue negotiations. "

Compared to being strong, Human Race is used to being strong today, and is not afraid of anything at all.

Many envoys from one side of the heavenly forces have forcibly suppressed the anger in the heart, and must not be fooled by the human race.

Because they all know that this was done deliberately by the human race, the lion opened his mouth and allowed the negotiation to proceed smoothly, so that he could continue to suppress the powerful forces of the heavens for a long time, and the forces of the heavens would be under great pressure to fight for the death of the Tianling. It is difficult to compete for success.

"Humans, I am here to talk for peace, not for disputes. It's better to give me a face, and how about a step back for both sides. I can call the masters of all the treasures required by the Humans, and I can give half. As for the millennium I don’t need this condition to seize the Tianling Mausoleum, how about this."

In the end, a quasi-king of the powers of the heavens spoke. He was the quasi-king of the God Emperor Clan. He was very powerful. He was middle-aged and very vigorous.

This is a very majestic quasi-king, such as a party of emperor, wearing the majestic crown of the Nine Dragon Arch beads, wearing a majestic crown of the Nine Dragons Arch, and adding to his body, his cultivation is unfathomable, with amazing visions surrounding his body and his eyes are cold Electricity is not much worse than Qin Wu.

His voice was loud, and many envoys from the heavenly forces responded and approved.


Terran simply and directly refused.

What are you kidding about? What about the quasi-kings of the God Emperor Clan? The true primordial kings still don't give face, and they start wars when they say they start war.

The look of the quasi-king of the God Emperor is He knows that the Human Race will not agree so easily, and the possibility of rejection is more than 90%, but he did not expect to reject it so directly, which made him feel His face was lost.

Only after seeing that the other party was Qin Wu, his expression became more gloomy, and sharp killing intent was vaguely gushing between his eyes.

However, Qin Wu was tit-for-tat, looking at each other unavoidably.

The eyes between each other are condensed into substance, colliding in the void, clanging, fighting invisibly.

In the end, his eyes staggered, and after all, he could not fight.

The quasi-king of the **** emperor clan is a little jealous, after all, he is the home of the human race.

Qin Wu is fearless, fearless to fight, this is where the confidence of the quasi-king of Refining Body Stream lies.

Even if he dealt with the quasi-king of the starry sky, the quasi-prince who was only a quasi-King, was not afraid of others.

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