Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2792: The rules come true, the Secret Realm!

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! PS: Four thousand characters, two more in one, so the evening is gone!

With Ye Chen's continuous extraction of the Golden Dao power of the sixth-level dark golden Dao star, the gravity of this sixth-level dark golden Dao star is continuously weakening.

Moreover, the power of the golden avenue that circulates throughout the body is constantly weakening, which surprised the strong who went from all walks of life, knowing that this is mostly related to the mysterious **** king who descends.

However, the more so, the more they make their expressions hot, and the more they yearn for that level of God King. Only the strongest of this level can make such a terrifying dark golden Dao star undergo such an astonishing change. .

Because the gravity of the Dark Golden Dao stars is weakened, their speed is even faster!


In the end, half a month later, more than 90% of the golden avenue power of the sixth-level dark golden Dao star was drawn, and the gravity dropped sharply, only five times.

At this time, the spirit of the Golden King, who had exhausted the power of the six-level Dark Golden Dao star and ninety percent of the Golden Dao, reached the nine levels of the King, and was only one step away from becoming the rule of the king.

However, Ye Chen knew that even if he extracted the last 10% of the Golden Dao power, it would not be possible for him to be promoted smoothly, because the Golden Dao power needed was too much, and he needed all the Golden Dao powers of another six-level Dark Golden Dao star. Can be completely successful.

Knowing the result, Ye Chen sighed and stopped drawing, so that the six-level Dark Golden Dao star whose power was suddenly reduced could survive.

It also sensed a large number of powerful people coming, and the chaotic mist concealed the figure, and immediately rose into the sky.


"Senior God King!"

A large number of cultivators on the sixth-level Dark Golden Dao star finally arrived, but they arrived a step late, and Ye Chen's figure soared away from the sky, shouting constantly, but also a little annoyed.

Several great powers rose to the sky, just to follow the **** king's side and get the **** king's guidance.

But Ye Chen snorted coldly, like the anger of the sky, causing the expressions of several great abilities to change drastically, like being struck by lightning, the figure soaring to the sky suddenly flew upside down, falling to the sixth-level Dark Golden Dao star that lost 90% of its power.

Everyone on the sixth-level Dark Golden Dao star knows that this is because the **** king does not want others to follow and disturb, and all of them are disappointed right now.

Xuan Qiong and others clenched their fists, missing a great opportunity to follow the **** king.

At the same time, the cultivators of the sixth-level dark golden Dao star were also greatly weakened due to the power of the Dao star, teleporting away from the Dao star and returning to the Temple of Heaven.

There is no doubt that the weakening of the sixth-level dark golden Dao star and the emergence of the **** king to extract the power of the Dao star will be widely known and even cause a huge sensation.

Because since getting the Supreme Secret Realm, no one has dared to extract Dao Star Power to refine Dao.

At first no one thought of it.

Secondly, because it is too difficult, it is necessary to withstand the great power of the Dao Xing to go to the Dao Xing. Even if countless strong people resist it, it is hard to get it, let alone extracting power, but how can the generation of people who have a cultivation base do it?

Ye Chen didn't know anything about all of this, and would not pay attention to it. His figure flashed, crossing the starry sky, and came to the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star.

The gravity of the seventh-level dark golden Dao star is twice as high as that of the sixth-level dark golden Dao star, but it is a hundred times the gravity, which is much more terrifying.

Anyone who can practice in the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star, except for a handful of peak Uranus, is basically a powerful generation, and the number of people is naturally much smaller than other Dark Golden Dao stars. After all, great power is not everywhere. .

Naturally, who can cultivate in the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao Star, which one is not really a super powerhouse who is truly famous in the world.

The seventh-level dark golden Dao star seems not big, but it possesses an immortal divinity. The whole body presents a special dark golden luster, like an immortal star condensed from peerless rare metal, with extremely terrifying gravity.

Ye Chen descended on the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star, and once descended, he felt a gravity far more than a hundred times greater than that of the Supreme Ancient Realm, causing him to sink slightly, and his heart was secretly surprised.

It's so terrible gravity. If it weren't for his strength, the terrible gravity on this star would be instantly crushed into a cloud of blood, even if an ordinary heavenly king came, it would be difficult for him to fly in the air.

However, Ye Chen naturally also felt the power of the Golden Dao more than twice the intensity of the sixth-level Dark Golden Dao star, and it was twice as condensed. There was a surprise in his eyes.

