Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2830: Kill the devil, win the crown of God!





On the Four Extremes Cangyu Continent, the four Cangyu Pillars are blooming with infinite brilliance, and the avenue runes reflect the sky.

Zhu Qiang was even more able to feel that a wave of terrifying sealing power was transmitted from this Cangyu sacred pillar, and through those sealing chains, it continuously submerged into the heavenly demons on the four-pole Cangyu continent.


The demon roared, screamed at the sky, full of anger, and constantly struggling, pulling the hundreds of sealed chains on the four poles of the Cangyu **** pillar straight, as if they were about to break at any time.

However, the four poles Cangyu Pillar continuously released the terrifying sealing power, suppressing the heavenly demon, unable to break free from the suppression of the sealing chain, and under the more terrifying sealing force, the heavenly demon's power was also obtained. Great drop.

"Take advantage of this time!"

After Ye Chen and other four Dzogchen quasi-kings yelled together, all the powerhouses of the two ancient realm worlds all shot together and jointly blasted the heavenly devil.


Terrible cracks appeared in the entire Quadrupole Cangyu Continent, spreading across the entire continent, almost completely shattering.

That terrifying demon was originally powerful, even if the two great ancient worlds attacked together, it was impossible to kill it. However, under the heavy seal of the four-pole Cangyu pillar, its strength was directly reduced to an astonishing level. Above, he was much weaker than the Primordial King, creating opportunities for the powerful.

It was precisely because of this that the heavenly demon was completely shattered, and the body was shattered, and the infinite magic mist overwhelmed the sky and covered the entire four-pole blue continent.

Only a loud roar full of unwillingness echoed the heavens.

Vaguely, one could see the brilliance of four colors flowing in the magic mist, disappearing.

"The Supreme God Crown is there!"


"The Supreme God Crown I am too determined to win!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The powerhouses of the two ancient realm worlds have entered the monstrous magic fog, looking for and competing for the supreme **** crown.

"Let's go too!"

Ye Chen said, taking Yuqing and Abenu and his party directly into the magic mist.

And there is a faint glow of nine colors in his eyebrows, which is the crown of eternity, shining with nine colors, sinking and floating here.

The crown of eternity, because he had a special induction with the crown of supreme god, so at this moment, Ye Chen used the crown of eternity to sense the crown of supreme god.

Sure enough, Ye Chen sensed a familiar wave, resonated, and only pointed in one direction.


A group of people rushed over.


Just outside the four poles of the Cangyu Continent, a thunder light plunged into it at an astonishing speed...

The four-pole blue continent is very large, with a radius of at least one million miles, and it is isolated by the monstrous magic fog after the smashing of the heavenly demon. They are all powers of the Primordial King's level, and even the quasi-princes can hardly be completely driven away, only part of it can be driven away. range.

Therefore, it is still somewhat difficult to find the Supreme Divine Crown.

Fortunately, with the special induction of the Eternal Crown, Ye Chen was able to sense the existence of the Supreme Divine Crown even though his speed was slow, and he was rushing past quickly.

Not long after, he came to the vicinity of the Supreme Divine Crown, because the eternal crown in the center of his brow was resonating sharply.


Ye Chen and the others are faster.

Soon, I saw the Supreme Divine Crown, which was quietly falling on the ground, shining bright four-color brilliance, like a indicating lamp, it is also looming in the monstrous demon fog, and it can be barely seen after a hundred miles. .

Start first!

Using extreme speed, Ye Chen directly descended in front of the Supreme God's Crown and grabbed it.


At the same time, there were three other hands that grabbed the three sides of the Supreme God Crown.

A closer look reveals that it is the son of the emperor of God, the son of heaven, the supreme demon-like devil who has taken his life.

The four strongest people caught together.


With a roar, it was the **** emperor who made a move. There was a big shattered battle in his hand, and his body was rising steadily. Not only was it as simple as the quasi-king late stage, it also flew out of more than seventy rules of kings. It can be said that the supreme powerhouse in the later stage of the quasi-king is about to approach the level of the Dzogchen quasi-king.

I don't know what method the **** emperor used to become so powerful all at once.

The big shattered battle was shocked, the light of killing bloomed, swept the other three people, and the big hand that grabbed the Supreme Divine Crown suddenly exerted force.


The answer to the Emperor God's son was the same word. Ye Chen stood his eyes and blasted out with a punch without thinking about it. Hundreds of rules of kings flew and collided with the battle of destruction.


The figure of the **** emperor flew upside down, with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he was not an opponent at all.

At the same time, this chaotic holy fist rolled in with hundreds of rules of kings, and the most violent power was erupting.

"Fighting Saint King, my heavenly machine can't be dealt with by your trivial means."

Suddenly, the heavenly secret chart appeared above his head, and many heavenly lights descended on his head. Among them, there were many rules of the king that appeared, and the number of them unexpectedly exceeded the hundreds of ways.

This made Ye Chen look surprised.

Tianjizi hid so deeply that he was the first to become a Dzogchen quasi-king.

The chaotic holy fist collides with the celestial chart, exposing the terrifying power of destruction.

Almost at the same time, the demon-like figure also shot, swinging a huge magic hammer, with a magic light that distorts time and space, sweeping Ye Chen heavily.

The power of the magic hammer is so terrible, there is a feeling of annihilating the heavens, as if the Dzogchen quasi-king will be destroyed by a hammer here.

But Ye Chen held the Supreme Divine Crown in one hand and hit the heavenly machine with a punch. At this moment, his right leg swept across and collided with the magic hammer.

Chaos light and magic light flashed, all the magic mist here disappeared instantly, everything was empty, and everything was clearly visible in a radius of 100,000 miles.

"it's here!"

Almost a huge part of the powerhouses in the two ancient worlds are here Seeing the supreme divine crown in the three people's fight, there is a strong sense of greed.

However, when they felt the breath of the three of them, they all changed color, because they were all at the level of Dzogchen quasi-kings, far above them.

"Tianjizi has also become a Dzogchen quasi-king?"

Taiyi, Heaven Defying Fighter, Wudao, Huang Di and the other four ancient road overlords all changed color.

He has always been a powerhouse of the same rank, but he didn't expect that Tianjizi would surpass them long ago and become a Dzogchen quasi-king.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to make a move and **** the Supreme God Crown!"

It was just that soon, whether it was these ancient road overlords, or the **** emperor son, Yu Wudi, Chu Shenjun, and Huang Yao, they were all tempted. The nine quasi-kings, the strongest Tianjiao, rushed over and crossed into the battlefield.

PS: I’m still in Tibet. I’ve been running around the past few days. I’m tired and the updates are average. I’m sorry everyone. I will resume the 6,000-word update after I go back. I’m sorry again!

(End of this chapter)

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