Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2757: The final test is here!

After Ye Chen became a quasi-king, this news did not really spread under the deliberate blockade of the high-level Human Race, and it was only confined to the Human Race Realm.

  Because this is a trump card, the Human Race does not want other people to know prematurely, and at that time it will give the emperors and daughters of the heavens a great "surprise".

After Ye Chen left the customs, he went to visit the Sun Emperor. After knowing that the Sun Emperor successfully returned to the Emperor, he was also very surprised. This is an absolute joyous event for the entire human race, especially the Sun Emperor was second only to Wuxiang. One of the most powerful emperors of the emperor, so powerful, it can definitely be called the best among emperors.

   Similarly, it is also a great happy event to know that Qin Wu has actually become a quasi-king against the sky.

  The quasi-king against the sky is among the many quasi-kings throughout the ages, but only a very small part can reach it.

   This is about chance, and has little to do with one's own innate talent. After all, who can become a quasi-king is not a true eternal prince.

   Qin Wu refined the five quasi-kings, and got some experience taught by the sun emperor, so he finally became the quasi-king against the sky during these two years.

   It can be said that in the current world, even when the Primordial Kings were not allowed to act like before, the Terran possessing the two great quasi-kings of Qin Wu and Xuan Dao, were equally inviolable.

   Before the final test really came, Ye Chen used this time to accompany his wife and Xiaojunlin, and live a happy and harmonious life.

   Xiao Junlin hadn't got along with Ye Chen's father for more than a year, and even missed it. He stuck to his side all day and didn't want to leave.

   The two-year-old Little Junlin is almost the same height as a six-year-old child, and he has grown very fast, and the sealed foundation has gradually opened up, and he can start real practice.

   Ye Chen taught Xiao Junlin the Chaos Bible he created.

  Although the Chaos Bible is far from perfect, the most basic semi-divine realm, transforming **** realm, and holy Tibetan realm have been completely perfected in these years, enough for Xiaojun to cultivate to adulthood.

   And Xiao Junlin inherited his chaotic bloodline, he should be born to practice the chaotic bible, with the same attributes, and his practice will be twice as effective as other profound arts.

I have to say that Xiao Junlin is really talented, far beyond Ye Chen’s imagination. He feels that even the emperor, the emperor, and the son of the fairy dao are slightly inferior to Xiao Junlin in terms of aptitude, and he has crossed over in less than a month. After acquired and innate, he became a demigod.

   and he was the youngest demigod in history, breaking records.

   This is because Ye Chen deliberately restricted Xiao Junlin to practice too quickly.

   I have to say that the physique of the Chaos True Dragon is really against the sky, almost on the same level as Ye Chen's own Chaos Eucharist.

   On this day, a stream of light rushed into the human emperor realm, almost unstoppable across the sky, and finally appeared on a **** island in the sky, where Ye Chen was also located.

   Ye Chen took the streamer, it was a piece of letter paper, with the strong and majestic three familiar auras.

"what's up?"

   Yuqing lightly opens his red lips.

   "They wrote."

   Ye Chen said, opened the letterhead, and the three strong marks appeared, far more than the ordinary **** king, and he didn't know how many times, it was even stronger than the peerless **** king.

   "The ultimate end is waiting for you!"

   There are only a few words on the letterhead.

   sign, three brand marks——

   Yuanyang God King, Zhao Chen, Human Prince!

   It turned out that after the feast held by the Unphased King that year, all three of them disappeared from the Ten-Day Realm Ancient Realm and left.

   The letterhead was sent at the set time.

   They did not intend to participate in the battle for "Supreme" fairy fate, but went to fight for the same mysterious "Ultimate" in the Eight Desolate Ancient Regions at the end of the Ultimate Ancient Road.

"Also, here, the same human race, they are unwilling to participate because of some relationships, but in the mysterious eight deserts and ancient realms of the ultimate ancient road, there is no need to be afraid of so many, and they are here, quiet and Yi Even if Wu and the others are in trouble, I believe they will not sit idly by."

   Ye Chen chuckled and took the letterhead, looking forward to that day.

   When I accompany my wife in this way and teach my son to practice, happy times always pass quickly, and a month passed in an instant.

   This day, the day of the final test has arrived.

   is far in the deepest part of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, that is the end of the Ninth Heaven Realm Ancient Realm.

   This is a mysterious place, which is extremely mysterious during the day. The Palace of Ten Heavens sits in this mysterious place, distorting the space, possessing infinite vain, and covering everything.

   Even the Primordial King would not be able to penetrate this illusion, and see where the most mysterious ancient realm of the Tenth Heaven Realm is.

   Because the most detached Temple of the Ten Heavens in the legend is located in vain.

   The edge of the mysterious land is also extremely prosperous. There are many ancient countries and sectarian forces, and there are many strong royal families.

   The fringe area stretches for tens of millions of miles and is a very prosperous area, inhabited by hundreds of millions of creatures.

This is because the fundamental reason for being located in a mysterious place is that the Temple of the Ten Heavens will appear every millennium, recruiting some great talents with excellent talents, and becoming a member of the Temple of the Ten Heavens and often as long as becoming ten A member of the Tiandi Palace, the family, sect, kingdom, and royal family of the recruited Tianjiao will receive a generous reward from the Ten Tiandi Palace.

   Therefore, many powerful forces and even ancient countries have chosen to be located here.


   On this day, on the sky above the mysterious land, like a sky thunder exploding, it attracted the attention of countless forces on the edge of the mysterious land.

  The hundreds of millions of sentient beings living here looked up one after another, only to see huge and towering domain gates slowly appearing, standing between the heaven and the earth.

   Each one is like a mountain of ten thousand feet, exuding an extremely powerful atmosphere of space, connecting to another unknown place far away.

   With the opening of these domain doors, a large number of figures appeared from them, and each path possessed a mighty power beyond the reach of the God of Transformation and the Holy Treasure.

The princes and daughters of the heavens and the heirs of the Fairy Dao have all appeared, and there are also some great Tianjiao belonging to the ancient realm of the Ten Heaven Realm. Strong young and supreme etc.

   With the gradual appearance of these emperor sons, daughters, and heirs of immortals, in the mysterious land at the end of the ancient realm of the Ninth Heaven Realm, the world is full of endless depression.

   If this place is not mysterious enough, so many invincible emperors, emperors, sons of the Fairy Dao appear, the aura radiating from their bodies is enough to easily shatter the sky and annihilate the boundless earth.

   After all, these emperors and daughters and heirs of the Fairy Dao have at least a powerful combat power above the peerless king level.

   Here, there are also the Primordial Kings personally following, just for the emperor, emperor and daughter of his clan, no accident.

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