Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2809: Comparable to the Dzogchen quasi-king!

While facing each other, the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was once again severely injured by Ye Chen.

"Junior, this emperor is going to kill you!"

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor roared, with infinite killing intent appearing, mighty.

He really hates him. Now it is just a body that was left behind countless years ago from the emperor's mind. It is far from being comparable to the deity. Otherwise, how can he allow the quasi-princes and younger generations to insult themselves, the ancient emperor. Time is enough to kill thousands of times.

Ye Chen strode forward, body like an aurora, reversing time and space, incredibly fast, already approaching the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

"Kill me? You have to have this kind of strength."

He sneered and didn't put the threat of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor in his eyes at all, unless the deity was dispatched, otherwise he had no fear.

The dark golden big halberd ran across the sky, splitting everything, and blasting the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor into the air again. The flesh body was constantly splashing blood, which was very miserable.

All the quasi-monarchs are awe-inspiring, even those who don’t understand at the beginning know that the evil emperor of the Northern Desolation is the real ancient emperor’s seizure, and the emperor’s thoughts are made, even if it is not as good as the real deity. The supreme power to reach the sky and the earth is also extremely amazing.

However, facing the fighting sage, Ye Chen looked so embarrassed, like a bereaved dog, it was incredible.

At the same time, he has a deeper understanding of the strength of the fighting king.

The strength of this fighting sage is at least the Dzogchen quasi-king level!

Taking advantage of his illness, killing him has always been the rule Ye Chen followed. He has never been a gentleman, and there is no need for a fair fight.

He is about to completely slay the Evil Emperor Beihuang now.


Ye Chen had the Dark Golden Euphorbia turn with one hand, and his sharp edge cut off the galaxy, directly slashing the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor in the waist, separating the upper body from the lower body.

At this time, the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor desperately tried to recombine the two fleshy bodies together, the power of faith boiled and burned, the blood and light recombined, and he shouted at the other quasi-princes: "If you don’t hurry up, do you have to wait and see me? Killed? The strength of the fighting king has reached an almost invincible level. Unless it is the quasi-king or the king of the ancients, you can't be opponents one-on-one. In the long run, you will too. Being killed by the fighting king one by one, is this what you want to see?"

I have to say that the words of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor really touched the hearts of many quasi-princes.

Everyone knows the invincibility of the Fighting Saint King, and knows that few people will be his opponents one-on-one. If they don’t work together and continue this way, they will really be one by one, as the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor said. Breaking is not what they want to see.

In an instant, many prospective kings were moved.

Ye Chen glanced at them and said indifferently: "This time I only target the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor. He robbed my friend's body and had to kill. I will not specifically target other people. Of course, those who shoot must also be prepared. , I am not a gentleman, I will inevitably take revenge!"

The threat between the words was not concealed.

The emperors and daughters of the emperors of the heavens and the heirs of the fairy dao had to sigh.

The Fighting Saint King was still the same Fighting Saint King, as strong and domineering as ever, at this time he still dared to threaten other quasi-kings who dared to take action.

But I have to say that the deterrent power of such a threat is really great.

A few more people dared to take the threat of the King of Fighting.





At this time, the four figures appeared like streamers and lightning, killing Ye Chen.

It was the son of the **** emperor and other four quasi-king-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao, who did not fear Ye Chen's threat at all, and killed them.

Especially the son of God, holding the battle of destruction, the power of the heavenly avenue is fully integrated into the extreme, and it blooms with unparalleled domineering, just like the Lord of God attacking, peerlessly domineering, and blasting towards Ye Chen from behind.

That big shattered battle fell, with more than 20 rules of kings, and it was terrifying to the extreme, and it could definitely kill ordinary quasi-kings with one blow.

Among them is the integration of the original power of the world, which makes the power to rise steadily.

Under this blow, I am afraid that the same quasi-monarch was hit in the later stage, even if he did not die, he would definitely be hit.

It is also the most powerful blow of the God Emperor Son.

At the same time, the **** of Chu encircled the three-thousand celestial ring, and Xianhui soared into the sky, bursting out three thousand celestial lights, like three thousand avenues, rushing to kill Ye Chen.

Yu Wudi and Huang Yao also made strong moves.

In the blink of an eye, the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao almost used the most powerful means to kill Ye Chen and rescue the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

Seeing this, the other quasi-monarchs almost moved and were approaching, as if they were also taking the opportunity to take action to kill this invincible fighting sage together.


Ye Chen roared, bursting into the stars.

I saw that the chaotic light on his body suddenly burned, turning into a billowing chaotic fire, and his breath rose again, reaching an astonishing level, standing against the stars.

He didn't care about killing the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor, and his left hand turned into a heaven-shaking hand, hardly shaking the destructive battle of the **** emperor's son.

Holding the Dark Golden Euphorbia in his right hand, it collided with the **** of Chu.

