Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2811: Di Nian body!

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The starry sky is silent.

All this seems to be very long, but in fact, from dealing with the **** emperor to defeating Huang Yao, the actual combat is only a moment of time.

In a short period of time, Ye Chen swept through the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao with thunder means, and achieved a complete victory.

Such strength can be called the best.

"The Fighting Saint King has completely ascended to the top. It can be called a quasi-king of the world!" The emperor sighed, and the evaluation of Ye Chen was very high, which can be called the world.

All the quasi-kings are world-class, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

But even the other quasi-monarchs present did not question, because he really possessed such unparalleled combat power.

The four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of immortals, no matter who is in the late quasi-monarch stage, and by all means, is by no means comparable to the ordinary quasi-monarch late stage, but they are all destroyed in front of the fighting king It was easily defeated.

Such a combat power, what is it if it is not world-class?

Ye Chen stood proudly in the starry sky, concealing his body with chaotic light, like an ancient emperor, he was unparalleled in the world.


At this time, King Hengyu was also fighting against the evil emperor Beihuang.

Although the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor possesses a powerful cultivation base that is not weaker than that of the quasi-monarch late stage, he has long been severely injured by Ye Chen, and the quasi-monarch Hengyu is also not an ordinary quasi-king, but is made by the beast of time. At this moment Accompanied by the light of the strong years, the whole body began a fierce battle with the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

A moment has passed, but it can be said that hundreds of moves have passed.

For the quasi-monarch, the move speed is too fast, far better than the ordinary.

In the collision of hundreds of strokes, neither of them could have anything to gain from each other.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor roared and was extremely angry. With his strength, he could not be defeated by the quasi-monarch in the mid-term. It was just that Ye Chen was completely hit by Ye Chen in the previous battle, and his vitality was severely injured. Half of the period, and the quasi-king Hengyu's years and methods were extraordinary, so he was also quite helpless and was delayed.

Especially when he saw that Ye Chen swept the four quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao with absolute strength, his heart trembled and changed in shock.

"Damn it, why is this fighting saint king so powerful?"

The evil emperor of the Northern Wilderness roared in his heart, disregarding the majesty of the ancient emperor, he shouted violently, the power of infinite belief was boiling and burning, breaking the light of the years, and forcibly knocking off the Hengyu Quasi-King.

Then he turned and left desperately.

If you don't run for your life, if you are chased by the Fighting Saint King, then everything will inevitably be abandoned, and the body of Di Nian staying here will probably be completely annihilated.

This is a scene he didn't want to see.


In such a desperate escape, suddenly, a wave of coercion overwhelmed the sky, directly confining the starry sky, making it difficult to move.

The figure of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was born many times slower.

He showed a look of shock, turned and looked behind him, and saw that Ye Chen had already chased him over like lightning. He came behind him, condescending and looking down.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor immediately knew the result, but this ancient emperor would not have the slightest horror, and Jie Jie smiled: "Battle Saint King, you are really beyond the emperor's expectation. It is a pity that you are For the chaos cultivator, who can resolve the secrets of heaven, even if the emperor left the emperor's mind back then, he pushed a lot, but he couldn't push your existence, he could only say that his success fell short."

"Are you finished? It's time for me to shoot."

Ye Chen's fist shook down, carrying infinite mighty power, and while sinking, an indescribable mighty power acted on this flesh of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

It can be seen to the naked eye that the Evil Emperor Beihuang’s body is shattering every inch, the flesh and blood and bones are constantly being shattered and annihilated...

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was not scared or afraid. At this moment, even the whole person was burning, and the power of belief that Aotian God had collected for hundreds of thousands of years burned instantly, turning into a mighty power.

"Battle Saint King, even before this emperor is completely annihilated, let you know that the emperor must not be insulted!"


In an instant, the physical body exploded completely, but a stalwart emperor's shadow that supported the sky and the earth suddenly appeared, appeared in the world, and the whole body was accompanied by the vastness of the starry sky that continuously collapsed, causing many quasi-kings to change color.

This kind of power has long surpassed the quasi-king and reached the level of the Primordial King.

This is the true strength of the ancient emperor, even if it is just an emperor's thought, but when it completely erupts, it can temporarily possess the supreme power comparable to the level of the ancient emperor, and it can crush the heavens.

The emperor appeared in the starry sky, and the terrifying pressure caused the starry sky to continue to collapse and annihilate.

It is a supreme emperor's shadow, can not see the true face, but the emperor's machine is ups and downs, and his eyes have the penetrating power that penetrates the ages.

At this moment, condescending, looking down at Ye Chen, as small as an ant, slowly spoke, the emperor’s voice filled the starry sky, with a hint of teasing and mockery: "Fighting the saint king, facing the emperor, it’s not Come down and worship quickly. If you are sincere enough, perhaps the body can give you a corpse."

"The ancient emperor is actually the ancient emperor!"

Whether it's the starry sky or the palace, everyone is shocked.