If it is on this star, the third rule of the golden rule can be formed faster, and even the rule of the golden rule can be condensed!

There are not many strong practitioners on the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao stars, so they are scattered enough, and often there is no other person in the tens of thousands of miles.

Thousands of miles away from where Ye Chen descended, there was a person who looked very young, with long purple hair, a burly figure, naked upper body, and his body was not exaggeratedly sturdy. On the contrary, he appeared to be streamlined and fit, he was cross-legged. Sit still.

The whole body was flickering with purple light, muscles and bones rang together, and the blood and energy seemed to be like the vast ocean rumbling, and the void was trembling, demonstrating that powerful and astonishing physical battle body, like a savage dragon dormant.

Even Mighty would be frightened in front of him.

The strength of the flesh and the formidable flesh are as powerful as the ability to kill with bare hands.


With the passage of time, the purple light on the purple-haired youth's body became more and more terrifying, and gradually melted into everything with blood, turning into purple blood.

With the trembling of blood, the sky was shaking, as if shaking the sky.

"It's him."

Several other powerful cultivators in the distance recognized the identity of the purple-haired youth, and were shocked.

Zi Cangyu of the Heavenly Divine Sect, it is said that the peerless genius who cultivated the Heavenly Divine Body Art to the seventh level, with the power of the flesh, can be described as a very powerful peerless genius.

"Zi Cangyu unexpectedly came to the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star like Zi Cangyu, and heard that he had cultivated the Heavenly Divine Sect's Immortal Skill, Cangtian Divine Body Art, to the seventh peak state, but he could kill the power with his bare hands. Now he is probably going to hit the first level. Eighth layer. Once you break into the eighth layer of the Heavenly Divine Body Art, I'm afraid it will be comparable to the super power of the seventh layer."

For the Zi Cangyu of the Heavenly Divine Sect, these great abilities were full of wonder and envy.

Because the opponent has become a great power at a young age, he has cultivated the Heavenly Divine Body Art to the seventh peak state, which represents the terrible potential of the opponent, and he will definitely be qualified to attack the upper realm of the king of gods in the future, even Aspirations to the illusory realm of legends in the legends are not necessarily, it can be said that the future is boundless.

Thousands of miles away, Ye Chen naturally also felt the terrifying part of this **** energy. After a glance, he was slightly surprised that it was Zi Cangyu.

Although his perception of Zi Cangyu was average, he had to admit that the opponent's physical body was indeed very powerful, far better than Xuan Qiong's other so-called Tianjiao leaders.

Zi Cangyu also vaguely saw Ye Chen's existence, but he couldn't see the real face, because Ye Chen covered his body with chaotic light.

He just glanced at it and continued to practice the Heavenly Divine Body Art.

He felt that the gravity of the seventh-level dark golden Dao star and the power of the Golden Dao star were quite suitable for him, and he was worthy of being known as the body-refining Dao star.

Under the temper of one hundred times the gravity and one hundred times the power of the Great Dao of Gold, Zi Cangyu could feel that every moment he cultivated the Heavenly Divine Body Art, he was constantly growing stronger.

Although this kind of strength is very slow, he believes that as long as decades, maybe even ten or eight years, it will be enough to complete the final transformation and break into the eighth stage of the Heavenly Divine Body Art.

At that time, even facing several other enemies in the sect who were fighting for the position of the lord, they would be enough to sweep through.

The surging purple light is surging, and the blood is like thunder, rumbling.

Ye Chen just glanced at Zi Cangyu, did not pay attention to it, and did not immediately care about the threat from the other side of the Temple of Heaven. At this stage, the most important thing is to upgrade the spirit of the Golden God King to a stronger Golden King rule.

Sit down and take a long breath.


At this moment, the entire seventh-level dark golden Dao star trembled in an instant, and the infinite golden light source continuously rushed out from the depths of the seventh-level dark golden Dao star.

It is said that it is golden light, and it is an endless road rune, and then quickly turned into a road of gold law.

There are more and more laws of these golden avenues, thousands of them, and they continue to increase with the passage of time, and then they continue to submerge in front of Ye Chen’s body like a peerless sword of the golden **** king’s spirit, let this reach The aura of the golden **** king's spirit at the peak level began to rise again.

The many cultivators on the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star were shocked at this moment, and even changed their colors.

The entire seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star trembled. What happened?

