Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2865: Retreat!

In the closed retreat, there is actually a small world opened up by one side, which can be a thousand miles in radius, green mountains and green waters, and a peaceful place.

   Aura is also particularly rich, which is a thousand times better than the outside world.

   Naturally, Ye Chen didn't care about the spiritual energy of these heavens and earth, and said to Ya Ya: "Ya Ya, enter my body."

   If he opened the Origin Small Universe, Ya Ya opened her eyes wide, and felt the change of time and space, and was surprised: "Dad, this is the universe?"

She is the world tree, which condenses the true origin world by itself, and is naturally more familiar with all world worlds, but the world world in Ye Chen's body is more complex and mysterious, and it has independently derived the heavens and the world, with billions of stars...everything. Everything is beyond the ordinary world, even the original emperor realm and immortal realm are far from being comparable.

   is like a small universe.

   Ye Chen smiled and said: "Yes, this is my original universe, I opened up the original universe by chance."

   Yaya was surprised and delighted. As a world tree, she also got the inheritance of the world tree left by the tenth emperor gate tower time and space, so she naturally understands some things.

   One of the supreme giants in the Chaos Sea, but because he has mastered the ancient Chaos Universe, he has become the most powerful giant since the Chaos Sea era after era.

   If Dad’s original universe also grows to its extreme, wouldn’t it also be the Chaos Ancient Universe, wouldn’t Dad as the Lord of the Universe also...

   The more she thinks about it, the more excited she gets.


Yaya enters Ye Chen's body, senses a breath of bloodlines, and comes to the center of the small universe along the way. There is a towering tree, swaying and shining, surrounding the small universe with countless miniature worlds, and gravel-sized stars sink. Falling like the center of the universe.

"world Tree!"

   Ya Ya was surprised and delighted, I did not expect to encounter a world tree here.

But she soon mourned, because she sensed that the spirituality of this world tree had almost completely disappeared. If it were not for the nourishment of the power of the universe and the water of the ancient chaos, she was afraid that it would be completely spiritually annihilated and in the midst of life and death. .

Ye Chen's consciousness appeared, and said: "This is an ancient coffin that I was lucky enough to get back then. It is the World Tree Burial Coffin. The Supreme Supreme was buried. It is a pity that this world was never completely annihilated when I encountered it. , But there is only a little real spirit left."

   Yaya nodded, her eyes quickly became firm, and said: "If you run into Grandpa Time and Space in the future, he will definitely be able to save the tribe."

   Ye Chen nodded, never doubting the Heaven-defying methods of Emperor Time and Space.

   "The same as the world tree, maybe it is a chance for you, you have a good understanding, I also went to retreat."

   Let Ya Ya stay in the center of the Origin Universe, Ye Chen's consciousness dispersed and returned to the outside world.

   He sat cross-legged and muttered to himself softly: "Now the emperor's reincarnated body is retreating in the emperor star secret realm. It is impossible for him to come over in the refining of the emperor star for decades. Now he can only rely on the deity."

"Forbidden Soul Palace suffered a fiasco in my hands this time, and I destroyed the body of the Lord of the Third Hall of the Earth Hall, suppressing the souls, and the original world, the world, the world, the earth of the Second Hall of Earth Hall was also shattered, and it was hopeless to be promoted to the Primordial King. The blow, with the character of the Palace of Forbidden Soul, which must be reported, will definitely not let me go."

   "Because the Primordial King of the Ultimate Ancient Road is staring, the possibility of the Forbidden Soul Hall dispatching the Primordial King is not high, and once it is dispatched, it will be involved. But under the Primordial King, it is very likely that the Lord of the Earth Hall is the main hall."

   "The Lord of the Hall of the Earth, the real quasi-king against the heavens exists, but it is not like Thunder Dragon."

"The quasi-kings, the early, the middle, the late, Dzogchen, and the heavens are five major levels, almost one layer at a time. Especially the difference between the Dzogchen and the heavens is the largest, and the Dzogchen quasi-kings basically master the rules of the Hundred Dao Kings. , But the heavenly quasi-king can master more than five hundred ways, and the original world can be completely transformed into the original world, and it can be transformed by the power of the original world. The physical body is no less powerful than some ancient kings, but there are still some aspects of the rule of the king. It's not as good as the Primordial King, but to a certain extent, the Heaven-defying Quasi-King can truly be regarded as the Quasi-King, the ancient King just one step away!"

"With my current strength, although I have mastered the rules of the three hundred kings, it is far from the most basic rule of the five hundred kings of the heavenly quasi-kings, and the quasi-tiansty quasi-kings are waiting at the level of the Primordial King in both the physical body and the original world. ."

"My Chaos Eucharist can now match the body of the Primordial King, but the Origin Universe is in the initial stage of evolution, even if it has improved a lot, it can use a stronger universe, but it is more than a million miles away from the origin of the King's Origin World. There is still a certain gap."

   "Whether it's the rule of the king or the power of the world, I have a gap with the quasi-prince."

   "Unless I also increase the number of rules of the king to a comparable level, the next time I face the Great Hall of the Earth, the possibility of defeat is very high."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, calculating the gap between himself and the quasi-prince, and found that although the gap seems to be only the number of the rule of the ruler and the difference in the original world, it is not the nearly double the rule of the rule for the time being. The opponent's complete original world, the power of the world that can be used is enough to double the strength, and if it is the strength of the Qiandao King Rule.

   With the power of the universe origin that Ye Chen can use at present, it can only increase the strength of the rule level of one hundred kings at most.

  Because the chaotic universe is in its growth period, its size is only one thousandth of the original world of the king. If it is not for the particularity of the power of the universe, it cannot be increased by that much.

   Of course, if this is also a cosmic power that can be used outside the stability-maintaining original, it probably occupies 20% of the original cosmic power.

   If all the power of the universe is used, it is another matter, but in this way, the impact on the original small universe is too great, and it is easy to cause the original small universe to lose stability or even collapse, which Ye Chen did not want to see.

   This also created a huge gap between the strength of Ye Chen and the quasi-king against the sky.

   Once the real battle begins, Ye Chen asked himself that he could not be the opponent of the quasi-king against the sky.

   Of course, Ye Chen's realm is actually among the quasi-kings, but because of the particularity of the small chaotic universe, his quasi-king ranks are actually very vague and impossible to distinguish.

   But what is certain is that he will definitely become the level of the quasi-monarch against the heavens, because he is the Great Perfection Supreme Tianjiao of the Ten Tribulations God King, and he may hope to surpass the quasi-kings in the realm of the quasi-kings.

   Not to mention these for now...

At this time, Ye Chen took out the supreme treasure silver bead from the center of his eyebrows, and could feel the power of thunder looming in it, and whispered: "I blocked the Thunder Dragon, even though this mysterious silver bead swallowed a great deal. Part of the power of Thunder, but still 20%. Although it is not a lot, there are hundreds of rules of Thunder King. As long as I refine, my strength will be further, and the level of the quasi-monarch against the sky will be even greater. It's close."

   Looking at the precious silver bead, he showed the meaning of blazing heat, and with a soft drink, his palm slapped on the precious silver bead, and suddenly the thunder light was boundless and turned into a sea of ​​thunder.


   Visible to the naked eye, there are huge thunder dragons rushing out, each exuding a terrifying aura that makes the king of God change their colors.

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