Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2681: Suspected quasi-king against the sky!

Chapter 2681 Suspected quasi-king against heaven!


The power of terror is exploding.

If it weren't for hundreds of rules of kings, just the explosion of the power of the nine quasi-kings would be enough to destroy tens of millions of miles and become a place of death.

It was exactly the same, the blockade that had ruined the middle-aged man was broken in a corner, and the rules of the king were dimmed in one place.

Ye Chenli took the Chaos Supreme Body, the Spirit of the Chaos God King, and the six giant soldiers into his body in time, and fled quickly along this corner like lightning.

The ruined middle-aged man looked at Ye Chenyuan’s figure, but he also kept his promise. He was no longer chasing after him, with a strong appreciation: "It’s really good, it’s against the sky, maybe you will be qualified to surpass me and her. On top, go to that step."

After escaping hundreds of millions of miles, Ye Chen realized that the squandering middle-aged man hadn't chased him up, and he was finally relieved.

Otherwise, in the face of such a terrifying existence, he asked himself, unless it is time to use the reincarnation of the emperor, there will be no resistance at all.

This person is too bad for the sky, there are hundreds of kings rules when he raises his hands, and he has a special feeling that the other party has not really used all his strength, only a small part of his strength.

What level of quasi-king is this person?

Dzogchen quasi-king?

Or the legendary quasi-king?

By the lake, other quasi-monarchs descended one after another, and they were shocked to sense that there had been signs of fierce fighting here.

Is it no wonder that even the middle-aged man who spoiled the middle-aged man himself did not leave the fighting king?

Many prospective kings looked at each other, but no one dared to ask.

Finally, a prospective king couldn't help but ask: "My lord, didn't even you have been able to leave the fighting king?"

The sound of an adult is enough to prove that the status of the middle-aged man has been ruined, so that the dignified quasi-prince would call it an adult.

The other quasi-princes all looked at the ruining middle-aged man.

The spoiled middle-aged man took a sip of wine, smiled, very peaceful, without much dignity, but said: "The Fighting Saint King is indeed very good. I made several shots, and he broke the barrier and let him leave. I He promised not to chase for three days. As for you, you are not included here."

Hearing that, although other quasi-princes had been prepared for a long time, they were still shocked, that is, this adult was not able to keep the fighting king. How violent the fighting king should be? Could it be that just a month has passed. It has become a lot stronger.

The ghost king frowned and said: "Impossible. Although the fighting king is very strong, I played against him when he came out, and he is not as good as me. Talk about what an adult's opponent is."

For ruining the strength of the middle-aged man, all the quasi-monarchs present knew that he was truly invincible.

At the very least, there is no one under the Primordial King!

As for the fighting sage king, the ghost king knows that he is very strong, but he can never be the opponent to ruin the middle-aged man, even if he escapes.

The spoiled middle-aged man smiled slightly, but stopped talking.

At the same time, Ye Chen went round and round, and at this time he was already planning to return to the Human Race Realm.

The outside world is too dangerous. If it doesn’t appear, it will ruin the existence of such a terrible middle-aged man. Ye Chen has almost no resistance against it, and there is a big gap between them. .

At the same time, while fleeing, Ye Chen communicated with the Nigu quasi-king in the Great Cauldron of Chaos and directly inquired about the abuse of the middle-aged man.

Hearing that, the look of the quasi-king Nigu changed drastically: "Lord, you actually encountered that adult!"

"My lord?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and the dignified quasi-monarch also called the ruined middle-aged man an adult?

Although I don't know who it is, it can be seen how terrifying the middle-aged man was ruined.

"Who is he?"

"Wu Hao!"

"Wu Hao?" Ye Chen was slightly startled when he heard the name, always feeling that the name seemed familiar, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

"Yes, he called it Wu Hao, but there is also a brighter name-Haotian God of War!"

"It's him!"

Hearing that, Ye Chen also changed color.

If it was Wu Hao's name, he was only a little familiar, then the name of Haotian War God would be thunderous.

Because this person is one of the most prestigious strongest people in the Ten Heaven Realm since the ages, and he is known as the God of War.

It was not a long time for Ye Chenchu ​​to enter the ten-day realm ancient realm. When he understood the history of the ten-day realm ancient realm, he had also seen some ancient records about the Haotian God of War, which were legendary characters recorded in the history.

Legend has it that Vast Sky God of War has a true supreme emperor posture, not weaker than emperors, emperors, and heirs of immortals in the same period. It is also one of the strongest arrogances in the history of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm to become the supreme emperor, as early as the Dark Blood Age A generation of peerless gods of war that emerged in China.

Even in the Dark Blood Age, he was famous, he became a generation of quasi-monarchs early, reached the perfect state, and was hailed as the invincible God of War who could surely become the Primordial King.

You must know that at that time it was only the early years of the Dark Blood Era. Other ancestor gods of the Primordial King level, such as the Eternal Sky Ancestor God and the First Demon Ancestor God, only rose up later. The true realm of the same period was far less than the Haotian War God.