It is necessary to know that the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star is not only a hundred times the gravity, but also condenses the extremely terrifying power of the Golden Dao, resulting in the entire Dark Golden Dao star being extremely strong and immortal, even if it is a powerful attack, it is difficult to shake.

The same is true for the peak power, even the half-step **** king.

Perhaps only the superior super power of the God King Realm can truly shake it.

But I can't do it like this, it's just shaking, as if it's about to disintegrate at any time, it's shocking.

More importantly, from the other side of the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star, they clearly felt the unparalleled power of the Golden Dao blooming. The power of the Golden Dao was terrifying, just like the power of the entire seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star. The outbreak made all practitioners feel a strong sense of death threat.

Zi Cangyu also showed a deep panic.

He also felt the extreme cohesion and horror of the power of the Great Dao of Gold, even the heavenly divine body of the Seventh Peak Realm that was enough to tear the power with bare hands could feel the tingling sensation of the formation, as if there were countless sharp swords. Stabbed on the body,

He deeply understood that once the power of this golden avenue fell on him, he would be completely wiped out in an instant.

"Which supreme power is in the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star? And I clearly feel that the power of the Golden Dao within the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star is rapidly disappearing, could it be refined with the endless golden Dao power of the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star? Is it impossible?"

Zi Cangyu was secretly horrified. He knew the vastness of the power of the Golden Dao within the seventh-level dark golden Dao star, and even gave him the feeling that it was better than the ancestor of the Heavenly God Sect who dominated the ups and downs. .

But such a terrifying power has been refined, one can imagine how powerful a practitioner is.

At the very least, the cultivation base is far superior to that of the God King of Heaven.

Is it a super king? The pinnacle god?

It is difficult for him to guess how powerful the cultivator is, because whether it is a super **** king or a pinnacle **** king, they are far beyond the heaven **** king, and he needs to look up.

Suddenly, he remembered the mysterious existence of the chaotic light shielding body just now. Isn't the location where the power of the Golden Avenue condenses right there?

Could it be him?

At this moment, Zi Cangyu suddenly became firm, risking his life to rotate the heavenly divine body to the extreme, purple blood vigorous, and quickly advancing towards the direction where the power of the golden avenue was condensed, wanting to know exactly who is the powerful person who is practicing. Tao.

But the other great powers, the pinnacle heavenly king, had long since returned to the temple of heaven through the teleportation array, and spread this astonishing news.

But they didn't expect that the same thing happened to the sixth-level Dark Golden Dao star not long ago, and it was much more serious.

Outside, a terrible storm also blew This time it took a long time to draw the seven-level dark golden Dao star, the infinite golden road, the power, the spirit of the god, and the rule of the golden king. Months have passed.


Half a month later, the spirit of the king of gold swallowed the power of the infinite gold, and finally transformed into a rule of the king of gold.

The moment when the rule of the Golden King appeared like a divine sword, in an instant, the unparalleled golden light bloomed, with the mighty sharp aura, tearing through the void, causing the entire seventh-level dark golden Dao star to violently shake.

On the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star, there are countless long and criss-crossed long ravines, each road is deep and long, and the face is straight, as if it has been cut by billions of epee lights, the hard Dark Golden Dao star can't bear it, and it will almost collapse. .

At the same time, in the depths of the emperor star secret realm, the countless experts who were cultivating far away from other Dao stars were shocked. They all raised their eyes and looked at the direction of the seventh-level Dark Golden Dao star, revealing a look of shock.

There are naturally no shortage of ancient gods and kings of the supreme ancient realm among those who practice in the secret realm of Emperor Star.

These Supreme Supreme Dao stars condensed by the power of the great avenues all have great cultivation help for the **** king, and can assist in accelerating the cultivation of the origin, mood, and even the spirit of the **** king.

Therefore, nearly half of the ancient gods and kings of the entire Supreme Ancient Realm practiced in the emperor star secret realm.

Now, they are all shocked by this great power of the Great Dao of Gold, shocked by it, and they are shocked: "Who is it that actually cultivated such a powerful law of the Great Dao of Gold, no, at least it is also a god-level gold? The origin of the Great Dao, perhaps the spirit of the Golden God King, may even be more terrifying!"

That strong and unmatched golden avenue power, even if separated by an infinite starry sky distance, still made them feel a kind of magnificence, a kind of supremacy, a kind of shocking power.

(End of this chapter)

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