Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2705: Enter Thunder Light again!

Emperor Chi Xue said with a faint smile: "The Taoists don't need to worry, they won't make any more moves."

The Sun King also smiled: "This time I also troubled Daoist Chi Xue to help."

"Friends of Daoist joked, if they didn't break the rules and shot the younger generation, I couldn't take shots at will. If these quasi-monarchs shot, I can't easily intervene."

Emperor Chi Xue said something intentionally or unintentionally.

The Sun King nodded.

The quasi-princes who had been trembling because of Emperor Chi Xue were ready to leave, but after hearing the words, they stayed again.

Emperor Chi Xue said that the Primordial Kings could not, but the Quasi-Princes could.

And for a long time, they have been chasing and fighting the Saint King, and they have never seen the Ten Heavens Emperor Hall appear to stop, it can be seen.

Ye Chen in the robbery gave a wry smile.

However, he never blamed Emperor Chi Xue for his ruthlessness, after all, it was a great favor to help him drive away the pursuit of other Primordial Kings.

The other party can turn a blind eye.

Below, the Haotian War God will have a panoramic view of the battle that has just happened, and only a light sigh, the slumping color is more intense...


With Ye Chen's roar, the catastrophe also evolved into the most intense state.

The endless calamity light even drowned everything, including almost everyone in the scene could not see it, only the endless calamity light was flickering and permeating.

Few people really knew what fierce resistance the Saint King was fighting in the Great Tribulation.

Only King Sun and Emperor Chi Xue looked at them for a moment, their eyes were deep and mysterious, piercing everything, watching the scenes in the catastrophe, marveling at them.

In the terrible tenth Divine King Tribulation, Ye Chen was covered in blood.

Neither oneself nor the chaos supreme body, or the chaos **** king's spirit, did not know how many times it was broken, but how many times it was reorganized.

Always in a cyclical cycle of crushing and reorganizing.

Here, Ye Chen made an unreserved move, using all means to his fullest.

Either fight against the incarnation of the ten great heavens, or fight the young supreme from the emperor star, or fight the previous life Qianyue, or collide with the forty-nine avenue Ye Chen...

He was fighting fiercely, fighting, colliding, and swallowing the essence of the heavens.

If it weren't for the ingestion of the essence of the great avenue, it had effectively supplemented the origin of Chaos again and again, otherwise the body and bones would have been exhausted and died so many times, and it would be impossible to live the present.

In the end, Ye Chen almost exhausted all the power of the source, cracks appeared in the whole body, like porcelain, the chaos supreme body and the chaos **** king's spirit disappeared.

In the body, there is only the tree of life, which is overflowing with life essence, slowly and powerfully moisturizing the broken flesh, so that he never perishes.

At this time, Ye Chen also flooded his body with all the spirits of the gods, cosmic shadows, and chaos methods, and temporarily became a kind of defense to protect himself.

He panted hard, swallowing the essence of the avenue, and constantly swallowing many precious pills.

Only in this way can it be reluctantly supported.

But that one after another emperor, the manifestation of the Supreme Immortal’s young age, the emergence of the incarnations of the ten heavens, the reincarnation of the thousand moons, etc., all have the most terrifying power of attack, and each of them is comparable to the strongest young supreme. , Even the incarnation of the tenth day and Samsara Qianyue are only strong or weak, not much worse than Ye Chen.

The appearance of so many humanoid celestial tribulations exhausted Ye Chen's origin a lot, and could only breathe hard.

But Ye Chen was able to grow to this point. It was not the shelter of others, but more of his own efforts, step by step, advancing in blood-stained steps.

His bones are full of unwavering invincible will.

"Even the emperor and the Supreme Immortal cannot kill me!"

Ye Chen yelled, and there was a group of chaotic light the size of a baby's fist in his body. It was the source of chaos, and it was an absolute tonic for him.

Directly swallowed, but also refining with the help of Infinite Tribulation Light.


The supreme Chaos Primal Liquid, which was comparable to Chaos Immortal Gold, was swallowed in this way. It was a violent thing, but Ye Chen couldn't take care of that much.

After obtaining the chaotic source liquid refining, the chaotic light flooded every corner of his body.

The original source of the exhausted chaos has been restored, as if there is a touch of vitality to reignite.

Ye Chen is the sacred body of chaos and the holy soul of chaos, and it can be described as the same thing as the source of chaos.

After refining the Chaos Source Liquid, if he waits for a huge supplement, he will rekindle his majestic vitality in a short time, repair the flawed body, get a short respite, and start a new battle. .

After one day and one night, after smashing Xing Shen several times, the source was exhausted, and Ye Chen refined a bunch of Chaos Source Liquid...


This time the catastrophe was too long and lasted for ten days and nights. It stunned everyone and the entire ten-day realm ancient domain, which attracted the attention of countless people.

I don't know how many strong people are attracted to come to pay attention.

There are also other primordial kings, naturally, because of the Sun King and Chi Xue Emperor, they have never taken any They just observe all this from a distance, and there is also an incomparable surprise in their hearts.

And the quasi-monarch was also afraid that it would trigger the tenth divine king robbery, so they just watched silently, and watched the fighting holy king continue to attack again and again.

In the end, after a terrifying chaotic light blasted into the sky, everyone saw that Ye Chen had killed many obstacles, blasted open the most mysterious thunder light gate in the tenth heaven, and went straight into it, leaving a stunned world. Watching the incomparable Jieguang rioting.

"Heavenly Tribulation, the rumors have recorded all the mysteries throughout the ages."

Emperor Chi Xue said softly, his eyes were very bright and prosperous at this moment.

Looking at the Thunder Light Gate, I want to understand everything inside and understand all the great secrets of ancient and modern times.

It is a pity that the Thunder Light Gate was closed a long time ago, and Emperor Chi Xue was so jealous that he didn't make a move to open it, otherwise a terrible catastrophe would come.

In the thunder light gate, there is a vast and boundless world.

It was not the first time that Ye Chen had entered. This time he was familiar with it, passing through the huge corpses that were condensed by the tribulation light but appeared to be extremely real, and headed to the deepest part of the world.


He saw endless battles, erupting in the world of Heavenly Tribulation, like real creatures in constant battles.

Among them, there is the battle of the gods, the battle of the quasi-kings, and the supreme battles of the ancient kings and even the ancient emperors and the supreme immortal level, which turbulence the entire world of heaven.

All in all, this heavenly tribulation world is not like a heavenly tribulation at all, it is more like a real world, in which the creatures are very real, as if they existed real, with flesh and blood, and soul.

PS: In the trailer, in the next chapter, there will be a mysterious figure. Guess who it is, hehe!

Some secret roots and feet will also be revealed in the next two chapters! ! !

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