Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2787: Apologize?

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "What a terrible beast, these young talents are very powerful, at least they are also high-ranking kings, and the purple-haired Tianjiao headed by It’s terrible, why I face him like facing the power of the ancients, unfathomable."

Exclamations were heard in the Temple of Heaven, all because this group of Tianjiao who rode on strange beasts was too powerful, and at least was a high-ranking heavenly king.

Especially the generation headed in the middle is even more likely to be a super powerhouse of the ancient power level.

Many powerful people felt the vast power of the abyss and the sea from the purple-haired man, as if a supreme demon lord, so that they did not dare to approach easily.

Great energy level Tianjiao!

Speculation emerged in the heart, and when he knew it, he immediately took a breath of cold air. Looking at the entire Supreme Ancient Realm, these Tianjiao generations are definitely the top leaders of the younger generation.

You can become an ancient power at a young age, and it is just around the corner to step into the kingdom of the gods.

These powerful Tianjiao all put away their own strange beasts, each of them raised their necks and held their heads high. They looked extraordinarily invincible. They were quite arrogant, as if they were disdainful of other powerhouses on the platform who came to enter the emperor star secret realm. Gu.

Only by looking at the purple-haired man who was headed, did the arrogant color dissipate, and it was replaced by undisguised worship and passion.

Especially among the three beautiful and alluring beautiful girls, all of them are very young, like two decades of life, each with extraordinary temperament, they are all first-class beauties, but looking at the purple-haired man, you can't hide the love in your heart. The meaning and passion.

Because this man with purple hair is the true top leader of the younger generation, young, but his cultivation base is extraordinary and holy, comparable to the old antiques in the sect, and he is known as the most promising **** of the gods in the future. one.

Even in the huge sect, apart from the few super arrogant who can contend, the purple-haired man swept the younger generation invincible.

In the clan, many elders supported him and became the next generation's suzerain.

The purple-haired man looked at the Temple of Heaven, nodded slightly, and said: "I have been trapped in the seventh peak of the Heavenly Divine Body for some time, and I have not been able to truly break through. I hope this time coming to the Emperor Star Secret Realm will allow my Heavenly Divine Body to break through. At the eighth level, all other enemies in the sect can be swept away."

Hearing, the six great arrogances that followed are even more blazing hot

One of them, a young man in a blue brocade robe, looked at the purple-haired man and bowed his head slightly, enthusiastically saying: "Brother Nine, Junior Brother inquired that there are 3,600 Dao stars in this emperor star secret realm. , But if you talk about which Dao star is most suitable for body refining, the dark golden Dao stars should be the most, divided into ten levels of Dao stars, but each level of dark golden Dao stars contains terrible gravity. These dark golden Dao stars are known as Dao Xing who is most suitable for body refining can use Dao Xing's huge gravity and the power of the Golden Dao to continuously strengthen his physical body, thereby enhancing his physical strength."

Next to him, another young man in a white brocade said: "Nine brothers, eighteen brothers said rightly, now that you have cultivated to the state of great power, and the heavenly divine body has also cultivated to the seventh level, you can kill the power with one punch. It’s said that you have infinite talent for refining the body, and it may be possible to cultivate all of my Heavenly Divine Sect to the tenth level of the peak, surpassing the ancestors. Now, brother, you are stuck in the seventh level and want to break through the eighth level. In the heavy realm, there is only the Dark Golden Dao star with amazing gravity, which is the most suitable for your cultivation."

The purple-haired man nodded: "Okay, I will go to Dark Golden Dao Star to see if it is suitable for body refining as rumored. I hope I can enter immediately."

The six Tianjiao around him nodded secretly, knowing how to do it.

Surrounded by all the arrogances, the purple-haired man stepped into the Tiangong Temple with majesty and attracted the attention of everyone in the temple.

"Zi Cangyu, it's him, I didn't expect to come too."

Many people in the Temple of Heaven have recognized the identity of the man with purple hair.

Zi Cangyu, the strongest Tianjiao of the God Sect of Heaven, stepped into the realm of great power at a young age, is a true peerless genius, and a strong man on the great power list.

The Great Power Ranking is a ranking of the mighty powers of the Supreme Ancient Realm, with only three hundred and sixty places.

The Supreme Ancient Realm is so big, there are countless powerful people, and a lot of powers, but being able to be selected into the power list can definitely be called the power of power.

Zi Cangyu's young age has not only become the ancient power realm, but also set foot on the power list, which can be seen.

Rumor has it that he cultivated the Heavenly God Sect’s Immortal Body Refining Technique to the seventh peak. The power of the physical body should be able to kill and kill the general power, terrifying, and is known as the most outstanding Tianjiao of the Supreme Ancient Realm. This generation is hopeful that the ancestor of the God King of Heaven will succeed the God King of Heaven and become the next strongest God King and lead God of Heaven to a new glory.

Ye Chen and the others naturally noticed Zi Cangyu, but both the Human Race and the Four Great God Kings just glanced lightly.

Da Neng, even the so-called powerhouses on the Supreme Ancient Realm, with their at least the realm of the **** king level, would not take it in their hearts.

