Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2720: The child is born!

"What are you looking at, idiot."

   "Look at my beautiful wife." Ye Chen smiled.

   "Poor mouth!"

   Yuqing snorted, and the beautiful eyes that flowed like autumn water glanced at Ye Chen, and sighed slightly: "It's a pity, can I really only be able to do the Nine Tribulations? Back then, I was stronger than you."

   Compared to the gap between Bi and Ye Chen, I found that it was very big.

   She recalled that she had always been ahead of Ye Chen, but now she has finally been surpassed.

   Although I am very happy that my husband has become stronger, he is also a little frustrated, because I can no longer help him in the battle like he used to.

   Looking at the little emotions on the beautiful cheeks of the beautiful wife, the red lips pursed slightly, at this moment, she looked extraordinarily cute and charming, Ye Chen couldn't help smiling, and her heart was infinitely warm.

   "Qing Qing."

   Ye Chen stroked his beloved wife's cheek with his palms, hugged him into his arms, and whispered, "As long as you can always be by my side, it is the best."

"um hum."

   Yuqing hugged Ye Chen tightly, and the head of the man reached her husband's chin.

   The two left the Shengtianling Mausoleum, in a beautiful mountain and river in the emperor realm, watching the red sun of the western mountains at sunset, cuddling each other, silence is better than sound.

   "Month, let's have a baby too."


"I love you!"

   I don’t know who opened up a piece of space between his hands, shielding everything, and a temple appeared with a soft bed.

   A man and a woman, men and women, lonely men and widows, in the moment of emotion, clothes are gradually reduced, only the low gasp and breath are looming.

  Bronze and suet-like figures with different skin tones appeared, hugging each other tightly.

   Cherry lips are like rain, lingering with each other, being turned into red waves...

for a long time,

for a long time,

   Everything stopped.

   On the soft big bed, a man and a woman, hugging each other tightly.

   Ye Chen hugged his wife from behind, put his big hand on the flat abdomen, and gently touched it.

   Yuqing also looked at her lower abdomen and said softly: "Yue, do you think I will give you a baby like Sister Yiwu and Sister Abenu?"

"Will do!"

   is very plain, but very firm tone!

   "I don't know what Jingruo sister, Yi Wu, Chen'er are doing now, but unfortunately they are not in the ten-day realm." Yu Qing sighed lightly.

   Ye Chen sighed.

   The Ultimate Ancient Road and the Supreme Ancient Road are the two ancient paths for cultivation of the young generation of the ancient universe in the Chaos Sea.

   But at the end of the two ancient roads, there is a whole new vast world.

  The Ultimate Ancient Road is a mysterious ancient land of eight wastes.

   Zhizun Ancient Road is the ten-day realm.

   And the ultimate fight for the ultimate ancient road is the ultimate.

   The Supreme Ancient Road competes for the "Supreme".

   Ye Chen doubts that the "ultimate" and "Supreme" that the two ancient roads compete for are connected to a certain extent.

   "Yue, do you think they will be in a difficult situation in the Eight Desolate Ancient Realm." Yuqing was worried.

   Ye Chen naturally considered this question, but he was very confident.

"Don't worry, Jingruo is one of the nine ultimate ancient road overlords, Yi Wu and Chen'er cultivation are not weak, and Yi Yi, Yaya, Ruoxi, Golden Dragon etc. are by your side, and Familiar people such as the Sun God will not be in a difficult situation, perhaps even better than the situation faced by my human race."

   was one of the nine ancient overlords of the ancient road. The goddess Zhao Jingruo dominated the ultimate ancient road, unparalleled in the world, and even turned the ultimate ancient road back to shock the enemies of the heavens and guard Ye Chen.

   What's more, Yi Wu, Chen'er, Yi Yi, Ya Ya Ye, Ruoxi, Golden Dragon, etc. are around, and there are even more formed Moon Palace forces.

   He believes that with the goddess's ability, even in the dangerous eight deserts and ancient realms, he can still dominate the vast world and continue to dominate the world.

   The goddess has the appearance of a female emperor.


   Suddenly, outside the realm of the emperor, huge fluctuations occurred in the Tomb of Death.

   It is clearly visible that a terrifying beam of light suddenly soared into the sky, submerged into the boundless starry sky, with chaotic light, accompanied by the earth-shaking dragon chanting.

   In a trance, it seems that he has become the only one between heaven and earth.

   Along with the beam of light soaring into the sky, the entire emperor realm clearly felt that the majestic aura of heaven and earth emerged from all directions extremely quickly, mighty, and the clouds gathered towards the center of the Tianling Mausoleum.

   "A real dragon was born?"

   The entire Human Race Emperor Realm was shocked.

  Especially Ye Chen, felt a sense of blood trembling.

   "Yue!" Yuqing looked at him.

   Ye Chen no longer had the same calmness as before. He was agitated, and said, "It must be Abenu who is giving birth. My child is coming to this world."

   The two quickly put on their clothes, left here, and rushed to the center of the Tomb of Death in a flash.

   At this moment, many powerful human races have already arrived, including the three great ancient kings of Sun King, Tongtian King, and Jiantian King. Qin Wu and others naturally also came.

Visible to the naked eye, at the very center, there is a small baby beside Abenu, floating autonomously in the air, and his body is filled with a hazy halo of halo, which is continuously absorbing the boundless aura of nine heavens and ten earth~ As if to completely exhaust the aura of the world of the emperor world.

   The substantive aura of heaven and earth submerged into his body, causing the baby's breath to rise rapidly.

   "I can swallow the huge aura of nine heavens and ten earths at birth, it is very against the sky, even if the emperor, the emperor, and the son of the fairy are born."

   Someone on the scene sighed secretly that the fighting sage king himself is against the sky, even when his son was born. It can absorb the aura of the world of nine heavens and ten earth, which is comparable to the emperor's sons and daughters, the heirs of fairies and so on.

   Perhaps it won’t be long before he can reach the level of the Holy Tibetan Realm.


   More importantly, as the little baby swallowed the spiritual energy of the nine heavens and ten earth, the graves of the countless strongest men in the dead Tianling trembling violently.

At this moment, the great tombs of the strongest have emerged one after another phantoms of the ancient gods and demons who admire the sky and howl, stand up to the sky and stand on the earth, with the supreme avenue and the principles of the avenue, all over the sky. Ten thousand ways.

   More than a dozen large tombs near the most central place, more powerful monarch Tianwei blooms slowly.

   The phantom of the Primordial King appeared, and even the emperor appeared, and the king came to the world.

   Under such a strong pressure, the many powerhouses in the center of the Tianling Mausoleum were unbearable. Only the Sun King, the Jiantian King, and the Tongtian King filled with layers of light to protect everyone.

   However, the little baby was not affected at all. On the contrary, an eternal dragon appeared in the chaotic beam of light, with a majestic ancient chaos.

   A wave of supreme dragon's might that reigned over the world spread out, resisting the coercion of these phantoms of the strongest.

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