Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2736: Mission destroyed!

It's a pity that a king's armor.

However, this ancient king also escaped a catastrophe because of this, otherwise he felt that the sun **** clock in the state of complete recovery was smashed, and he was afraid that he was going to be broken.

This can be seen from King Yigu.


Seeing that a single blow could not kill the Primordial King, the Sun King sighed slightly and sighed, but the other Primordial Kings were silent.

Such a powerful Sun King is really not what they can currently contend with.

"Hurry up and summon other Primordial Kings to come and deal with them together. If necessary, it would be no hesitate to ask that adult to take action!"

King Henggu hurriedly spoke, facing the Sun King now, he had a terrible sense of oppression facing the emperor.

As if facing Emperor Chi Xue at the beginning.

At the same time, Ye Chen manipulated the reincarnation of the great emperor and attacked, sweeping through the two great primordial kings.

The terrible king war broke out, but the reincarnation of the great emperor easily overwhelmed the two great ancient kings. Whether it was the ancient king of the longevity emperor or the corpse immortal clan, they were not the opponents of the reincarnation of the great emperor.

This is because the reincarnation body of the great emperor has not used one-seventh of the origin of the emperor's way in the body, otherwise, I am afraid that he can reach the level of the sun king all at once and directly kill it overwhelmingly.

But even so, it has gained absolute advantage.

The two Primordial Kings were blasted off, blood and light splashed, and they were very embarrassed. They were no better than the Seven Primordial Kings facing the Sun King.

Below, the armies of both sides were stunned. Obviously, they had never expected that the Human Race was so brutal, and that they would directly suppress the Supreme Ancient Kings of the Alliance Army, which had an absolute advantage.

The strength of both the Sun King and the Holy King's body was obviously far beyond their imagination.

The surging blood is rushing into the sky.

At this moment, another Primordial King was blasted to pieces.

That is the Sun King shot.

During this period of time, his cultivation base has recovered a lot, getting closer to the realm of the emperor that year, and even if it is not, he can easily crush these primordial emperors.

Just as the quasi-king can crush the **** king.

This is absolute power suppression.

The twelve primordial kings of the alliance army looked ugly, and with bitter smiles, never expected that they would eventually fall to such a miserable level.


There was another scream.

A primordial king was blown up alive!

The Sun King is like an emperor facing the dust, with boundless power, and possesses a great power beyond the reach of ordinary princes.

He stepped into the starry sky, shuttled through the siege of the ancient kings, and walked in a leisurely manner. He appeared very peaceful, as if walking on a common street, very peaceful.

But the remaining five Primordial Kings desperately took action as if they were approaching enemies.

Like the emperor of Henggu, the light of the years is gushing fiercely, the starry sky is intertwined, the rule of the king is unparalleled, and the sky is overwhelming to block.

The same is true of the Ao Xue Tianjun of the Aosheng Immortal Clan.

These Primordial Kings all made their best effort to attack the Sun King.

But at this time, it was no longer to kill the Sun King, but to delay the Sun King so that the Primordial Kings of other emperors and immortals could come and support.

Because the Sun King is too terrifying, they all suspect that the Sun King has returned to the peak domain of the emperor that year, otherwise it would be so terrible.

We must know that they are all ancient kings that are respected forever, even if the chaotic ancient universe with the existence of the emperor and the supreme immortal is enough to be called the supreme existence of the cosmic hegemon, but facing the sun king, they all feel the creepy life crisis. Emerge.

And often, as long as the Sun King aims at one person, no matter which Primordial King is, it is basically difficult to go through ten rounds, or even five rounds, and will be exploded alive and broken into pieces. It is hard to escape.

If it were not for all the Primordial Kings to work together and bombarded like life, regardless of the violent loss of divine power in the body, otherwise it would not be as simple as the two Primordial Kings being bombed. The casualties on the scene were at least twice as serious.

But even so, there are still heavy casualties!

During the war, the other great ancient kings whose bodies were bombarded all reorganized with the help of other allies, the ancient kings.

As long as the King's Heavenly Soul still exists, even if the flesh is shattered, and even the flesh and bones are annihilated, as long as a drop of blood is left, it can still be regenerated with the power of the Primordial King.

Of course, the same sentence, such a reorganized physical body is far from the physical body that has been tempered in the past.

Unless it is the original reorganization of flesh and blood.

These primordial kings did not hesitate to swallow the extremely rare and priceless pill of their respective emperors and immortals, and the whole body was soaring bright brilliance, and they did everything to restore.

As long as there is a slight delay, the ancient kings of other emperors and immortals will be able to arrive.

In fact, although those Primordial Kings did not arrive in the same real form as the Twelve Primordial Kings present, they were always paying attention to the situation between the Alliance Army and the Human Race Army. After learning about the horror of the Sun King, they had already set off.

Because they are all Primordial Kings, and they are basically in the seventh and third heavenly realm ancient realms, if they want to come here completely, they can arrive in half an hour at the earliest.

Now, although I have never seen the figure of those Primordial Kings, I can faintly feel the terrifying fluctuations of the trembling starry sky quickly approaching the battlefield.

"Alright, they are coming soon, just hold on for a short time is enough!"

The Twelve Primordial Kings all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, they felt a sense of horrible crisis emerging from their hearts.

The Sun King suddenly transformed into a round of sky, huge and boundless, far surpassing the stars and stars, enough to compare with the sky in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, and it can be as huge as hundreds of millions of compared to a king. The big world is not bad at all.

The huge sky is unparalleled, and the three closest primordial kings directly flooded it, and their screams were faintly heard.

There were also blue dragons made of pure sun fire that flew out, each of which was as large as a million li, carrying the terrifying sun power through the starry sky.

There can be hundreds of heads, and they directly grabbed the other three Primordial Kings, making it difficult for them to struggle, and dragging their lives into the sky.

The sun **** clock descended from the sky, swaying constantly, and the bell sounded, covering the emperor Yigu who had hidden the farthest.

King Yigu only had time to let out a screaming scream, the whole person was swallowed by the sun **** Zhong Fei, and his figure disappeared.

Only Emperor Henggu, who completely showed his body's time beast at the critical moment, did not hesitate to burn his own body and use the most powerful light of time, and this was a disaster.

But even so, the blow of the Sun King's isolation from the sky also caused the great ancient King who was famous in the Dark Blood Age to be wounded, coughing up blood.

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