Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2847: Hope for the future of Moon Palace!

Although in this heyday, the **** king is far easier to be born than in the past, but it is only compared to the previous era. It is still very difficult to really give birth to a god, also because the gods of the heavens and the ancient universe gather here. It is easy to be born.

For the overlord of the ancient road, the **** king is still a very precious powerhouse, and the one who died will really lose one forever. This is like the supreme power that will become the supreme in the future, and it cannot be easily perished.

"it is good!"

The last two ancient road overlords also set off. Once they appeared, even if they didn't make a move, the mighty ancient road overlord's might was sweeping the six and eight wildernesses, putting the powerhouse of Deyue Palace under terrible pressure.

Many of them have been affected by the terrible power, and after a breath, they were found by the enemy strong, and they shot directly, vomiting blood, and flying backwards.

Suddenly, the number of powerhouses capable of fighting on the Moon Palace side was even smaller, and compared to the side of the three ancient road overlords, it seemed extremely empty and withered.

At the forefront, there are only the Sun God, Ye Gucheng, Qianxun, Ya Ya, Yi Wu, Chen'er and other superb powerhouses.

Among them, the Chaos Overlord's eyes swept through Qianhiro and Yaya, revealing a gleam of shock: "One is the Saint Body of Fighting, which is heard to be the heir of the King of Fighting, and the other body is actually the Tree of the World. These world trees are the supreme and most precious ancient trees that stabilize and expand the original world."

"I didn't expect to be able to meet people with two peerless physiques on this battlefield. The Moon Palace is really full of talents, but this seat will accept them all."

After that, Chaos stretched out his hand and grabbed at the two of them.

The terrifying chaotic quasi-king might overwhelm the world, so that both Chihiro and Yaya, who are at the highest level of the gods, could not resist. The figure paused there, only able to watch the terrifying chaotic big hand grabbing.

"Chaos Overlord, you dare to hurt them with a single hair, Zhao Jingruo, I swear, this life and this life will never die with you!"

The goddess stood her eyes, fighting the terrible injury that was hit by the hammer of the original sin overlord, vomiting blood, and flew to the direction of Qianxun and Yaya quickly.


"Jingruo Auntie!"

Yaya and Qianxun exclaimed, feeling distressed, but unable to do anything, because they were in the extreme stage of the **** king, unable to resist the imprisonment of the supreme chaos overlord of the late quasi-king.

"Goddess, you have to pass me this level if you want to come over." Yuanshi Overlord appeared, blocking the way of the goddess, and said to Chaos Overlord: "Chaos, can't let you get two people at the same time, you must hand over one to me, then I want the little girl of the World Tree."

"it is good!"

The Chaos Overlord did not refuse. Although the World Tree is important, the Battle Eucharist is also extremely important. It is an acquired supreme physique created by a generation of Battle Saint Ancestors, and it is not weaker than other supreme descendants in terms of physical Eucharist, and even evolved. To the extreme, perhaps even more surpassing, it also has a great research effect on him.

Moreover, as a practitioner of chaos, chaos is the origin of all things. For him, the role of the world tree is much smaller than that of other practitioners.

"Chen'er, you take the two of them away, and I will withstand them!"

The goddess did not hesitate to explode, and the aura on her body suddenly became stronger, causing the overlord Yuanshi to be shaken off.

Others were suddenly shocked. It was obvious that the goddess had used the secret method of ascension, and it was a secret method with great sequelae.

But at this time, the goddess didn't care too much, because both Yaya and Qianxun were the children of them and Ye Chen, and there should be nothing to do, otherwise they would have no face to face Ye Chen and talk about going on.

Chen'er lightly tapped her head, her innocent face was full of seriousness, knowing what to do at this moment.

She stepped on the twelfth-grade rosette, releasing a thousand strands of blue light, and suddenly pulled Yaya and Chihiro over and appeared on the twelfth-grade rosette together.

Immediately, the twelfth-grade rosette burst into the blue light, breaking through the air and leaving.

"Want to leave? Still stay."


The Chaos Overlord's figure appeared horizontally, blocking the front of the three Chen'er, and the terrifying Chaos power overwhelmed the sky, confining the void, making it difficult for them to leave.

"Chaos Overlord..."

Chen'er clenched Xiu's fist, knowing that the power of Chaos Overlord was far from what they could face at present.

But the only goddess who could stop the Chaos Overlord was held back by Yuanshi Overlord, and the original sin overlord had already arrived.

No matter how powerful the goddess is, even if a large part of her strength is improved with the help of the secret method, it is impossible to repel the two ancient road overlords in a short time.

Could it be that today is really the day when the Moon Palace is extinct?

"Leave it all, hand over the Supreme Divine Crown, hand over the fighting sacrament or the tree of the world, and I will release the Moon Hall."

Chaos Overlord spoke.

"Don't think about it!"

Chen'er drank softly, driving the twelfth-Rank rosette, with a thud, the sky full of blue light shining through the ages, actually breaking through the ancient road overlord's power barrier, and rushed into the sky.

It's just that the corners of Chen'er's mouth overflowed with bright and obviously paid a price!

"Chen Er Niang——"

Chihiro and Yaya exclaimed.

"I'm okay!" Chen'er shook her head lightly, driving the twelfth-rank rosette to speed up, and came to Yi Wu's side, and took Xiao Chenxi and the golden dragon.

"Chen Xi and Xiao Long will be handed over to you, Chen'er, take them to leave quickly, it is the future hope of my Moon Palace!" Yi Wu said solemnly.

"No, Yi Wu, we want to stay and fight together!"

Chihiro and Yaya both exclaimed, they want to fight together.

But Chen'er imprisoned them with the twelfth-grade rosette. Although Chen'er didn't want this scene to happen, she knew that she had to do so, and drove the twelfth-grade rosette to the sky and left at the fastest speed.


Chaos Ba mainly rushed over, but Yi Wu blocked him and performed secret techniques, just like a goddess, paying a huge price, and forcibly elevated to a level comparable to a quasi-king.

Although it was only the beginning of the quasi-monarch, it was still a big difference compared with the quasi-king of the Chaos Overlord, but it could block a moment.

A moment's time was enough for Chen'er to leave with Qianxun, Yaya, Xiao Chenxi, and Golden Dragon.

With the time and space means that Ya Ya, the tree of the world, has completely grown up, it is enough to erase all traces, and the overlord of the ancient road will never want to find clues.

"court death!"

The Chaos Overlord snorted coldly, and the mighty power broke out, but Yi Wu was not inferior to the quasi-monarch, contending with various stunning methods.

Only the corners of the mouth kept bleeding during the battle.


However, at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of Chen'er with an absolute attitude.

Seeing the person in front of him, Chen'er's expression changed slightly: "Ouyang Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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