Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2773: Kunpeng Dayu Art!

"The ninth pass is also the trial of the ninth emperor's palace. The gatekeepers have reached the early stage comparable to those of the quasi-monarchs. I am afraid that the rewards are not bad."

   Ye Chen looked at the scroll engraved with golden majesty marks, smiled slightly, and stuck out his palm, suddenly a stream of information fell into his mind, and he could not help but a momentary blank mind appeared.

   Because there is too much information.

   In his mind, a picture suddenly appeared. It was the boundless starry sky of the universe, the vast and boundless universe, with the ups and downs of the vast world, and the vast upper world continent suspended in the sky.

  Weird and strange, with infinitely powerful creatures appearing.

   This is a powerful universe.

   Among them, in the boundless sea of ​​stars, a huge figure that obscured the boundless starry sky appeared.

   is a kunpeng, with wings covering the sky and sun, covering the boundless sea of ​​stars, huge and boundless, spit out in one breath when it can burst the infinite stars, even the sun and stars will be dying and dim.


Kunpeng just quivered his wings slightly, and instantly disappeared without a trace compared to the figure covering the sea of ​​stars, surpassing the years, surpassing time and space, breaking the shackles of the universe, and entering the vast expanse of land. ——

   Chaos Sea!

   The terrifying speed is even beyond the reach of the Supreme!

   In the end, everything disappeared, and Kun Peng reappeared in his mind.

   But it looks carefully, that Kunpeng is not a real Kunpeng, but a rune condensed, it is a scripture profound meaning, a kind of unparalleled supernatural power.

   Kunpeng Dayu Shu!

   Ye Chen suddenly understood what a magical power this was.

   is a kind of supernatural power, and it is also about Kunpeng's body. According to legend, the secret technique of the upper body created by the first generation of Kunpeng is called Kunpeng Dayushu.

   There are fishes in the North Ming, whose name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng's back is not known for thousands of miles. Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.

   This is how Kunpeng is described.

   Regarding the Kunpeng body method, the Dapeng rises in the same wind every day, soaring for 90,000 miles.

However, these are just some mundane records about the descendants of Kunpeng blood. The real pure-blood Kunpeng is terrible, such as the first generation of Kunpeng, it can span the endless starry sky between the wings, break the shackles of the universe, and shuttle chaos one by one. Ancient universe.

  Kunpeng Dayu Art was created on this basis. Once this type of body technique is used to the extreme, you can travel through the ancient chaotic universe. The sea of ​​chaos is so big that you can't go anywhere.

   "It is the legendary Kunpeng Dayu Art, but it is the most extreme body technique for speed."

   Ye Chen's eyes suddenly revealed a light of surprise.

   Kunpeng Dayushu is one of the most powerful magical powers of the real Megatron Chaos Sea, Megatron Era.

   Even the Secret Art of the Xing Realm is far from it.

  Because Kunpeng sees and hears at speed, and at the peak of speed, it can also break through time and space, get rid of the shackles of years, and walk proudly through the ages.

   The first generation of Kunpeng even claimed to be the fastest existence in the Chaos Sea, even the other supreme beings were far behind.

   How simple is the Shenfa supernatural power created by the first generation of Kunpeng, especially the Kunpeng Dayushu, which can be called the anti-chaotic ancient and modern.

   It's just a pity that Ye Chen discovered that this volume of Kunpeng Dayu Art was missing an important part, which was about the last part.

   Perhaps even the original owner of the Immortal Palace, the Great Emperor, may not have obtained the complete Kunpeng Dayushu, because this is the secret of the Kunpeng clan, only the true pure blood Kunpeng is qualified to get the complete Kunpeng Dayushu.

   But even if it's only half the volume, it's very gratifying.

   Ye Chen practiced right now. He was originally savvy, and he was also a quasi-monarch. Many of the training problems were quickly solved. In just half a day, he successfully practiced the Kunpeng Dayu Art.

   The figure moved.


   The figure suddenly disappeared in the same place, and the next moment it appeared in another distance, which could be hundreds of thousands of miles away.

   This is still limited to this evolved ninth level of heaven and earth. Otherwise, it will be even more amazing. It will run to the extreme, and it can even burst out the power of time and improve again.

"Very well, with the Kunpeng Dayu technique, my speed can be increased by nearly 30% out of thin air. Even if I face the ancient king, even if I can't beat it, I can use the Kunpeng Dayu technique to escape from the sky." Ye Chen was very surprised, this time. The biggest gain from the trial of the Immortal Palace is Kunpeng Dayushu.

  Moreover, Kunpeng Dayu Art is the body technique created by the first generation of Kunpeng, and it is also known as the first body technique of Chaos Sea, naturally it is not so simple.

   According to the notes on the scroll, Kunpeng Dayu Art is divided into five levels.

   Break through the sky, Aurora, Ten Thousand Realms, Daewoo, Eternity!

   Ye Chen directly cultivated to the second level of the Aurora Realm with the help of the quasi-monarch cultivation base and the natural talent.

   Become an aurora, surpass the speed of light!

   If you reach the third level of the Ten Thousand Realms, this level is similar to the highest level of the Secret Art of the Realm, you can travel through the heavens and the Ten Thousand Realms since childhood.

   As for the fourth stage of the Daewoo Realm, it has reached the limit of breaking the universe at Traveling through the heavens and chaotic ancient universe, and even breaking into the long river of time, wandering in it.

   has reached this level, even if he meets the supreme, he is not afraid of it. With the help of Kunpeng's great universe, he can transcend time and space, cross the universe, and escape directly.

  Although Ye Chen is currently only limited to the second level of the Aurora Realm, even so, it is still 30% faster than the Secret Art of the Realm.

   30%, it doesn’t look like a lot, but it’s really against the sky.

   You must know that the secret technique of the realm is already regarded as the top level of the upper body technique. If it weren't for the Kunpeng Dayushu, there are few body techniques in the Chaos Sea that can surpass the secret technique of the realm.

   "Although the Kunpeng Daewoo technique is incomplete, it is enough to cultivate to the fourth level of Daewoo level. Once you reach that level, you can travel through the heavens and the ancient universe like the first Kunpeng, like the supreme."

   Ye Chen is contented and always happy. As for the most critical fifth level of eternity, I am afraid that even the first generation Kunpeng would not be able to achieve it, otherwise it will reach that level. I am afraid that the first generation Kunpeng will be completely detached and become truly eternal.

   After all, there are thousands of paths in the world, not necessarily that the Dao of Chaos can become the path of eternity. Other principles should be possible, but the most promising is the Dao of Chaos.

   "I don't know if one day, the chaotic road can't go on, can I use the Kunpeng Dayu Art to interpret the speed to the extreme, break the shackles, and become eternally detached?" Ye Chen muttered.

   He felt that this Kunpeng Dayu Art had an unimaginable use for his future self.

   At the same time, Ye Chen left the ninth pass and entered the tenth pass after successfully practicing Kunpeng Dayu.

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