Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2841: Hand over the Supreme God Crown?

ps: Let’s start today, hahaha, and the official account will prepare a big red envelope tonight. If you want to grab a red envelope for children’s shoes, you can pay attention to qianxunyue1314.

Over the years, Qianxun has often been in contact with the Moon Palace, and because of many things, she gradually accepted the goddess, Yi Wu, Chen'er, and sisters Chen Xi and Ya Ya, as if she was a member of the Moon Palace.

Although there was still some resentment towards Ye Chen's father in his heart, he admitted that he was his father in his heart.


Xiao Chenxi in Yi Wu's arms yelled, and said with a small mouth: "You are not allowed to say that about daddy."

Seeing Xiao Chenxi’s unhappy face, Chihiro, who had been resentful, immediately dissipated her grievances. When she looked at the little girl, she was helpless and indulgent, and said: "Okay, okay, I won’t Said the guilty man."

Ya Ya giggled, "Brother Chihiro, you really listen to my sister."

"I also listen to you——" Qianxun glanced at Ya Ya, who was not inferior to the female heroes of the Moon Palace, and murmured to herself, but didn't dare to refute it, because she knew that the elder sister's girl in name was How terrifying.

But there is also a kind of respect from the heart.

Over the years, this nominal sister has taken care of herself.

Although he did not bully himself less.

And in terms of strength, Ya Ya is not weaker than herself.

In the hall, a majestic figure immersed in the dazzling sun divine light occupies it, like a sun god. He is indeed the sun **** of the year. He shook his head when he heard that, "Nephew Chihiro, you are wrong. The character of the father fighting the saint king, if he knows the current situation of the Moon Palace, he will definitely rush over without stopping."

For the fighting sage king, the old friend of the sun **** is quite familiar.

In the field, there are also several true kings who sealed the universe at the time. Naturally, they have become the supreme arrogance over the years and complement their bodies.

Although not all of them are the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, they have also reached the high-level of the **** king, and it is just around the corner to set foot in the realm of the quasi king.

These young and supreme celestial arrogances of the sealed universe have joined the Moon Palace for six consecutive years and have become important members.

"Hmph, if the ugly guy knows, he should rush over immediately, so that the aunts are not so tired." Chihiro snorted.

In the Moon Palace, there are also many strong people who are dissatisfied with the Fighting Saint King, nodding their heads.

Although the root of the dissatisfaction was basically because he monopolized all the heroines of the Moon Palace, even if he was not his wife, but also his sister and daughter, it was inevitable that this jealousy would spread in his heart.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this first." On the main seat, the goddess slowly spoke, her majestic eyes swept towards all the moon hall powerhouses below, and the main hall immediately returned to calm.

She said: "Everyone, now the three ancient overlords of the Chaos Temple, Yuanshi Holy Land, and the Palace of Original Sin are oppressing the realm. Now the three ancient overlords are even more present. Perhaps within a day, the moon canopy of the Moon God Mountain will not be able to support it. It's completely broken."

Hearing the words of the goddess, the hall was silent.

"The quasi-monarch is too strong, not to mention that the ancient road overlords are all the late quasi-kings, far stronger than us. Once they fight, the probability of defeat is 80 to 90%..."

Even the arrogant Chihiro earlier couldn't help but sigh softly.

Although he has advanced gods over the years, he is now at the peak level of the Nine Tribulations God King of the Great Perfection Supreme Tianjiao, and the next step is the quasi-king.

Although it is only a short walk from the quasi-monarch, it is also likely to be close to the world.

If there is not enough opportunity, it will take dozens of hundreds of years to cross over with his extraordinary qualifications.

Moreover, the peak of the **** king seems to be only a short distance away from the quasi-king, but the distance between them is still quite huge, not to mention the ancient road overlord who is at least in the late stage of the quasi-king, he has no power to resist.

At this point, Chihiro smiled bitterly.

The same is true for the Sun God, Ye Gucheng, and other veteran Supreme Tianjiao of the sealed universe.

In the entire Moon Palace, only the goddess, who is equal to the ancient road overlord, can compete against the ancient road overlord.

But this time, three ancient road overlords came in full, how to fight?

Yayana sighed helplessly on her stunning and pretty face: "I'm afraid that only Jingruoniang can contend, but she can't contend three at the same time, and Jingruoniang has not recovered from her injuries. If her aunt is still..."

Although the Moon Palace is full of talents, there are many Supreme Tianjiao, and even Yiwu, Chen'er, Qianxun, Yaya, and Chenxi belong to the level of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, but they have not yet reached the level of quasi-kings, and it is difficult to truly contend.

If there is anyone who can fight with the goddess and fight against the overlord of the ancient road, I am afraid that only Ruoxi is the only one.

Over the years, Ruoxi has shown amazing talents for cultivation, as well as an extremely amazing mysterious bloodline power. The cultivation base has been rising steadily, reaching an amazing level, and even becoming a generation of quasi-kings a hundred years ago.

But these years have been in retreat and have never been out of the gate. Even in the face of the siege of the three ancient road overlords, the powers of the Moon Palace did not call her out, worrying that it disturbed her cultivation and led to confusion.

Otherwise, the current situation of the Moon Palace would not be so difficult.

"Can't disturb Ruoxi's retreat."

On the main seat, the goddess spoke softly.

Now Ruoxi is at a critical moment of retreat, how can I bother.

At this time, a **** king realm supreme Tianjiao suddenly spoke up, saying: "Hall Lord, if you don't hand over the supreme ****, my Moon Hall can also be exempted from the disaster! "

Hearing this, many powerful people in the Moon Palace nodded, thinking that this was a good word.

The purpose of the three ancient road overlords is only for the supreme **** crown, as long as the supreme **** crown is handed over, the moon hall will not be attacked by the three ancient road overlords, so that it can be safe.

Seeing that more than half of the powerful people in the temple nodded one after another, the several Moon Palace heroines on the main seat, as well as Ya Ya, Chen Xi, Qianxun, Sun God, Ye Gucheng, etc. sank.

"Can't hand it over." The goddess directly rejected the decision.

"Jingruo, are you going to put the entire Moon Palace into a complete crisis for the Supreme Divine Crown? And if the fighting saint king is really capable, you should hand it over and let the fighting saint king come after Fight back again to demonstrate his absolute strength."

At this time, a strong man suddenly spoke. He was born quite handsome. If he is a son of a god, his body is surrounded by dazzling light, and the Tao is added, and the spirit of the **** king emerges, setting off the independence of the world, like an ancient god.

What is even more amazing is that his breath is actually a quasi-king aura with strands of quasi-king aura, he is actually a powerhouse at the highest level of the **** king.

Moreover, he stepped into the realm of the quasi-monarch with one foot, and could take the other foot at any time. He was one of the top powerhouses in the moon hall, and one of the strongest in the moon hall who had the most hope to become the next quasi-king.

His name is Ouyang Yu, the supreme Tianjiao powerhouse of the Moon Palace, and one of the most peak powers. The elder-level figure of the Moon Palace entered the Moon Palace because of the pursuit of the goddess. With his profound strength, even the goddess and others are courteous to him. plus.

At this moment, he spoke, and immediately received a response from many powerful people in the Moon Hall. They all spoke, hoping that the Moon Hall would hand over the Supreme Divine Crown to avoid the disaster of the Moon Hall being destroyed.

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