Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2870: The war is back!


   The goddess had been preparing for the attack on the Forbidden Soul Palace for many days. At this moment, she didn't panic at all about the shattering of the moon and the sky, she calmly ordered her.

   Behind him, the strong men of the Moon Palace quickly expanded their formations, mainly powerful men such as majestic and heavenly kings, forming terrible battle formations, bursting out terrifying pillars of light.

  The gods and kings headed by them directly played many magical spells, and the spirit of the gods flew all over the sky, blasting toward the Forbidden Soul Palace, and launched a fierce collision.

This mighty situation made the major forces who were concerned about the Moon Palace’s every move and learned of the Forbidden Soul Palace’s invasion, very fortunate that they did not enter the scope of the old ancient road overlord’s power war, otherwise, scroll In the battle between these two major forces, most of the fate will be bad luck.

   The powers of the gods, powers, and heavenly kings on both sides are fierce, while the quasi-kings rise to another level, breaking into the sky to the highest point.

As quasi-kings, their level is much higher than that of the kings of gods, and their combat power is even more devastating. Every move is likely to cause a large number of casualties. Therefore, both sides have a tacit understanding of going to the wider area. Fight on the highest point of the sky.

   "Didn't the little beast of the Fighting Saint King appear..." The Second Hall Master of the Earth Hall frowned. When he came, he even hoped to find the Fighting Saint King to report the revenge of the broken origin world!

   The goddess said coldly: "To deal with you, my husband does not need to act, otherwise you will only have to run away if you see him."

Hearing mention of events three years ago, the face of the Second Hall Master of the Earth Hall gradually darkened, looking down at the quasi-monarchs of the Moon Hall, a terrifying aura spread over the sky, and slowly said: "This seat I’m really curious, if you don’t have the Saint King, you dare to face me? Who has given you this courage?”

The goddess and others felt a sense of suffocation. I have to say that the gap between the quasi-king and the quasi-king is still extremely huge, although she is already in the late stage of the quasi-king, and over the years, she has practiced all the rules of the king. At the same level, there is still a huge gap compared to the Dzogchen quasi-king.

   Besides, the Lord of the Second Hall of the Earth Hall is not an ordinary Dzogchen quasi-king.

   "Courage?" Will who followed him smiled, "Of course it is Liang Jingru!"

"Liang Jingru?" The master of the second hall of the Earth Hall was slightly startled, as if thinking back to how sacred Liang Jingru was, but at this time, Will cried out strangely: "Ten brothers, hurry up and form a ten-day battle formation. This big guy!"


   Although everyone is not a quasi-prince, the tenth emperor of the human race has an amazing ability comparable to that of a quasi-king.

   Especially at this moment, with the help of amazing means, he suddenly climbed to the level of the Dzogchen quasi-monarch. The ten emperors and emperors seemed to be one, turning into a war emperor, holding a war sword, and rushing to the second hall of the earth hall.


At the same time, Yuqing also rushed over, her aura quickly rising to an astonishing level, and there were as many as eighty rules of kings appeared on her body, which was twice as high as that of the goddess. With the battle for the past ten days, she played both ways. , Directly confront the Second Hall Master of the Earth Hall.

Yuqing was almost like a goddess back then, but don’t forget that in the four-pole blue world, Yuqing has obtained a lot of rules of the king. In the past three years, he has been thoroughly refined and owned by himself, so it has reached the Dzogchen standard. The level of kings.

   She joined forces with the Ten-Day Battle Formation, bursting out amazing powers, and the power from both sides superimposed, and suddenly reached an astonishing level.

   The Second Hall of the Earth Hall was shocked, but after all he was an extraordinary person, he immediately reacted, carrying a barbed knife, flying out more than 180 rules of the king, and violently colliding with the two.

   Suddenly, the combined force of Yuqing and the Ten Heavens Battlefield actually contended against the two hall masters of the Earth Hall.

   With their contend for the second hall of the Earth Hall, the other quasi-monarchs of the Moon Hall were relieved, the pressure was greatly reduced, but they set out to deal with the other quasi-kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

At the same time, Will, Corpse Devourer, and Pheasant did not follow blindly by horses. Although they were not true quasi-kings, they were all from the absolute level of the gods and possessed special battle formations. Together, they can actually exert a strength comparable to that of a quasi-monarch.

   It’s just that it’s not like a ten-day battle, it can directly rise to the level of Dzogchen quasi-king.

   Their appearance also delayed a quasi-king of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

   In this way, the quasi-monarch powerhouses of the Moon Hall and the Forbidden Soul Hall have their own opponents, and they are in a stalemate during the war, and they can't help each other.

Below, between the Moon Hall and the Forbidden Soul Hall, Qianxun is the master. Looking at the powerhouse of the Forbidden Soul Hall who is more powerful than his own, his expression has not changed, and he shouted: "The Moon Hall Soul Destroying Corps hears orders , The early battlefield!"


Hearing the command of the young master Qianxun, among the powerhouses of the Moon Palace, a group of hundreds of powerful people suddenly walked out. The first ten people are all gods, and the remaining ninety people are powerful, all of whom are above the fifth heaven. With the great power of, the formation of a hundred-man army presents a powerful battlefield.

   Roads of light rushed out of them, and quickly condensed into a huge formation on the sky, covering the entire soul-killing army.

   In the battle formation, the light of the primordial primordial light was born, with a mouthful of the primordial cannon condensed, and it was astonishingly the same as the cannon on the surface of the Moon God Mountain.

These early cannons did not attack the strong of the Forbidden Soul Palace, and then dissipated again. All the light of the early days were condensed into one, and turned into a battle of 100,000 li, like the chaos treasure born in the early days, with a wave The great terror pressure that crushed the heavens.

   Too early to fight!

"go with!"

   As soon as Zhan Ge appeared in the early days, under the control of the Soul Destroyer Legion, with the might of destroying the world, it fiercely attacked the Forbidden Soul Palace army.


   Wherever he fought in the early days, everything was wiped out, and the vacuum was shattered. The soul of the Forbidden Palace was completely destroyed, and the king of God was unavoidable. Four people were beheaded.

   The prestige of the battle in the early days is terrifying!

   Qianhiro burst into the sacramental blood, and the golden blood is full of nine heavens and ten places, like an invincible golden war god, killing the strong in the Forbidden Soul Palace, wherever it passes, it is as strong as the king of God is just a combination of generals.

  It is not a long time, there are five or six **** kings on the side of the Forbidden Soul Hall who were severely injured by Xing Shen.

   Fighting and fighting Saint Body's blood qi has just reached the sun, and it has great restraint on the strong of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

But it obviously takes longer to kill these gods, so Qianxun did not do that. The **** king of the moon hall shot down the water dog, and Chihiro's task was to damage as many as possible the Forbidden Soul Palace. In the top battle, the pressure on the Moon Palace was greatly reduced.

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