Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2821: 1 sand 1 world!

   If Ye Chenxiu had not reached the level of a quasi-monarch, and he was the most enchanting chaotic corpus, if he were replaced by other quasi-kings, even the heaven-defying quasi-kings would definitely be unable to find this very subtle difference.

   The distinctive breath is impressively ancient and immortal, supreme and eternal.

   At this moment, Ye Chen opened his eyes and looked at a certain corner of the void.

"right here!"

  Besides, Yuqing, Abenu, the human emperor's son and daughter, the corpse worm emperor and others all looked at that corner, but no matter how much they explored, they couldn't feel the slightest difference.

At the same time, Ye Chen noticed that almost everyone had stopped, including the ultimate ancient road overlord and **** emperor son and other quasi-monarch-level strongest princes. The two great ancient realm worlds invariably looked at the sky. Machine.

   Tianjizi sat cross-legged in the void at the moment, and a circular talisman hexagram appeared on top of his head.

The hexagrams are layered layer after layer, densely packed, forming thousands of rings, each layer has many rune symbols on it, all densely packed with ancient characters the size of the eye of a needle, revealing a secret number The special breath of surgery.

However, when you look deeply in the past, you will be shocked to discover that this overlapping talisman has completely disappeared, but replaced by the heavens and the world, the heavens and the ways, the heavens and everything, All the heavens...

   This hexagram disk seems to be able to deduce everything in the world, nothing can't be deduced, even fate can be deduced, all in this heavenly chart.

This is Tianjizi’s celestial chart. It belongs to his celestial chart. It is also known as the most daunting among the nine ultimate overlords of the ancient road. Even in the past, several ancient overlords would not hesitate to join forces to chase and kill the heavenly overlord. Scary.


   The celestial celestial chart is constantly rotating, and there are endless secret patterns flying out of it, which are all strands of celestial energy.

The quasi-monarchs of the two ancient worlds were shocked to watch this scene, because they both vaguely saw some amazing time fragments from the rotation of the celestial chart. They were actually related to themselves, but they were very vague. Vaguely saw his own figure flashing by, nothing more.

   They all want to keep watching. No one is not interested in their own destiny, but they all stand still at this time, because it is more important to promote the existence of the fourth Supreme Secret Realm.

   In the end, after a moment of rotation on the celestial chart with the ring of thousands of runes, a majestic celestial aura was rippling.


   Suddenly, dense, layer upon layer of dark clouds appeared on the cloudless sky dome, and there was a terrible atmosphere of thunder rippling, causing the prospective kings to be discolored.

"Forbidden Thunder, the Supreme Secret Realm is the Supreme Secret Realm staying, forcibly deducing, it will touch some taboos to a certain extent, although it is not the eternal taboo heaven to punish the thunder, but it is also a small taboo sky thunder, it is still terrible, I wait Let’s stop together, and now Tianjizi is still at the most critical moment."

   The quasi-kings of the Ultimate Ancient Realm shouted and rose into the sky.

  The Huangdi, the warrior against the sky, Taiyi, and Wudao are naturally the same.

   The quasi-princes of the Supreme Ancient World are the same.


   A small forbidden sky thunder with a trace of forbidden aura descended from the sky, containing an extremely terrifying aura, so that the prospective king would be shocked, and now thousands of ways descended.

   In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth became a sea of ​​thunder, like the sky falling down, quite terrifying.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   The quasi-monarchs of the two ancient realm worlds all made a joint action, blasting the taboo sky thunder above, and Yuqing also shot, terrifying and destroying everything.

   Tianjizi still sits in the void, and the countless rune rings of the heavenly mantra rotate, like the endless stars in the sky, each rune is so small, but it deduces the heavens.

   This innumerable avenue rune is intertwined here, the brilliance flickers here, and there is a breath of heaven that can break the avenue is emerging.

   At this moment, the celestial celestial chart turned to its extreme, a breath of celestial aura emerged, and then a ray of light was shot out and it sank into the desert below.

   This scene stunned the powerhouses of the two ancient worlds.

   The fourth Supreme Secret Realm is just below the desert?

You must know that the two ancient world powerhouses were looking for the fourth supreme secret realm, but the whole continent searched one side thoroughly, not to mention the bottom here, even the depths of other places, the same is true, where did you find it? ?

   But the celestial chart points here, it must be so.

"I come."

   Emperor Huang descended from the place where he resisted the small taboo sky thunder. With a wave of the heavenly sword, he shattered the heavy gravel and rushed to the depths.

   Finally, the Heaven Sword made a clanging sound, and it hit an extremely hard object.

   "The fourth Supreme Secret Realm is here."

  The Emperor Huang waved the Heavenly Sword, and the power of destruction was rippling, instantly annihilating all obstructing things, and also plunged Fangyuan Wanli into complete nothingness.

   But the fourth Supreme Secret Realm is still missing, only the light of the heavenly mission chart points to the front of the heavenly sword, where there is a tiny gravel that never decays, suspended in mid-air.

"One sand, one world, one leaf, one It turns out that the fourth Supreme Secret Realm is hidden in this gravel. No wonder it can't be found anyway." Some prospective kings sighed, they are just The tentative divine consciousness exploration did not really attack, and the supreme secret realm aura was perfectly restrained, and it was difficult for the quasi-king divine consciousness to detect the difference between this gravel and other gravels.

  The Emperor Huang waved the Heavenly Sword and split it against the gravel. There was a terrible sword glow rippling and annihilating the world. However, it was not possible at all, because the gravel was so hard that even the Emperor Huang would not do it.

   He frowned and said: "The gravel has a supreme seal, I can't break it."

   No one doubts the strength of Emperor Huang. As a quasi-king, there is nothing in the world that can't be broken, but the gravel that contains the supreme secret realm is guarded by the supreme power, and it is as strong as the quasi-king.

   At this time, with the disappearance of the heavenly chart, the small taboo sky thunder also slowly dissipated.

Tianjizi stood up, with a special charm of insight into the world. He said: "I calculated it together when I deduced it. This gravel is protected by a supreme power, but it is not very strong, as long as it reaches the ancient king. The level should be broken, so you need to take action, please don't keep your hands, whether it is the powerhouse of the ultimate ancient realm or the supreme ancient realm, how?"

"it is good!"

   Facing such a situation, the powers on both sides did not refuse. Obviously, they all knew that to make the fourth supreme secret realm appear, the combined force of both hands was needed.


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