Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2664: 1 attack the imperial dynasty!

Afterwards, Ye Chen brushed his hands, and the five giant soldiers appeared, standing side by side with the first demon giant soldiers, the power of the six giant soldiers was terrifying.

By his side, a group of servants headed by the Nigu quasi-king, looked at these six giant soldiers, and their hearts trembled. At this moment, they understood that this was not a quasi-king on the human side at all, but a quasi-king puppet he refined. That's it.

This is definitely an unimaginable terrible lineup.

If the Primordial King does not appear, there is anyone in the world who can truly fight against the Holy King.

The ancient quasi-king was even more trembling, thanking that he was only enslaved, otherwise the final result would probably be refined into a quasi-king puppet, just like these giant soldiers.

"Although my current combat power is no less than that of the quasi-monarch mid-term, or even stronger. But after all, there are people outside the world, and there are outsiders in the heavens. There may not be no quasi-monarchs among the heavenly emperors and immortals. A terrifying powerhouse at the Dzogchen level."

"Even the Xeon in the late quasi-monarch stage, I may not be able to beat me at the moment, and maybe even at a disadvantage, I am invincible, so I need to prepare more backs."

Ye Chen's eyes lingered fiercely on the six giant soldiers, saying: "But now I have finally assembled the six giant soldiers, although except for the first demon giant soldiers, the others belong only to the early stage of the quasi-king, but Enough, it’s time to use that secret method."

The six quasi-monarch level giant soldiers also gave him time to test that method.

That kind of secret method was also obtained by him accidentally, and it just needed six people to cooperate, and once it was played out, it could show its power against the sky.

The six quasi-king-level giant soldiers can undoubtedly allow this secret magic to be displayed to the greatest extent.


At this moment, the phantoms of the world's heaven and earth appeared on the six giant soldiers, majestic and majestic, as if reversible chaos in this world of reincarnation...

Three days later, Ye Chen's figure appeared, with a deep expression of satisfaction, and the servants of the quasi-jun king around him showed incredible expressions.

"The secret method is very feasible, and now as long as it is used, the ancient king will not come out. The world is so big that it can be gone."

"Moreover, the time has come to ask the major forces for interest!"

Ye Chen muttered to himself, a crazy color flashed in his eyes.


Because even the nineteenth royal family and the slaying of the first demon blood king, so that the chasers led by the quasi-prince have no return, it can be said that it has completely shaken the world.

Ye Chen was unparalleled in power for a time, and his invincible posture topped the ten-day realm ancient domain.

The emperors of the heavens and the immortals seemed silent, and no longer sent chasers.

When the powers of the heavens saw Ye Chen walking in the world, their minds trembled even more. They all respected like gods, and the big figures of the major powers came out to greet him personally, not dare to neglect the slightest.

Ye Chen didn't stay much, stepping on the Chaos Avenue, traveling through the sky, saving all the people, and taking away.

Now it can be considered to have completely played an invincible power. Wherever he went, no one dared to intercept and chase him, and he fairly smoothly put a place of human power into the body of the world for placement.

It’s just that Ye Chen knows better than anyone else that these emperors, immortals, and even royal families cannot give up like this. They will definitely take the opportunity to shoot themselves, and often that shot must be the most terrifying blow. Let yourself be completely damaged outside the human race emperor realm.

The peace now is just like the eve of a storm.

However, Ye Chen sneered in his heart, without the slightest fear, and never immediately returned to the Human Race Realm.

And his confidence is even worse.

During the period, what shocked the people of the ancient realm of the ten-day realm was that during Ye Chen's tour of the world, he had repeatedly passed through the ancient realm of either the emperor or the immortal. I stood unintentionally for a while, looking at the ancient world.

Although he didn't say a word and didn't make any moves, these emperors or immortals were on the verge of an enemy, and the clan was on guard, worrying that Ye Chen, the fighting sage king who had made a terrible reputation, would take action.

But in the end Ye Chen left, because he could feel the aura of great terror in these ancient worlds of emperors and immortals. It was the Primordial King, who was shocked, casting cold and ruthless eyes.

Ye Chen just smiled coldly, without fear.

The primordial kings of the current age have agreed with each other not to take action, is he fearful?

Even if they truly broke into the ancient world of the emperors and immortals, none of these Primordial Kings would dare to make a move, otherwise the three major Primordial Kings of the Human Race would have already taken action.

Here, Ye Chen has always been alone, and the enslaved Nigu quasi-king and other powerful **** kings have never appeared, because the news of enslavement cannot be known to the world at present, otherwise the great emperors and immortals will be inevitable. Those quasi-kings and **** kings who will be able to investigate and release are very bad for future plans.

Soon after, Ye Chen appeared in the vast territory of the Shang Dynasty.

Undoubtedly, the Great Shang Dynasty knew about the appearance of Ye Chen right away, and the whereabouts of Ye Chen are now being watched by the whole world, it is impossible not to know.

The Great Shang Dynasty, this was one of the nine nations and eighteen nations, standing in the Eighth Heaven Realm. It was an immortal imperial dynasty that passed down eternal years, and it began to rise from the age of dark blood.

