Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2686: Qin Wu's anger!

Everyone was surprised.

This turned out to be just an incarnation of Wu Hao. How could he fight against the Dzogchen quasi-king Qin Wudu to such an incomprehensible stage?

He swung the pitch-black sledgehammer and collided with Qin Wu hard.

Then the whole person suddenly changed, the whole body was turned into the power of the rule of the king, there could be more than one hundred and thirty, and then rose up into the sky, condensed into an ancient Taoist tower, with the breath of the beginning. , Across the world.

"Haotian Tower Town World!"

Wu Hao's voice came from the ancient tower, and the huge Haotian tower rushed out, shaking violently, causing the world to disappear.

Then there was a loud bang, and it was Shattered Time and Space, crashing into Ye Chen who was driving the Tongtian God Bridge.

Ye Chen's discoloration changed. At this moment, the spirit of the Chaos God King was directly differentiated, and the six giant soldiers came out together to bombard the terrifying Haotian Tower with unparalleled power of attack.

But the Haotian Tower shook, and it resolved all the power of attack!

In addition, the Haotian Tower became extremely huge, and fell from the sky, pressing on Ye Chen, to seal him in.

Ye Chen tried his best to resist, but it didn't work. The whole body was suppressed even with the spirit of the chaos king and the six giant soldiers.

After Ye Chen was sealed, the Haotian Pagoda trembled, and immediately broke through the sky, shattered the world, and left in the air in front of everyone, and disappeared completely.

Qin Wu changed his color and rushed into the shattered void for the first time. He wanted to chase him. In any case, he couldn't let the fighting saint king be taken away.

Until half an hour passed, Qin Wu's figure reappeared in front of the emperor realm.

It's just that everyone looked at his gloomy expression, and their hearts sank, knowing that even Qin Wu himself would not be able to bring back the Fighting Saint King.


Qin Wu's look is ugly, is it really so difficult to lead the fight against the Saint King?

However, he also knew the horror of the Haotian God of War. According to legend, he was suspected of being a quasi-king against the sky. He believed that he was really a rare quasi-king against the sky.

Otherwise, they are both Dzogchen quasi-kings, and it is impossible for a mere incarnation to take Ye Chen away in front of him.



At this time, one after another violent breaking wind echoed across the world.

The quasi-monarchs who were located in the Eighth Heaven Realm Ancient Realm chasing Ye Chen arrived almost at the same time.

They were all dumbfounded when they saw the Canglan Shenhai that had disappeared in front of them, leaving behind a devastated land.

What kind of battle has happened here? Is this a duel between the fighting king and the Vast Sky God of War?

Can Fighting Fighting Saint King is so powerful, is it capable of fighting the Haotian God of War to this point?

It's just that they quickly understood, because they saw the ugly look of Human Race Zhuqiang on Renguan Fortress, and they also got some sound transmissions and intelligence from those who watched the battle from afar.

Fighting Saint King was suppressed by Haotian War God and taken away.

Even Qin Wu didn't get any results.

After knowing the various things here, these quasi-monarchs couldn't help showing a smile.

After all, the fighting sage kings were suppressed, which can be described as a great happy event.

Looking at the gloating smiles on the faces of these prospective kings, Qin Wu in the sky was annoyed because he had not brought Ye Chen back smoothly.

Now, seeing this scene is even more angry, and Qin Wu's expression is even more gloomy and terrifying.

"You have also taken action against the Saint King of my Human Race. I really think that my Human Race is a brave bandit. Can anyone bully me at will?"

Qin Wu coldly drank, looking down at these quasi-monarchs like a peerless **** of war.

The power of thirty rules of kings was assembled and turned into a great wilderness destroyer, covering this world, and blasting at least several million miles away from a few close quasi-kings.

"Qin Wu, you!"

The three quasi-monarchs changed their colors and felt the terrible place of this giant hand covering the sky, and a terrible sense of crisis emerged in their hearts. They shot at the first time, and sacrificed their own rule of kings.

In the end, this Great Desolate World Destroyer slapped the three quasi-monarchs directly into the depths of the earth. I don't know how many miles they are, leaving a lot of miserable blood in the void.

Obviously, even if the three quasi-kings survived, they would definitely suffer severe damage.

Because this was a blow from the Dzogchen quasi-king, even if it was not as terrible as the Great Desolate World Destroyer in the battle against the Haotian God of War, it was no small thing.

"And you, too!"

Qin Wu glanced across the other quasi-monarchs.

At this moment, the invincible martial arts will of the Dzogchen quasi-king was erupting, as if the most terrifying storm swept across this vast land that was once a sacred sea of ​​Canglan, leaving the remaining three quasi-kings feeling strongly oppressed.

"Qin Wu, I've never waited for a real shot, don't wrong us!"

The opening was because of the ghost of the late quasi-monarch. He carried a dark red ghost-headed knife, but his expression was a little panicked, because it was facing the quasi-king of Qin Wu, who knew the other party. Horror.

Don't be concerned that the late period of the quasi-monarch and the quasi-king Dzogchen are only one level behind.

But there is a big gap between them.

In the later period, the quasi-monarch only needs to transform the world by more than 50% but the quasi-monarch is 90%.

Moreover, the power of the rule of the king that they have felt is huge.

"Do you really think that my human race doesn't know anything about it?" Qin Wu looked at Gui Sha and snorted coldly: "Speaking of which, the fighting saint king is now suffering from a crisis, and it is also because you Gui Sha has been chased down.

Qin Wu is strong, this is the characteristic of being a strong body refiner, and he has great self-confidence.

He opened his mouth and let out a stream of light.

It is said to be streamer, but in fact this is the power of the terrible rule of the king. It directly shatters the void, and rushes to the front of the ghost with a slam. From top to bottom, it transforms into an incomparable giant optimus. , Bombarded Gui Sha body heavily.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost of the late quasi-monarch was heavily blasted into the depths of the earth, smashing out a huge bottomless pit, which rushed into the sky.

Almost the same, Qin Wu swept other quasi-princes one after another.

He couldn't help Wu Hao as a peerless existence like a quasi-king against the sky, but it was effortless to deal with a quasi-king ordinary as a Dzogchen quasi-king!

In almost a short period of time, the first six quasi-monarchs were swept by Qin Wu.

All of them flew upside down like cannonballs, smashing into the depths of the earth, coughing up blood constantly, all over the mud, very embarrassed.

Of course, all this is because Qin Wu didn't use a killer. Otherwise, even if it was him, it would take some time to kill a quasi-monarch.

But it can still be easily killed!

It's just that the two sides have not really reached that point. For example, Haotian God of War has never attacked Ye Chen, and Qin Wu will not attack him at this time. Otherwise, once the boundary line is crossed, the battle of the Saint King will be very dangerous.

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