Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2744: Emperor Sun!

In particular, Emperor Taixuan, even holding a magic scepter, had a huge and boundless appearance, surpassing the other seven great ancient kings, and was the first to attack.

   Countless rules of the king surround, the sky is boundless, and with the supreme mana, it has summoned nine majestic stars with a diameter of more than a million miles in this vast star field to bombard the sun king.

The other seven great ancient kings naturally emerged with a huge dharma that is more than a million miles away, summoning infinite mighty power. It is because the king's mighty power is born to summon other majestic stars, everyone is enough to call one, with the collapse of the starry sky. The fierce prestige.

   The eight kings summoned seventeen super stars with a diameter of one million miles.

And the ray of supreme mighty power contained in these stars is fully revitalized and activated, blooming with infinite brilliance, and it is dazzling hundreds of millions of times at once, as if there are seventeen rounds of the sun, completely illuminating the deepest part of the entire starry sky. , Exquisite.

   Seventeen super stars billowed and burned, and the power of horror was blooming wantonly, burning down the boundless sky, dashing into the sky, and blasting towards the Sun King.

Even if a super star falls on the land of the ten-day ancient realm below, it can definitely cause half of the ancient realm of the sky to be destroyed, let alone seventeen, which can definitely make half of the ancient realm of the ten-day realm fall into In a world-destroying disaster.

   However, the Sun King could not be forced away, because once he avoided, seventeen burning super stars will bombard the Primordial King on the human side, causing terrible injuries.

   A dignified look also appeared on the face of King Sun, and said: "It seems that you have really worked hard to kill me."

   "But you want to kill me like this? You are underestimating me."

   With a long roar, the Sun King once again revealed the sun for hundreds of millions of miles, which is far larger than the seventeen super stars, but it is only a blur.

Seventeen ignited and revived super stars bombarded the sun for hundreds of millions of miles, exploding the light of infinite destruction, and a series of terrifying fire dragons were soaring into the sky, wantonly burning the deepest part of the starry sky, I don’t know how many thousands of miles of the starry sky was burned. For vanity.

   More than a dozen stars were involved in the vicinity, burned into nothingness under the sun of hundreds of millions of miles, but faintly, there are ray of supreme power emerging and sinking into the sun.

   In an instant the sun became more flaming.

   In the end, the sun disappeared for hundreds of millions of miles, but the Sun King staggered, his clothes were stained with blood, and his expression was slightly pale, and even the stable and solid aura that had been earlier appeared to be empty.

   Obviously, to withstand this blow forcibly, the Sun King was injured more seriously.

   However, the Sun King snorted coldly: "But if you want to kill me, you also need to pay the corresponding price!"


   Behind the Nine Great Primordial Kings, the starry sky suddenly shattered, and a bright light suddenly bloomed.

   "That's it, disperse quickly!"

   King Taixuan hurriedly drank.

   However, it's all too late!


   The sun **** clock has flown out a long time ago, as if another round of heaven, it has already broken through the barrier of the void, and the thunderbolt on an ancient king.


   Almost in an instant, this Primordial King was blasted to pieces by the sun **** clock, and his body was torn to pieces, with a terrible blood and light coming out along with the vision.


   At the same time, the Sun King swung the Sun Sacred Sword and cut the starry sky round.


  In the distance, another Primordial King was beheaded, and he was divided into two from top to bottom. Even the King's Heavenly Soul in his body could not be spared.


   A dark night emerged silently, enshrouding the third Primordial King.

   Like death descending, a round of bright moon appeared in the night, but it was as big as the sun, and it pressed heavily against the Primordial King.

   The endless power of the primordial yin is rippling, containing absolute coldness, like the abyss like the sea, submerging this ancient king.

   Visible to the naked eye, a battle body that is as powerful as a king’s eternal immortality will corrode in this absolute lunar ocean, because it contains the terrifying power of the rule of the lunar way.


   The ancient king let out a scream.

   In the air, the other six kings, including King Taixuan and King Henggu, were all trembling with fear.

In addition to their strong offensive, the Sun King was able to continue to launch such a terrible offensive under the wounds, and in the blink of an eye, the three Primordial Kings were severely injured. The injuries are serious, and I am afraid that they are no less than the previous King Yigu. .

   The Sun King is too strong!

   However, the more so, the killing intent of King Taixuan and others became more and more prosperous, without the slightest concealment at all.

   I cut the Sun King anyway today.