Only the Scarlet Dragon Emperor can keep pace.

It can be said that in the darkest blood age of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Territory, the Vast Sky God of War and the Scarlet Blood Dragon Emperor of the Crimson Scale Demon Dragon clan were listed by the world as the two strongest arrogances of the Dark Blood Age and also suppressed the Dark Blood Age. One of his greatest hopes.

Similarly, the two are each other's biggest competitors.

However, in the Dark Blood Age, the Vast Sky War God had a brilliant record of invincible push all the way, and basically all the enemies he had faced were pushed across.

It is precisely because of this that creates a character that is too arrogant and arrogant.

He asked himself to be able to defeat the Scarlet Dragon Emperor and become the first person in the Dark Blood Age. Therefore, in the later battle, he did not hesitate to fight against a king-level primordial beast **** alone as a quasi-king, and wanted to kill an ancient king and suppress it. The Scarlet Dragon Emperor strives to be the first person.

The result was very tragic. Although the Haotian God of War was very strong, he could be regarded as an absolute powerhouse among the quasi-kings. It was heard that he had already become the Dzogchen quasi-king at that time, and becoming the Primordial King is just around the corner.

Unfortunately, in that battle, the Haotian God of War was completely defeated and severely injured by the Primordial Beast God. Both the body and the soul suffered indelible injuries, dying and almost died.

It is precisely because of this that in the Dark Blood Age, the Haotian God of War was born like a meteor, shining in the early stage, and completely disappeared in the later stage, suspected of perishing.

On the other hand, the Scarlet Dragon Emperor broke the shackles and became the first to become the Primordial King, and he continued to rise all the way to become the most powerful Primordial King. He faded away from the old form and transformed into a pure-blooded dragon. He was honored as "Emperor". !

Until finally entered the mysterious ancient realm of the Tenth Heavenly Realm, it disappeared.

Ye Chen sighed, it's no wonder that he was so powerful, he was a Dzogchen quasi-king, naturally, he could not be an opponent.

But I didn't expect that the Haotian God of War was still alive and born in this life.

In addition, the strength of the Haotian God of War seemed to be not weaker than that of the previous year, fearing that the injury had already recovered.

As the quasi-king of the immortal clan, the quasi-king of Nigu knows more of the truth.

The Vast Sky God of War did almost die because of the king's injury, but as one of the main forces of the Dark Blood Age, he also has the posture of becoming an emperor and emperor, which is the hope of the Dark Blood Age.

At that time, all races did not hope that the Haotian God of War would fall, and paid a huge price, letting him take three unparalleled high-level eighth-level pills, which barely stabilized the injury, no longer deteriorated, and sealed, hope One day you will be able to obtain Tier Nine Divine Pill, resurrect it, and return to the battlefield to continue fighting and suppress the Dark Blood Age.

However, after the rise of various races, they successively stepped out of the ancestor gods at the level of the ancient kings, paid a huge price, successfully expelled the prehistoric beasts, and suppressed the dark blood age.

The sealed Haotian God of War was gradually forgotten.

It wasn't until a thousand years ago that he suddenly reappeared in the world, and the world did not think of it.

But the quasi-king Nigu looked very solemn, and said: "Although he has never resurrected the Vast Sky War God with the Ninth-Order God Pill, the Vast Sky War God has revived on his own, and he seems to be more terrifying than the Dark Blood Age~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Has he ever shot?" Ye Chen frowned, he wanted to know how strong the Vast Sky God of War really is.

"Yes!" Nigu quasi-king nodded, "A hundred years ago, when the emperors and immortals of the heavens descended on the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, there were wars and chaos. There were wars of the emperors and immortals, but I do not know why they provoke them Vast Sky God of War, everyone was wiped out."

"Later, several **** kings from the emperor and immortal clan went to make trouble, and they were all gone forever."

"This result also shocked a quasi-prince to take action personally. But the final result was a heavy blow, but it did not die."

"At that time, there was a great uproar, and I quickly learned the name of the Haotian God of War. I wanted to know whether this prestigious God of War in the Dark Blood Age was still qualified to be called the God of War. As a result, a quasi-monarch's late strongest made a shot. The end result was that the armor was shattered by a slap, almost to pieces."

There was only a simple battle, but it showed the invincible combat power of the Haotian God of War that could be called a peerless God of War.

The Xeon, who was as strong as the late quasi-monarch, could not stand a single blow and was almost crushed by a slap.

What kind of strength is this Vast Sky God of War? Is this the terrible Dzogchen quasi-king?

Ye Chen was silent for a while, and said, "What strength is he?"

The ancient quasi-king took a deep breath, his expression was fiery, and there was a kind of admiration, and said: "Lord, I once said that quasi-kings are divided into five levels: the early stage, the middle stage, the later stage, and the great perfection. There is a level against the sky."


"I suspect that the Haotian God of War, he has become a heaven-defying quasi-king!"

This is the evaluation of the quasi-lord against the ancient gods of the Haotian War God, and it is very likely that he is a quasi-king against the sky, a quasi-king with the real world of origin.

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