Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2825: Always be there!

   "I didn't expect you to be alive, and you have reached such a situation."

   Taiyi frowned, slightly in a daze. The fighting saint king that year was almost killed by his body, but he did not expect to reach the same level of quasi-king.

   Tianjizi smiled indifferently, and said, "It turns out to be a fellow daoist and saint king."

   Many powerhouses on the side of the Supreme Ancient Realm do not know that Ye Chen still has such a prestigious name in the Ultimate Ancient Realm.

Ye Chen faced the five ancient overlords, especially the three of them, including the Heaven-defying Fighter, Taiyi and Huangdi, and said, "Since I have recognized who I am, now I have to fight a battle and solve the past. All kinds of grievances?"

   The two great ancient realm world powers all have their expressions condensed, the fighting saint king is going to challenge the three ancient road overlords at this time?

  The sky-against warrior took a deep look at him, and restrained the silver vitality. Only with infinite fighting spirit, he calmly said: "Fight again for the Supreme God's Crown."

   Taiyi and Huangdi obviously have the same meaning, and they don't want to waste extra energy at this time.

   "Okay, I am waiting for you."

   Ye Chen said, he took the Human Race arrogance and set foot on the Chaos Avenue.


   The Avenue of Chaos contains incredible power, wherever it passes, all attacks are blocked.

This chaotic avenue derives all the heavens and all spirits, including the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermillion Bird, the Xuanwu, the Immortal Phoenix, the Kunpeng, the Qiongqi, the Golden Crow... all kinds of chaotic holy spirits appear, although they are not real, they have incredible Wei, block all attacks.

During the period, the other quasi-monarchs of the four-pole Cangyu World realized Ye Chen’s difficulties, and immediately rushed out of eight quasi-monarchs. One of them was the late quasi-monarch, the three quasi-monarchs, and the four-quasi-monarch early. Peerless lineup, rush over.

   "Ye Chen, why don't we form a ten-day battle formation." Shenrong said, the ten-day battle formation is in their hands, and it can be improved by the secret method, not weaker than the Dzogchen quasi-king.

On the Avenue of Chaos, Ye Chen concealed himself in the ancient chaos and looked supreme. He shook his head and said, "It's okay, ordinary quasi-princes, even quasi-princes come later. The decisive thing is each other's kings. In terms of the number of rules, the Dzogchen quasi-king is far better than the late quasi-king several times, and I am more than double the normal Dzogchen quasi-king, so there is no need to worry.”

   The ancient chaos exploded, overwhelming the sky, flooding the world, making it impossible for the outside world to see everything that happened here, and it would be difficult for the quasi-kings to penetrate.

   Here, Ye Chen used the 192 Kings Rule.

   You must know that he has extracted a few more in the past six months, so the number of rules of the king is a bit more, nearly two hundred.

   This is still the rule of the two quasi-monarchs of the four-pole blue universe that have been killed. The rule of the king has not been refined, otherwise there will be more, more than two hundred!

   Seeing nearly two hundred rules of kings flying out of Ye Chen's body, the eight quasi-monarchs of the four-pole blue world suddenly changed their colors and said in amazement, "How do you master so many rules of kings?"


   Ye Chen said this indifferently, all the rules of kings were thoroughly used, sweeping the world and strangling these quasi-princes.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   A stream of majestic divine power submerged into his body one after another, and the huge loss caused by using such a large number of rules of the king also recovered in an instant, even increased a little, and became more powerful.

   Of course, the greater gain is the extra 57 rules of kings.

   These are all gains from the beheading of the eight quasi-monarchs, which can be said to be very rich, even more than in the emperor star secret realm.

   However, none of these rules of the ruler were refined, and they could barely be used, but after all, it was not himself, and Ye Chen needed time to refining thoroughly.

   But Ye Chen didn't hesitate at all. What if it took some time to obtain these dozens of rules of the king.

   However, he didn't get into his body, instead he was wrapped in Chaos Xiguang and smashed into Yuqing's body.

   "Month, you—"

   Yuqing exclaimed, trying to stop it, but Ye Chen shook his head slightly and said: "Come on, I need you to stay with me."

   After a moment of silence, Yuqing nodded, knowing that she couldn't refuse.

   And as Ye Chen's cultivation became stronger and stronger, she also needed to be stronger and stronger before she could truly follow her.

   After refining these rules of the king and reaching the Dzogchen quasi-king level as soon as possible, we can continue to fight side by side.

   Behind him, Abeno's pretty face was slightly sad.

   Although Yuqing is slightly weaker than Ye Chen, he is also a generation of quasi-kings after all.

   And she is just a mere divine king, farther and farther away from Ye Chen, making her feel sad and flustered. She clenched Xiu's fist, feeling a sense of helplessness.

But a big soft hand suddenly grabbed her catkins, and Ye Chen looked at her, her eyes were full of tenderness and love, and said softly: "Don't worry, you will always be by my side. , Forever, forever—"

   Abenu nodded hard with tears in his eyes: "Hmm!"

   When the chaos and mist dissipated, all the eight quasi-monarchs who came to encircle and suppress all of them disappeared, and both ancient worlds were shocked again and again.

   Even though Ye Chen’s invincibility has long been known to the Supreme Ancient Realm, he didn’t expect it to be so strong. The eight quasi-monarchs came to encircle and suppress, but they were reversed and killed, and the time was very short.

   They all believed that this fighting sage king must use a thunderous method to take action.

   God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun, Yu Wudi, Huang Yao and other people secretly clenched their fists, but in the end they loosened reluctantly.

   The current fighting saint kings really start to need their look up...

   The five overlords of the ultimate ancient realm are all staring at Ye Chen's back, and looking at each other, they all have a strong sense of!

   is very strong!

Although none of the quasi-monarchs of the four-pole blue world are real forever, and they don’t have all the tactics of real quasi-kings, they can be regarded as quasi-kings after all. How can they be considered weak? They need to spend a little bit to kill them. It takes a lot of effort, but it is extremely difficult.

   This fighting saint king is so easy.

   That can only be achieved by strength above them.

   That fighting saint king back then is actually so powerful now?

"It's not necessarily so powerful. As quasi-kings at the level of you and me, they are the heirs of the supreme. Naturally, each possesses some powerful cards. Although the saint of fighting is not the heir of the supreme, he is also the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen. Along the way, I have naturally obtained many opportunities, and it is only natural to have some special cards." Taiyi.

I have to admit that he was shocked by how fast the fighting sage king, who was almost enough to suppress his body, grew so fast, but he was also very calm. He always thought that fighting sage king was just incomparable to them. It’s just a strong one in time, it's impossible to be too strong.

   The other five ancient road overlords also nodded slightly, approving this view.

  It's just God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun and others just coldly glanced at these five ancient road overlords, shook their heads slightly, but said nothing...


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