At the same time, King Henggu was ready, and said coldly towards King Sun: "The King Sun, because of you, I lost the Primordial Chaos Liquid and the Temple of Time. Even my son Hengyu was because of you. You have been enslaved because of the human race. Today, I will kill you no matter what, to vent my hatred—"

   At the end it was a snarling roar.

   "Henggu in a hurry!"

   He yelled, and the phantom of the vast and endless river of years emerged again, and it was much clearer, and it was vaguely surrounding the starry sky.

   Under the control of King Henggu, the phantom of the long river directly surrounds King Sun, who is under siege by the other eight kings.

   The waves are surging, and every wave carries the power of absolute time passing.

   Even if it is not a real river of years, it is just a projection, but it also contains absolutely terrifying power.

This is the forbidden trick of King Henggu. The Great Road of Years has been urged to the extreme. The speed of the passage of time between this world and the earth has suddenly accelerated many times, as if thousands of years have passed in an instant, and continue to pass by. , To completely decay everything and turn it into smoke.

   Many stars on the galaxy of the years are constantly blooming with the energy of the passage of time, blessing them, it is terrible and astonishing, affecting the world.

  The ancient emperor of Heng wanted to trap the Sun King in it, and even more so with the power of the passage of time, let it be completely decayed and annihilated in the years.

   Everything in the world, unless the supreme, nothing can resist the decay of the years.

   Let you be magnificent, gorgeous, and in the end it is also a pink skull.

  Let you be the arrogant generation of you, sitting on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, will eventually turn into a loess.

   The move that the ancient king of Heng relies on without fear of everything is this——

   Heng ancient hastily!

  The power of the horrible time passing is surging, and the bright stream of the time flooded the Sun King in it, with the indescribable time passing, changing everything in this starry sky.

   It can be seen to the naked eye that those huge millions of miles of stars could have survived forever, and could be immortal for millions of years.

But at this moment, under the hurried shroud of Henggu, these few stars that have lasted for tens of thousands of years, as the years passed, the shining stars all over the body quickly dimmed, and then another step Desolation, finally slowly decomposed and turned into dust.

We must know that there is a powerful supreme power in the super stars of the ten-day realm ancient domain, which can make the stars much longer than the stars in other worlds, but they still fall into such rapid decay in the rush of the ancients. It is evident in the annihilation.

   not to mention the sun king among them.


   Under the endless passage of years, it is like a long river of years attacking, making the years almost multiply, perhaps thousands of years have passed in an instant.

   It can be seen to the naked eye that as the years passed, the young face of the Sun King gradually became calmer, and from the original look like he was in his early twenties, he became thirty years old and more stable.

   Seeing this scene, all the Primordial Kings laughed, because it explained the terrible trick of the Henggu King, that the Sun King could not bear, being deprived of years by the long river, deprived of life, and gradually getting old.

   But again, this is an absolute forbidden move. King Henggu did not dare to show it easily, because the price paid was that his life was also fast passing by.

   It can be seen that when Henggu was in a hurry, Emperor Henggu's dark and thick black hair also slowly turned gray, and even a strand of hair was completely pale as snow.

   One can imagine how taboo this trick is.

   However, the nine great ancient kings were shocked by The Sun King did not take the initiative to resist, and even stood there quietly, motionless, letting the years go by.

   "What's the matter? Has the Sun King confessed his fate?"

   Everyone else is puzzled.

   The Sun King does not seem to be such a fate.

   And they always have a bad feeling.

This is especially true for King Taixuan. He is more familiar with King Sun than other Kings. It comes from the fact that each other has followed the strongest emperor, each other has fought in the Chaos Sea, and each other has fought. .

   Therefore, behind the seemingly calm Sun King, there is actually a domineering side.

   "Attention, everyone, as soon as there is something wrong, take action immediately."

   The Emperor Taixuan spoke, holding the magic scepter in his hand, and the whole body King Tianwei instantly became many times stronger.

   Other Primordial Kings are also waiting!

Only soon, they noticed something wrong, because in the magical powers of the "eternal rush", the Sun King’s face changed to his thirty-year-old appearance, and he never changed. They all seemed so stable, and the passage of hundreds of millions of years did not seem to be able to change a single bit of him, so that he would never enter the old age.

   On the contrary, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger as the years passed.

   Later, one of the most terrifying powers suddenly bloomed, far surpassing that of the Primordial King, and even possessed the strands of the supreme emperor.


   The Sun King returns to the peak, returning to the realm of the emperor in the peak state.

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