Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2807: Get the emperor crown!


Ye Chen left and entered the starry sky where the dome of the emperor hall evolved, and the chaotic quasi-king's mastery cultivation base was exploding.

The boundless chaotic light exploded, overwhelming the sky, and wherever it passed, all the burning Dao stars were quickly extinguished. Instead, they were extinguished by the chaotic light, turning into a wave of majestic power, submerged in Ye Chen's body, even more so. Submerge into the original universe in the body.

These Dao stars can continue to condense and refine the rules of the king, but they are also pure Dao power, supplementing the Dao of the Origin Universe and promoting the growth of the Origin Universe.

It can be seen to the naked eye that after becoming a quasi-monarch, the original universe, which has reached a full 300,000 miles in diameter, began to slowly expand again.


A bright chaotic avenue stretched out, carrying the power of a quasi-king, like the Optimus Pillar, rushing straight into the dense meteor shower.

In front of him, the green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right, the upper Suzaku, and the lower Xuanwu, surrounded by the four great holy spirits, filled with ancient chaos, accompanied by the law of ten thousand ways, like the emperor of heaven patrolling the world.

There is no need to take action to block the many flying stars in front of you.

Ye Chen strode forward and quickly rushed towards the location of the Imperial Pass.

It was just a short period of time, surpassing many emperors, emperors and heirs of the Fairy Way.

Coming first, the speed is amazing, so that those surpassed emperors, emperors and heirs of the Fairy Dao can only sigh silently, quite helpless.

This is the fighting king, the invincible fighting king!

When the other quasi-princes in front saw this scene, especially the goddess son and others, their expressions changed, and they all shot one by one, attracting more Feihuo Dao stars and blasting towards Ye Chen, trying to stop Ye Chen one or two.


With a cold snort and exploded, Ye Chen's speed suddenly accelerated, and the Great Chaos Avenue disappeared, and then he cast the Kunpeng Dayu Spell, and his whole person turned into an aurora.

It was the second stage of the Aurora Realm, with wisps of space-time power emerging, and it was about to let the years and years appear in a trance.

His speed has reached an astonishing level. Even if many flying meteors occupy almost every inch of space, he can find a way, fast forward, and constantly get closer to these first quasi-kings.


In the end, he walked side by side like all the prospective kings, which made all prospective kings discolored.

Because Ye Chen's speed was still accelerating, he began to slowly surpass them.

But at this time, everyone came under the emperor's crown, less than a hundred miles away.

For them, this distance is simply too close.

It's just that the flying stars appearing here are even more terrifying, each of them is at least the seventh level or above, and even the quasi-king speed will be greatly reduced.


At this time, the Emperor God made a decisive move.

He is worldly domineering, holding a shot to destroy the battle, the power of the quasi-king is fully blooming, and there are rules of kings appearing, mainly based on the rules of the king of heaven, just like the lord of the gods, slashing Ye Chen.

At this moment, the cultivation base of the **** emperor had reached the level of the late quasi-monarch.

Generally speaking, the quasi-monarch needs 20 rules of the king in the later stage, but the **** emperor had more than a dozen rules of the king when he fought with Ye Chen. In recent years, he has refined the nine-level Cangtian Dao star, and refined many rules of the Cangtian king. , Has reached this level a long time ago, so it's terrible to shoot.

That big shattered battle was enlarged, and instantly turned into a huge battle like an optimistic pillar, splitting the starry sky and leaping down.


The many flying stars in front of him were torn apart by this terrifying power, and they exploded one after another, turning into brilliant flames blooming, embellishing the starry sky.

"Only you dare to stop me?"

Ye Chen glanced at the **** emperor son with cold eyes, never put it on his mind, slapped it out, many golden king rules bloomed, and his palm turned into a big golden hand, colliding with the battle of destruction.


The terrifying power of destruction spreads, turning into layers of ripples, not only annihilating the starry sky, but also causing hundreds of flying stars approaching to explode directly.

The **** emperor's figure was shocked, and the whole person actually kicked backwards and was lost.

The big shattered battles in his hands are all trembling and not easy, the light is flickering, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, and almost flying away.

This made other people's pupils slightly condensed, and it seemed that Ye Chen's strength had reached such a level.

The **** emperor yelled: "Everyone takes action. He is no weaker than the Dzogchen quasi-king. We can hardly be his opponents alone. We can only work together!"


A blazing light flashed, and an undead fairy phoenix appeared. It was Huang Yao who transformed into an undead fairy phoenix. He shot Ye Chen and had a pair of fairy phoenix rings, which were made of Hengyang red gold, which was extremely extraordinary.

Once she shot, like the immortal phoenix rebirth, with the destructive immortal fire, the rule of the king boiled, so that the same burning flying fire star would continue to explode, and could not get close to her.

"Do you really think that you are suspected to be the heir of the Nanhuang Empress, I dare not act against you?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, slapped in the same way, colliding with Huang Yao.



Shenjun Chu and Yu Wudi appeared at the same time, and the two young quasi-monarchs shot at the same time, cooperating with Huang Yao to move towards Ye Chen.

