Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2717: See the emperor in the ancient realm!


The red scale dragon nodded to the Sun King, and then looked at the old man Xuan Dao, and finally looked at Ye Chen, showing a look of surprise: "The little friend is indeed a stunning and stunning person, and he broke the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. Without the shackles of the tenth calamity, the chaos in the future can be proved."

   "The predecessors are absurdly praised, and the juniors are just a fluke."

   Ye Chen said politely and said, "Senior, this is the one of the deputy head of the Ten Heaven Emperor Hall, Senior Chi Xue Dijun, who entrusted the younger generation to pass it on to you, saying that there is hope that you will get rid of this state and leave the world of the dragon tomb."

While    was speaking, a cloud of light appeared in his hand, and the original dragon blood was up and down here, overflowing with strands of the original dragon.

   Accompanied by the moment when the original dragon power overflows, it is clear that the whole world of the dragon tomb is trembling.

   The towering dragon tombs trembled even more, and they were drawn by the Qi machine of the origin Longwei.

   "Essential Dragon Blood!"

   Staring at the original dragon blood in Ye Chen's hand, the huge eyes of the Scarlet Scale Dragon suddenly bloomed with terrible brilliance, and the strong pressure on the body slowly swayed, making the whole dragon tomb world tremble.

   "Moreover, it is the origin dragon blood of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor."

   It can fully feel the special nature of the original dragon blood. It is the same source as it. It is the original dragon blood of the Red Blood Dragon Emperor, or the original dragon blood of the Primordial King or above.

   Ye Chen nodded: "Senior Emperor Chi Xue said that it was left by the Scarlet Dragon Emperor."

   With a wave of the palm of his hand, the original dragon blood flew over the sky and came to the front of the red scale dragon.

   The red scale dragon stared at this group of original dragon blood for a while, and finally opened its huge mouth like an abyss, and it was swallowed down, accompanied by a deep voice: "Thank you, little friend."

   "The predecessors are serious, this is what the juniors should do. This will not disturb the seniors refining the original dragon blood, hoping to see seniors free from the shackles, so that they can fly across the vast world."

   Ye Chen and others left, and heard the response of the Scarlet Scale Dragon: "If something happens to the human race, you can call me, you can take action."

   This was the promise of the red scale dragon, and there was no answer after that, and the dragon tomb was closed.

   Apparently, the Crimson Scale Dragon began to refine the original dragon blood of the Crimson Blood Dragon Emperor to detach himself.

   After leaving the Dragon Tomb World, the group still did not immediately return to the Human Race Realm.

   The King of the Sun made the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles return to sit in the imperial realm, while he was holding the Universe and Gossip Mirror of the Taisheng Emperor, leading Ye Chen and the old man Xuandao to continue crossing the sky.

   finally left the ancient realm of the second day realm, crossed the boundless sea of ​​prehistoric gods, and arrived at the ancient realm of the first day realm, the ancient realm of the dark blood age erupted in legend.

   "You stay here, I will enter the depths of the ancient land."

   Sun King Road, leaving two people behind, crossing the sky, and entering the ancient land, which is the deepest part of the vast no-man’s land.

   In the deepest place, he entrenched the eternal supreme Emperor of the Heavenly Eye.

   Ye Chen and the old man Xuan Dao were trying their best to look into the deepest place, vaguely feeling that there was a horrible atmosphere in the ancient land that was tearing the sky and the earth blooming, and many of them were stronger than Ye Chen and the old man Xuan Dao.

   are all the terrifying murderers of the Primordial King level.

   Some of them may have created the terrifying existence of the Dark Blood Age.

   Quietly, Ye Chen saw a figure lying in front of the Sun King, breathless, with white hair scattered, and it was indeed the supreme overlord of the Megatron Mythical Realm back then-Mythical Emperor!

   He appeared without expression on his face, blocking the Sun King. The Emperor's vitality shook the ancient and the present, and even the Sun King today is not as good.

   But after all, it is the generation of the emperor of the past, second only to the existence of the unphased king, without the slightest retrogression.

   The Sun King holds a jade medal in his hand, with the aura of the unphased king, and goes to see the God Emperor with Heaven Eye.

   In the end, the mythical emperor no longer blocked, the sun king entered the deepest part of the no man’s land, drowned in the mist, and disappeared.

   After half a day, the Sun King reappeared, crossed the sky, and returned to Ye Chen and the others.

Seeing the surprise on the faces of Ye Chen and the old man of Xuan Dao, King Sun smiled lightly: "Don't worry, King Wuxiang came here before. This time I hold the token of King Wuxiang and ask to see the Emperor of Heaven. Things. Although I don’t want to use this favor, it’s better to keep a hand for the sake of safety."

   Ye Chen nodded.

   The Sun King leaves, naturally it is impossible to do something useless.

   After half a day, the group of three people completely returned to the Human Race Realm.

   The human race emperor world cheered, and all heard of Ye Chen's reputation outside, and also learned about his current power against the sky. Returning safely is a great blessing for all races.

   More importantly, he also brought a quasi-monarch like Xuan Dao old man.

  With his existence, even the Primordial King could not take action, but the old man Xuan Dao was enough to temporarily delay the two great quasi-kings such as the Vast Sky War God and the Blood Empress.

   Someone can stop the two great quasi-kings, even in the face of a real battle, the situation of the human race is not so difficult.

   But Ye Chen didn't feel much the war day is getting closer than the day, maybe there are only a few days left in the remaining time.

   Outside, the ten-day realm of the ancient realm has long been filled with a pre-war tense atmosphere, which is many times stronger than before.

   has also received a lot of news. The great emperors and immortals are calling for the return of these many powerful men, and there are also many warships appearing one after another, and they are slowly gathering.

   Ye Chen's figure flickered, and he appeared at the original site of Canglan Shenhai.

   Qin Wu is here, unleashing the vast world of martial arts all day long, always suppressing the six quasi-monarchs including Guisha, unable to leave.

   "Senior." Ye Chen clasped his fists.

   "You are still against the sky after all. I am very happy to be able to come back safely."

   Qin Wu is a fairly steady person during the day, and he doesn't smile a lot of time, but seeing Ye Chen's return, he rarely smiled.

   "Thanks to the blessing of seniors." Ye Chen smiled, and immediately looked at the six quasi-kings in the martial arts world, and the most important of them fell on the ghosts of the quasi-king.

   At first, it was not a normal embarrassment to be chased by the ghost king.

   Qin Wu Meiyu raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to make a move?"

   Ye Chen nodded and pointed to Gui Sha and said, "Senior, I have old grievances with Gui Sha. Can you let me take action? I want to solve him."

   The gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years.

   Ye Chen revenge, immediately revenge!

   He is not a gentleman, how can he not make a move with such a good opportunity, and he can also take the opportunity to weaken the peak-level power of the heavenly emperors and immortals.

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