Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2780: Yun Aotian rebelled!

   In the space channel, the human race and the five **** kings stepped on the Supreme Teleportation Array, and they are rushing to the other side of the other shore at an alarming speed-the tenth day realm ancient realm!

No one knows how vast the starry sky in front of the Tenth Heaven Realm Ancient Realm is, but after three days and three nights with the help of Supreme Teleportation, the group still hasn’t reached the Tenth Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, and they are still in nothingness. Shuttle quickly in the space.

   However, during the trip, it was very restless.

   does not mean that you can safely travel to the ancient realm of the tenth day after stepping on the Supreme Teleportation Array. On the contrary, some crises still appeared in the middle.

On the fourth day, when everyone passed through the vast starfields, in the deepest part of the starry sky, they suddenly saw a starfield ahead. The whole body was shrouded in a dark mist, shone with terrible waves. The flaming thunder.

  Thunders of thunder are as thick as stars, incredibly huge, tearing many stars in the starry sky to pieces, and then exploding, transforming into a piece of starlight.

   "Look at it!"

   One of the gods pointed at the depths of the star field.

   Visible to the naked eye, at the very center of Thunder Sea, there is clearly a terrifying figure, hovering in it, bathed in terrible thunder.


   At this moment, the figure in the deepest part of Lei Hai suddenly opened his eyes, shooting out two terrifying eyes, with flashing thunder and rushing chaotic energy.

   The figure that looked like the Chaos Lei Di looked at this place, and saw the people who were shuttled in the space channel at high speed.


   At the same time, this figure moved suddenly, carrying the infinite thunder light that flooded the star field, moving like thunder, and also astonishingly fast, rushing to the people in the space channel.

   Along the way, stars exploded.

   In an instant, the Thunder God's person bathing in the infinite thunder actually crashed into the space channel, carrying the world-destroying thunder, and shot at everyone in it.

   The constantly flashing thunder made the entire space channel tremble, and there was an urge to collapse.


   At the critical moment, the Supreme Teleportation Array bloomed a circle of glory, stabilized the collapsed spatial channel, and regained its stability.

   "Looking for death!"

  Although he was surprised, Ye Cangqiong shot, holding the supreme war sword in his hand, displaying the peerless sword light, swallowing the world and colliding with that person.

However, the sword that killed the super king stood on the opponent, only a clanging sound was heard. The burly flesh that shone with blazing thunder light actually resisted Ye Cangqiong's terrifying sword, as if it had been slashed in the chaotic fairy gold on.

   "A strong body, immortal!" Everyone was surprised.


   The thunderous burly figure grabbed Ye Cangqiong with a big claw at this moment, extremely terrifying, making Ye Cangqiong feel irresistible.

   "Be careful, this person is a prospective king!"

   Ye Chen stepped forward, came in front of Ye Cangqiong, faced the chaotic Thunder God, and swung the chaotic holy fist, bursting with chaotic light, shaking the space channel, and colliding with the thunderous claws.


   Chaos light and thunder light are intertwined, almost causing the space channel to collapse.

   Ye Chen stomped his feet and immediately stabilized the spatial passage.

At the same time, the terrifying existence of the supreme Thunder God was forcibly retreated by Ye Chen, falling out of the space channel, and a drop of thunder blood splashed out, annihilating the starry sky, exploding a few stars. .

   Everyone stepped on the supreme teleportation formation, and the space shuttled extremely fast, and the next moment they were countless thousands of miles away, and they were far away from the star field.

   In the end, the only person who saw the Thunder God took a deep look at everyone, and even more deeply, Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen also took a deep look at the Thunder God.

   The two peerless beings looked at each other, and then they parted.

   "Ye Chen, who is he?"

   Everyone frowned, the Thunder God was very strong, and was even better than them, the emperor and daughter, the strongest young supreme, possessing the power of a quasi-king, and by no means an ordinary quasi-king.

  Only Ye Chen and Yuqing can really fight.

   Ye Chen shook his head, he remembered the words that the original prison devil said before his death.

   Is this also the back hand left by other supreme?

   "Be careful, this sea of ​​stars is not simple, there are other masters left behind." Ye Chen only said such a sentence.

   continues to shuttle.

   After such a flash, it was the seventh day, and still had not reached the tenth day realm ancient domain.

   At this time, everyone was recuperating cross-legged.

   No one knows what the Tenth Heaven Realm Ancient Realm will be like, but this starry sky is already so terrifying, and the 10th Heaven Realm Ancient Realm will probably be even more difficult.

   Suddenly, Yun Aotian walked in front of Shenrong and said: "Sir Shenrong, I have a question to ask, I wonder if it is possible?"

   "You can ask." Shenrong nodded.

   "If the ancient emperor perishes, but a wisp of emperor soul remains, and takes away the flesh of the emperor's sons, daughters, heirs of the celestial path, and other supreme heirs, can he completely revive the supreme bloodline and return to the supreme realm?" Yun Aotian said.

Shen Rong was startled. It seemed that Yun Aotian would not expect Yun Aotian to ask such a question, but he answered it earnestly, saying: "Theoretically, it is possible. The ancient emperor originally existed as the supreme. It was created by Shangweili and passed on to future generations. Once the ancient emperor obtains the flesh of the supreme heir, he can maximize the supreme bloodline and recover perfectly. In theory, he can set foot in the supreme realm faster than the supreme heir."

   "If someone else robs the body of the supreme heir, can they also restore the supreme blood?" Yun Aotian asked again.

Shenrong hesitated for a moment, and said: "In theory, it is also possible, but after all, it is not his real physical body. It may not fit together. It may be completely integrated, but it may also be mutually exclusive. This is difficult to say. But I can only say One point, once you successfully seize the house and successfully integrate the flesh of the supreme the supreme bloodline can moisturize its soul, and gradually become more powerful with supreme power."

   "Thank you, Lord Shenrong, for your answer. In order to show respect to you, I am willing to present a gift to you so that you can set foot in the Supreme Realm faster." Yun Aotian said.

   Shenrong was stunned, and the others were also stunned when they heard the words, and they were a little surprised, but the other four gods and kings had their eyes gushing out with incomparable glory.

   Yun Aotian actually mastered the way to the supreme faster?

   Shenrong frowned, just about to speak, but saw Yun Aotian's face showing a strange color, with a strong greed, immediately his heart jumped, and he felt that something was wrong.

   He immediately backed away, and shouted, "Yun Aotian, what do you want to do?"


   The endless brilliance suddenly rushed out from Yun Aotian, drowning the unprepared gods.

   That is the power of faith that is vast like a sea of ​​stars. It is burning sharply at this moment, and with special power, Shen Rong's terrible cultivation base of the Eight Tribulations God King level is suppressed, and it is actually difficult to move.

   The burning power of faith can suppress the divine power in his body.


   In an instant, blood spattered, Yun Aotian severely inflicted Shenrong, and a scream came from Shenrong's mouth.


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