At another time, the **** emperor son also returned, holding a big shattered zhangge and shot towards Ye Chen.

The four great quasi-monarchs of the younger generation, emperors, emperors, and sons of immortals, joined forces to attack Ye Chen at the same time.

In the palace of the emperor, the arrogances of the human race saw this scene, almost soaring into the sky to help Ye Chen.

But Yuqing stopped them and shook her head slightly towards them.

She hoped to help Ye Chen more than anyone, but at this time she also chose to believe in Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is invincible, even if the four young quasi-monarchs join forces, it is impossible for him to be his opponent and can pass by.

"Cooperate against me? I didn't expect the four of you to join forces?"

With a sneer, it seemed like a sneer at the combination of God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun and other people, making the four of them look different, but at the moment they were very firm, knowing that apart from this, there was no other way to fight against the fighting holy king.

All four of them have reached their extreme momentum.

But Ye Chenyan is an ordinary person, he is the chaotic quasi-king, he was able to match the Taicang quasi-king, not to mention that now, after refining the rules of the multi-level golden king, his strength has also been greatly improved. .


Ye Chen's whole body is blooming with brilliant gold, and the chaotic light has receded, as if he has restored the old fighting saint, but the whole body has the boundless avenue marks, because the rule of the king of gold intersects the whole body, like a golden war **** .

He played against the four young quasi-kings alone, and was still in the late stage of the four quasi-kings.

The starry sky was directly torn and shattered, and the flying meteors were affected by the terrible fluctuations before they really came and exploded directly.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

During this period, Ye Chen used the true Chaos quasi-king power, which was the power of the world at the level of Dzogchen quasi-king, to push horizontally.

Numerous rules of kings are flying, intertwined all over the body, Ye Chen is like the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, the chaotic light blooms again, like a chaotic war **** attacking.

It collided thousands of times in an instant, every time it was extremely terrible, and it could easily kill the **** king.

During this period of time, the figures of the four quasi-monarchs repelled again and again, and the figure flew back after being killed. It was actually the four of them and not Ye Chen's opponent.

"Even if you wait together, you are not my opponent."

Ye Chen was indifferent, with a martial arts will that overwhelmed the heavens.

He is unparalleled in the world, using great terror methods to crush the world, sweeping the four quasi-kings, making them fly upside down, coughing up blood at the corners of their mouths, not Ye Chen's opponent.

Shocked the world!

The fighting sage king is so invincible, squeezing the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs.

But Ye Chen didn't take advantage of the victory, because he saw several other quasi-monarchs take action, and while they were fighting, he rushed towards the emperor's crown like lightning.

After a moment's delay, the emperor's crown will mostly fall into the hands of these quasi-princes.


Naturally, Ye Chen would not allow this to happen. The quasi-king Hengyu appeared and turned directly into a beast of time.

Although it was only the early stage of the quasi-monarch, the year beast was famous for its control of the year.


Ye Chen rode on the Sky Beast and said, "Go!"


With a long roar of the Years Heaven Beast, wisps of time burst out from his body, which combined with the power of time and space on Ye Chen's body.


In an instant, the powers of the Time and Space Avenue and the Suiyue Avenue merged with each other, achieving a shocking speed, and disappeared all at once. Even the Emperor God and others could hardly react, and Ye Chen disappeared.

But just a few breaths, it broke through the barriers of the flying stars.

Ye Chen suddenly appeared in the place of the emperor's crown, and it was only a short distance away from the emperor's crown, within reach, faster than other quasi-monarchs.

"Oh no!"

The Lord of the Earth, Emperor Xutian and other quasi-monarchs all changed their expressions. I didn't expect that the Saint King of Fighting would be able to arrive at this time, coming first, making the first step faster than them.

But at this moment, they could only watch the Saint King's detective hand grab the emperor crown.

Ye Chen grabbed it with a big hand and landed on the light ball outside the emperor's crown, and suddenly felt a terrible resistance at work.

The billions of Yuan Shi Shengguang turned into terrible resistance, grabbing it with the big hand that repelled him, it was better than Ye Chen being repelled so slowly.

At this time other quasi-princes all rushed over in a flash, to fight.

"Bring me open!"

Ye Chen shouted, his eyes stood up!

Who is he? He is a generation of chaotic quasi-kings, not weaker than Dzogchen quasi-kings.

The palm of the hand exploded with terrible power, and many rules of the king appeared in an instant, suddenly tore open the heavy light of the beginning, and finally settled firmly on the crown of the emperor and grabbed it.


The moment the palm of the hand grasped the emperor crown, in an instant, the world fell into a static state.

Whether it is the Flying Fire Dao Star, the quasi-monarch who is rushing over, or the powers in the emperor's palace, they are all trapped in time and space. Only he can move without restriction.

The emperor's crown blooming boundless Yuanshi holy light suddenly turned into a huge boundless figure, which was even larger and more stalwart than the entire starry sky.

Emperor Ying!

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