Even today, in the great age where all the emperors and immortals are present, it is still a majestic imperial dynasty in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, sitting on an army of billions, countless strong, and occupying hundreds of millions of miles of imperial territory. .

Even if it is outside the territory, it also occupies many stars, opening up a vast area of ​​the outside starry sky to become the territory of the imperial dynasty, which can be called a prosperous to the most extreme imperial land.

All of this is not considered the ancient world of the emperor of the Da Shang emperor, compared to the occupied emperor territory.

It can be said that this is an extremely strong imperial dynasty.

Shang Ziyan, the emperor of the dynasty, has also awakened in this life, but like other emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao, he has been retreating and improving continuously in the secret world left by his father's great emperor. .

Ye Chen's speed is very fast, and the powerhouses of the Great Shang Dynasty couldn't do it even if they wanted to step forward a little bit.

A huge and huge city that occupies thousands of miles in the field appeared in the field of vision, and there were countless powerful auras looming, showing the extraordinary features of this imperial capital.

But it was not the imperial city of the Great Shang Dynasty. The imperial city was in the ancient world of the imperial family.

The Great Chaos Avenue opened up to the sky, and Ye Chen appeared directly outside the imperial capital, without the slightest concealment, with the supreme power, making the Great Shang Emperor a great enemy.

In the imperial capital, the current imperial state leader appeared for the first time, with the imperial power behind him, no less than five **** kings.

The Nine Clans and Eighteen Kingdoms are the imperial forces that entered the ancient realm of the Ten Heavens Realm in the Dark Blood Era, and they possess a heritage far beyond the emperors and immortals that came later.

Countless powerful men of the Great Shang Dynasty appeared outside the imperial capital to greet them, and they were ready to revive the protective sky of the imperial capital for the first time.

Although under normal circumstances, the Fighting Saint King would not dare to take action, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"The King of Fighting Battle is coming, and our Shang Dynasty has lost a long time to welcome."

The king of the Dashang Dynasty is worthy of being the current king of the Emperor. Even if he is facing the fierce fighting saint in the world, he doesn't seem to panic. After he calms down, he takes the initiative to greet and speaks like this.

However, in the face of the fighting sage king, even if the five great sacred kings appeared for the first time, there is still a terrible sense of crisis. The world is not clear about the horror of the fighting sacred king, and the kings who are several times more powerful will not be seen. Enough to see.

"Is Shang Ziyan still in retreat?" Ye Chen asked.

"The emperor's son Xiaozu has been in seclusion for eighteen years and has never left the customs." The emperor replied with a fist.

Ye Chen sighed lightly: "Sure enough, I don't know it."

In the feast of the Qin Family Emperor Palace, he once sang with Shang Ziyan to wine. In fact, he had done the same with many emperors and daughters and heirs of the Fairy Dao. They were friends in many respects.

It’s a pity that after these heirs of the emperors and daughters of the princes and celestial beings retreat, the Primordial King took power and focused on the Tianling Tomb. Otherwise, these princes and daughters of the princes and daughters of the princes and heirs of the Fairy Dao would have friendship with Ye Chen when they were alive. The race does not necessarily dare to take action against the human race.

Immediately he sighed slightly: "Shang Ziyan, I'm sorry."

The king of the emperor dynasty changed his expression slightly at the moment, and said: "Fighting Saint King, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. A year ago, the Great Shang Dynasty sent out three **** kings to attack my human race. Now I am here only to pay for a tooth and charge interest."

Ye Chen's words are concise and concise.

The whole world shook, and there were cultivators from all over the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm in the imperial capital. They were all shocked. The fighting saint king actually wanted to attack the Great Shang Dynasty?

If it spreads out, it will inevitably turn into an uproar and spread, which will shock the entire Ten Heaven Realm.

The Lord of the Divine King Realm of the Great Shang Dynasty changed on the promptly sent a message, and restored the immortal formation of the imperial capital, with a huge curtain of sky emerging, covering the entire ancient city of the imperial capital.

He immediately ordered, shouting: "World-destroying-level alert!"

The so-called extinction level alert is one of the several kinds of alert faced by the Shang Dynasty in the face of crisis. Among them, the extinction level alert is one of the highest levels. Once this kind of alert appears, the whole family will come out and the background will appear to respond. .

You must know that World Destruction Level Guardian throughout the ages, the entire Great Shang Dynasty has only appeared in the Dark Blood Era several times. They are all king-level beast gods who have faced the Primordial Ancient Realm. This level has never appeared after the Dark Blood Era. Alert.

Now, facing the arrival of Ye Chen's killing god, he immediately destroyed the world-level guard, because the Primordial King could not take action, and neither could the immortal world-level guard.

The king of the Dashang Emperor also smiled bitterly. The emperor’s prosperous dynasty has been forever, and not many people have dared to invade throughout the ages. Unexpectedly, his generation would be forced to use world-destroying guards.

But there is no way, just because the fighting sage king is too defying and possesses the power that is stronger than the general quasi-king.

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