Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2751: Devour the king's world!

Taking advantage of less than two years before the final test, Ye Chen wanted to completely refine this world of kings and directly become an invincible quasi king.

   However, the original world of Emperor Yanshen is not in the body, but in the ancient world of the emperor where the Jiuyan emperor is.


   Ye Chen drove the reincarnation of the great emperor, cut through the void, entered the endless turbulence of space, and turned into a streamer at an extremely alarming speed.

   After a short while, the emperor's reincarnation appeared in front of the eyes of a huge world that could reach hundreds of millions of miles.

   is the ancient world of the emperor where the Jiuyan emperor is located.

The Jiuyan emperor did not have a very good time, because since the Emperor Yanshen was suppressed by the reincarnation, the longevity sword **** was also suppressed, and the emperor has been in a state of retreat, and the entire emperor is almost in In the situation where there is no leader among the dragons, only one King of Three Tribulations is left to preside over the situation.

Generally speaking, the King of the Three Tribulations is definitely the strongest, but now that the primordial kings such as the emperors of the heavens and the immortals are born one after another, there is also a quasi-king, a king of the Three Tribulations. Obviously, they are a little bit out of the way.

   But after all, it is a big emperor, with the supreme imperial soldier, and a member of the alliance army, it is far from being bullied by other forces such as the royal family.


Suddenly, at this moment, a figure appeared on the sky of the ancient world of the imperial family, very directly, the most majestic coercion bloomed, from top to bottom, drooping down, flooding the entire ancient imperial family. World.

   In an instant, the world was turbulent.

   The hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the ancient world of the emperor were shocked!

Everyone suddenly raised their heads, and the only remaining Three Tribulations God King in the Central God City felt the power of that coercion, which was not worse than the coercion of the Emperor Yanshen King. Even faintly it seems to be much stronger.

   "Prime King!?"

The Three Tribulations God King of Jiuyan Emperor’s face changed on the spot, and he immediately rose from the Central God City to the sky, and at the same time he said respectfully: "Junior Yan Gu has seen the seniors, I don’t know if the seniors came to my Jiuyan Emperor. What's the matter?"

   "The people of Jiuyan Emperor Clan, have you forgotten me so quickly?"

In the sky, the cosmopolitan existence that overwhelms the heavens like the big sun slowly speaks. It is clear that it should be an old antique who has lived for tens of thousands of years, but it sounds like a child-like childishness no matter how it sounds. With a bit of air.


   Yan Gu, the king of the Three Tribulations, raised his head to look at the figure of the Primordial King who suddenly came, but when he really looked at it clearly, he found that the Primordial King was petite and a very delicate little boy.

   However, it was just such a scene of harmless and childish face of humans and animals that made Deyan ancient **** king amazed: "Holy-the holy monarch!?"

   As soon as this statement came out, it was as if a thunder exploded, echoing throughout the ancient world of the Jiuyan Emperor.

   That is the invincible body of the Fighting Saint King, and it is the chief culprit who killed King Yan Shen.

   Almost immediately, the God King Yan Gu summoned the supreme emperor soldiers of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, and they rose in torrents, and were almost fully recovered with omnipotence.

   Although he thinks that even so, it is impossible to contend with the reincarnation of the Emperor who can kill the King of Yanshen, but only in this way can he truly have a glimmer of hope.

   The reincarnation of the Great Emperor condescendingly looked down at King Yan Gu, who was holding the supreme imperial soldier, as if the emperor was looking down at a civilian, even if this ordinary possessed the weapon to kill him, but he was not afraid of it, even with supreme majesty.

  He slowly said: "Shen King Yan Gu, don't you think that just relying on you to revive this supreme emperor soldier can harm me?"

   The Supreme Imperial Soldier is indeed very powerful, and it has the supreme power when recovered.

   But the premise is a full recovery.

   Even if the King of Three Tribulations is very strong, it is impossible to do this.

Moreover, he not only possesses an absolutely high-level Primordial King’s combat power, but more importantly, he possesses part of the emperor’s physical body, part of the origin of the emperor’s way, and the incomplete emperor realm. Everything is related to the emperor. Therefore, for the supreme emperor The soldiers are even more confident.

   The face of the ancient **** king changed.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor said indifferently: "From now on, this ancient world of the emperor belongs to me. You are limited to leave the ancient world of the emperor within one day."

   "Battle Saint King——"

   Yan Ancient God King roared angrily, his eyes were red, this is too much.

   The ancient realm of the Emperor Clan belongs to the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, so why should I move?

   However, he hadn't finished his sentence completely, the reincarnation of the emperor gave him a cold eye, with infinite coldness, and said: "If you don't want the Jiuyan Emperor to exterminate the clan, please act immediately!"

   Yan Ancient God King suddenly suffocated, and wanted to resist, but thinking of the other side, even the King of Yan God was killed in the world, only a very sad discovery, even if the Supreme Emperor's soldiers were revived, there was no hope of resistance.

Under the absolute deterrence of the emperor’s reincarnation body, the **** king Yan Gu could only lead the same desperate Jiuyan imperial clan through the gate of the ancient realm and quickly leave the ancient realm of the emperor to the source of his **** king. In the world.

  In the end, even the retreat of the retreat Jiuyan Emperor Zi also moved away. It was a magnificent mountain range.

After confirming that there were no creatures in the ancient realm of the emperor, the reincarnation of the emperor was transformed into a great cauldron directly, swallowing the entire ancient realm of the emperor, just as it swallowed the ancient realm of the emperor ~ But many times easier.

After    swallowed, he broke through and left.

   This incident also caused quite a stir in the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Domain.

   But in the face of the fighting holy king openly using the body of the holy king to swallow the ancient world of the Jiuyan imperial clan, there are not many crusades.

   All this is due to the monstrous power of the current human race.

   Returned to the Human Race Realm, Ye Chen went directly into a state of retreat.

   In the reincarnated body of the great emperor, the realm of the emperor was extinguished.

In the Realm of Nirvana, Ye Chen released the original world of King Yanshen. The huge and boundless original world occupies hundreds of millions of miles away. It is astonishingly huge, far better than the original world and even the original world of the quasi-kings. Know how much.

   This original world is suspended in the broken starry sky of the Nirvana Emperor Realm.

   Ye Chen opened the original universe in his body, turned into a circle of deep black holes, and madly swallowed the origin of this king's great world.


   Even though the King World does not have the kingly will blessing of King Yanshen, it is still very strong and resists instinctively.


The original universe releases a cosmic will. Although it is really weak compared to the real chaotic ancient universe, even if it is small, it is still a real chaotic universe. Its majesty is inviolable and makes the kings of the great world resist. Slowed down a lot.

   At the same time, Ye Chen manipulated the primordial will of the emperor world of Nirvana to suppress the primordial will of the emperor's great world.

  Under the two original wills that surpass the will of the king's great world, the king's will of the king's great world cannot be resisted at all, and can only be swallowed passively.

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