Surrounded by other heavenly arrogances of the Divine God Sect, Zi Cangyu stepped into the queue, but whenever I saw Zi Cangyu, I also saw the cold expressions of the leaders of the Divine Divine Sect. Can't help but be frightened.

Because Zi Cangyu's aura was too terrifying, he made them involuntarily retreat, giving up their positions.

In this way, Zi Cangyu and his party easily surpassed many people in line and approached the teleportation array.

The other Tianjiao who surrounded Zi Cangyu raised their proud heads, all of them like swan, following Zi Cangyu, surpassing the people in line.

Those who were surpassed also dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, but seeing the purple Cangyu, who was like a **** and a devil, was trembling and did not dare to speak.

Soon, they surpassed more than half of the team.

But now, the Cangtian Divine Sect and his party were blocked, because it was Ye Chen and others in front of them, and they did not avoid concessions because of their status and continued to line up.

Seeing this, a very beautiful girl in red came forward. Although she was very beautiful, she looked extraordinarily arrogant. She raised her slender and snow-white neck and looked at the last Ye Chen of the Human Race in front of him, and said: "Hey , Quickly get out."

With a proud and proud tone, Ye Chen and the others stepped aside, as if they were talking about a common thing.

However, Ye Chen and the others continued to line up without looking back.

Seeing this, the arrogant girl in red frowned and her eyebrows were quite acrimonious. Seeing that Ye Chen was in the first place, and seemed to be the leader of the crowd, she shouted, "Hey, boy, Miss Ben. Call you again, are you deaf or not hearing it."

At this moment, the arrogance of the human race and the four great **** kings all turned around, and they did not exude a real aura, and went into hiding.

Ye Chen frowned and looked at the red-clothed girl clamoring behind him. Although it was annoying for someone to yell at herself like this, after all, he just came to the Supreme Ancient Realm and didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, and said, "What's the matter with you?"

The girl in red snorted: "Boy, you guys quickly get out of here and let us pass."

While speaking, although he was a head lower than Ye Chen, he was clearly looking down at him, causing the latter to frown, and said impatiently: "Don't bother me."

The red-clothed girl was startled, and the other Heavenly God Sect's Tianjiao was also startled. The strong queuing in the Tiangong Temple were all stunned, only a strange color flashed between Zi Cangyu's eyes.

They are all young talents of the super power God Sect, possessing extraordinary honors. Even if they meet some great powers, they don't need to pay special salutes. Even other heavenly kings treat them with courtesy, but now some people dare not give way.

Seeing Ye Chen's impatient expression and that act like expelling flies, the red-clothed girl suddenly felt the insult, suddenly screamed, and rushed to Ye Chen: "Boy, who is annoying you!" "

At the same time as he pounced, sharp knives appeared in both hands, shining with light, apparently to teach Ye Chen a profound lesson, and even kill him.


A layer of chill suddenly appeared on Ye Chen's face, and a ray of murderous intent appeared, making the girl in the red dress who rushed over felt cold to the bones, as if she had been stared at by the great fierce Taikoo. A sense of panic is emerging.

Yuqing, Abenu, Will, Di Wushuang and other Human Race arrogances and the four great **** kings all showed awe-inspiring colors.

At this moment, when Ye Chen was about to make a move, two small voices rang out, and two figures appeared immediately in front of him, both high-ranking kings, but the temple of heaven. The elder of, looking at the red-clothed girl coldly, said coldly: "If you don't know how to do it in the hall, you can kill offenders."

The moment they felt the appearance of the two, the sense of panic that was stared at by Taikoo Daxie also disappeared, and the girl in red also breathed a sigh of relief. She also regained her mobility and returned to the side of the heavenly arrogances. .

However, at this time, he changed his earlier arrogance and stubbornness and remained silent.

The deep sense of panic in her heart still persists, allowing her to clearly understand the horror of these seemingly unfamiliar young Tianjiao!

"Sister, it’s okay." The brother with a fan next to him said, he was very handsome, he was a man who can fascinate thousands of young girls, but his seemingly gentle appearance, there is a kind of high in his eyes. The arrogance that puts the world in his eyes.

The girl in red shook her head.

The handsome young man with a fan said: "Junior sister, this person dared to be rude to you, wait and make the decision for your brother."

"Brother Li" the girl in red just wanted to speak, but the handsome young man walked forward and came behind Ye Chen, saying: "Friends of Daoist"

Ye Chen glanced at him and said faintly, "Something?"

The handsome young man shook his fan. He was very elegant, and had a somewhat carefree charm. He said: "Friends of Taoism, my junior sister struggling with you just now, it is my junior sister who made the mistake first, and my junior sister apologizes for this."

After that, he stubbornly compiles the compilation, which is extraordinarily polite and makes people feel a little bit good in his life.

After all, this is the young Tianjiao of the God Sect.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Don't apologize, just don't offend again next time."

"As it should be." The handsome young man nodded, and then said again: "However, I am here to apologize to fellow daoists on behalf of Junior Sister, do you also have to apologize to fellow Junior Sister?"

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