Although many people know that this time, the ancient emperor left behind and participated in the fight for the "Supreme" fairy fate, and even some of them appeared. This Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor is suspected to be one of them.

But guessing is guessing. When you really look at it, you still have to be shocked.

The ancient emperor will also take action, how shocking the soul is.

The same is true for the emperors and heirs of the emperors of the heavens, all of them raised their heads to look at the supreme emperor's shadow that stands proudly above the heavens in the starry sky, looking up with a deep sense of helplessness.

"The supreme emperor, is it also involved?"

The quasi-kings and **** kings of the Supreme Ancient Realm must be excited, facing the shadow of the supreme emperor, with a heart to surrender, without the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Their ancestors, and even some quasi-kings, were brought by the supreme of the heavens, and they knew the terrible place of the supreme. Even if it was just a thought, it was definitely not something they could contend with, only surrender.

At this moment, the Silver Moon God King and several quite mysterious quasi-monarchs had their expressions condensed slightly, looking at the Supreme Emperor's shadow.

Someone sighed softly, and whispered: "I didn't expect that the evil emperor Beihuang was forced out of Di Nian by a younger generation, otherwise he would burn, just for revenge, but it is a pity that this younger generation, he had hoped to win the greatest immortal. Destined..."

"Fighting Saint King is miserable!"

All the quasi-princes shook their heads, some were sorry, some smiled coldly, gloating, and sincerely hoping that the saint king would fall.

Because the fighting sage king is too powerful, it is invincible and difficult to defeat the quasi-princes, so many people hope that they will eventually fall, so that for them, they will be able to lose one opponent.

It's just that the emperors of the heavens, the sons and daughters of the emperors, and the sons of the fairy dao all sighed.

Yuqing and others in the emperor hall watched calmly.

Will Ye Chen perish?

Ye Chen looked at the stalwart emperor's shadow between the sky and the earth, like an ant facing the giant dragon, but at this moment, there was no fear at all. Instead, he sighed slightly and regretted, saying: "If you don't do this, I will also I won't use those methods, but there is no way now!"

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor was slightly startled, and everyone else looked at the Fighting Saint King in astonishment.

What does this mean?

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor looked down at Ye Chen, who was as small as dust, and sneered: "Fighting Saint King Junior, no more fraud, this emperor will kill you this time. It can force the emperor to appear, you It’s worth the money to die..."


A big hand pressed it down, carrying the might of the emperor's way. Although there was only the Wei Mo Emperor's might of the real deity, it was still indescribably terrifying, falling from the sky, crushing the boundless starry sky, and crushing it to Ye Chen heavily.

Everyone seemed to be able to see that scene. Ye Chen, the enchanting fighting sage king who overwhelmed all the quasi-kings, was about to be completely annihilated and shattered by the emperor's hand of the emperor of the Northern Wilderness...


At this moment, a young figure appeared silently in front of Ye Chen, who looked like a seven-year-old boy, harmless to humans and animals, and had clear eyes.

However, the moment this figure appeared, the emperors of the heavens, the sons and daughters of the emperors, and the sons of the Fairy Dao sank, and everyone else was dumbfounded.

Because it was clear that the seven-year-old boy just raised a naive palm, and then resisted the hand of the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor's Di Nian, and the giant hand that could cover a star field was actually Easily resisted, and could no longer sink a bit.


Countless people looked at this scene in shock Moon God King and several extremely mysterious quasi-kings also showed solemn colors.

The prospective kings couldn't help showing their shock.

How sacred is this little boy, can actually resist the big hand of the Di Nian body, it is waiting for the hand of the ancient king to cover it.

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor also looked at this young boy, the completely burning Emperor Nian body, no matter what aspect he possessed the power of the Primordial King, he clearly felt how powerful and powerful this seemingly young palm was. Like him, he has the power of the Primordial King, but he can't hold down a single bit.

And he clearly felt all kinds of familiar auras from the young boy, and he couldn't help but shoot out a bright light from his eyes.

"Supreme-level physical body, supreme-level origin, supreme-level origin world..."

The falling of every sound made the entire starry sky and the imperial palace burst into endless waves, shocking people again and again.

Is this seven-year-old boy a supreme?

The silver moon **** king and other mysterious quasi-kings all looked at the seven-year-old boy, revealing the light of Zhan Ran, as if to penetrate the origin.

"No, they are all incomplete, you are not the supreme—"

The Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor shook his head. Although this seven-year-old boy possessed a supreme-level physical body, origin, and origin world, they were all incomplete, and even without a corresponding supreme emperor soul, he could not be called the supreme.

The seven-year-old boy raised his head and looked at the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor with a smile that did not match the surface. He was very indifferent, very ruthless, and very domineering. The voice exhaled from his mouth was exactly the same as Ye Chen: "Although I Not a true supreme, but it is enough to destroy you, the emperor's mind."


At this moment, the emperor's reincarnation exploded with infinite power, covering the starry sky, and raising his hand to fly into the Northern Wilderness Evil Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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