Above the head, a great chaotic cauldron appeared, and hundreds of millions of ancient chaos aura appeared, exploding the monstrous chaotic light, crushing the heavens, and contending against Yu Wudi and Huang Yao.

In an instant, Ye Chen hurriedly resisted the attacks of the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs, and the figure did not retreat, like the great pillar of heaven and earth, unshakable.

Such a mighty power shook the heavens and shocked other prospective kings who wanted to take action.


But at this moment, the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor, who was hit hard behind him, shot.

With a loud laugh, he was reborn from flesh and blood, and the power of faith that he had collected for hundreds of thousands of years flew out, then burned, turned into a three thousand-mile giant heavenly sword, held by his hand.

This three-thousand-mile sky sword fell from the sky, swept through the burning power of faith, and cut it down angrily.

This starry sky seemed to be completely cut in half.

Countless Feihuo Daoxing stars were broken in half and exploded continuously.


The blood spattered, with a billowing chaos.

That was Ye Chen's. The Three Thousand Mile Heavenly Sword broke through his Chaos Saint Body defense and caused him harm.


The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor looked up to the sky and laughed, holding a three-thousand-mile sky sword in his hand. The power of the rolling faith was burning sharply, making the sky sword more powerful, and he wanted to completely split Ye Chendu in half.

"Battle Saint King, no matter how powerful you are, you will die. Today, this emperor will devour your chaotic body and flesh and become this emperor!"

He licked some chaotic sacred blood in his mouth, only thinking that it was the most wonderful subtlety in the world, and the supreme bloodline of the emperor You Sheng's son and daughter and the heir of Fairy Dao did not know how many times higher.

If he can successfully seize this chaotic body, he feels that he can fully exert the power of this imperial thought to the extreme, not weaker than the heavenly quasi-king, and then any enemy will sweep away.

"This is an opportunity to join forces to kill the fighting king!"

The four quasi-monarchs, emperors, emperors, and heirs of the gods, all suddenly intensified their attacks. Various rules of the king are emerging, densely packed, and they are over a hundred when they are stacked together. If they are together, they will wait for a great perfection. The quasi-monarch is shooting.

At the same time, the five ancient quasi-kings of the ancient times moved and started to come.

But the mysterious Silver Moon God King and the others were motionless.

The same is true for the Lord of the Earth and the Emperor Xutian.


The quasi-king Hengyu rushed over, and the Yuqing in the emperor hall clenched Xiu's fists, almost about to rush up, but in the end he had absolute confidence in Ye Chenhuo.


Just as the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was about to really slash Ye Chen, he felt that the Three Thousand Mile Heaven Sword had encountered a great obstacle, and it would be difficult for him to cut it anymore.

That is the sacred bone of the Saint Body of Chaos, each root is immortal, flowing with the light of the origin of the Chaos, so that the three thousand li heavenly swords are hugely blocked, and it is difficult to go further.

"What a strong body!" The faces of the quasi-princes were shocked.

"The hardness of these chaotic sacred bones is probably even more immortal than the quasi-monarch warriors, chasing the immortal battle body of the Primordial King!"

Ye Chen looked back at the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor, and said faintly: "Are you really the Great Emperor of the Ancients? Only this means?"

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was furious and felt insulted, but at this moment, Ye Chen turned and swept across.

With a bang, the Three Thousand Mile Heavenly Sword was swept away alive and turned into blades flying all over the sky.

That foot swept across the starry sky, sweeping the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor, half of his body exploded, bloody, and very miserable.

With just one kick, the Evil Emperor Beihuang was hit hard!

But the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor snorted coldly, and the light swept through all the flesh and blood, and the whole person rushed to the position of the emperor hall, unexpectedly wanting to leave.

"Want to go?"

Ye Chen smiled coldly, Hengyu Quasi-Sovereign had already rushed towards the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor with the light of many years.

At the same time, he also struck a large mudra of Chaos, breaking through the barrier of time and space, and suddenly appeared behind the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor, and blasted down fiercely.


The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor's figure exploded, and his body was exploded by the birthplace, but he was reorganized in the distant sky, but his aura was weakened many times.

"damn it!"

The Northern Wilderness evil emperor roared. As the great emperor of the ancient times, even if he was only an emperor at the moment, he should not be so embarrassed, but in fact it is. UU reading

The Fighting Saint King is too strong, making him tired of a real fight.

At the same time, Ye Chen looked at the four great emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao, with an indifferent voice: "You disappointed me."

With the palm of his hand, the Dark Golden Euphorbia exploded and turned into many Golden King Rules.


At this moment, the power of the quasi-king of chaos completely exploded, and more than 180 rules of kings emerged, surrounding him, letting his breath rise steadily.

"One hundred and eighty rules of kings!"

All prospective kings will change their looks.

"Worse, this fighting sage is not only comparable to Dzogchen quasi-kings, it is even stronger than some Dzogchen quasi-kings!"

An ancient quasi-king has an ugly look.

(End of this chapter)

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