Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2891: Taishenghuang is here!

Not long ago, the ancient alien universe invaded the sealed universe, and even dispatched several ancient emperors, the supreme supreme, so that the Wuxiang kings of the ten-day realm had to go back in advance.

   "I don't belong to this life, it can only be regarded as a false supreme. The power can completely show the power of the peak supreme. How can I stop me?"

The Supreme Human Emperor has no expression on his face, is an extremely majestic man, wearing an imperial battle clothes, topping the emperor's crown, holding the human emperor's holy sword, in charge of the destiny of humanity, striding forward, cutting out a series of supreme sword lights , To kill the ancient emperor of the alien race.

   As soon as the terrifying Sword of Human Sovereign came out, the Chaos Sea seemed to be split in half, the vision suddenly came to life, the world was broken, the world fell, and so on, everything showed the power of Human Sovereign.

   But the ancient alien emperor sneered: "Dare to wait for me to do something? It's okay, today I will kill you when you leave the sealed universe!"

   After a while, more than a dozen ancient foreign emperors all targeted Xiang Fengjie and shot them.

   are not far apart from each other, a move to recruit the supreme magical power suddenly blasted out, killing the emperor of the sealed world.

   "Eternal ages are empty!"

   The supreme taboo magical power is played, everything is empty, as powerful as the attacks of many ancient emperors.

After all, the human emperor is only the supreme realm, so many imperial attacks in the air at one time, as powerful as him, will suffer a strong backlash, and suddenly cough up blood. According to the supreme emperor's shadow, it is still as strong as a mountain, stalwart and majestic. The posture is overwhelming, and he moves firmly and steadily.

   "As a human emperor, although you are hostile, you are indeed worthy of admiration." Maha said, with a trace of respect.

   One person faces a dozen or so supreme at the same time, and never backs away. This is indeed an admirable opponent, even if it is hostile.

   "However, even if you are enlightened in the incomplete chaotic ancient universe, even if you may be the reincarnation of the strongest emperor, the avenue is also broken. It is just the supreme. It is impossible to stop so many great emperors in the ancient universe of our world. After all, there is only one death."

   Seven ancient great emperors of different races made an attack and launched the imperial attack that shook the chaotic sea, causing the supreme emperor to immediately bleed, and the supreme blood spattered on his body.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to kill him, it is possible to kill the strongest emperor who is comparable to the six ancestors of the ancient universe in our realm." The Buddha said slowly, and the magical might overwhelmed the Chaos Sea. A strong emperor, but makes the ancient universe of foreign races exist like a big enemy.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Standing time, a total of nine ancient emperors made their moves, and they were moved to kill the Supreme Emperor.

   "Looking for death!"

   The Sun Emperor wanted to make a move, but the Heavenly Sovereign kept attacking him, leaving him powerless and bleeding all the time.


   The Supreme Human Emperor is about to face the crisis of fall, and the nine ancient emperors take action, and the same as the Supreme will also fall. They cannot resist the attacks of so many Emperor Supreme.

   Even if the emperor has already displayed "Eternal Eternity" again, it is useless, it is impossible to completely empty everything.


Just when the imperial attacks of the nine ancient foreign emperors were about to fall on the human emperor, suddenly, the human emperor's figure flickered, and suddenly black holes appeared on his body, surrounding him, and each black hole had a supreme figure. Emerge.

   Every supreme figure is so different from others, with different faces, but the temperament is the same, and they are all kings.

At this moment, among the nine black holes, the figure of the Nine Dao Human Emperors suddenly opened their eyes, and the nine supreme auras suddenly emerged, submerged in the supreme human emperor, and suddenly a breath of detachment from the supreme supremacy bloomed, immediately letting all foreign races The imperial attacks of the ancient emperor turned into nothingness.

   The Sea of ​​Chaos is quake!

   The Supreme All Heavens looked at this scene in shock, unbelievable, so the attack of the Nine Supremes was completely resolved?

   Even if the emperor masters the forbidden magical power of the reincarnation, "eternal emptiness" cannot be so.

   "The strongest emperor!?"

The expressions of the ancient emperors of foreign races have changed drastically. They know that aura, because the emperor ancestors of the ancient universe of foreign races standing on all the most extremes of the Chaos Sea also have similar auras, which are overwhelmed by the supreme. on.

   The Heavenly Sovereign also looked shocked. Is that rumor really true?

   The Supreme Human Emperor seemed to be awakened, and his body had the aura that overwhelmed the entire era of the era, and his eyes seemed to be hollow, but they seemed to be reincarnation, which could pull everything in.


   Suddenly, in the sealed universe, there were terrible imperial Dao fluctuations blooming, and more than one, the Supreme Human Emperor's expression changed slightly, the nine black holes disappeared and returned to the Supreme Realm.

   turned and left, the Supreme Human Emperor returned to the sealed universe.

   At this time, the expressions of the great aliens are gloomy, and the rumors are most likely to be true. The Sealed World Emperor is the reincarnation emperor of the mythical era.

   However, the alien emperors are not afraid, because the alien ancient universe also has these chaotic giants overlooking the era of the era.

   At this time, attention returned to the Sun Emperor again.

   The Sun Emperor, without the help of the Emperor, is in a much more dangerous situation.

   "The Sun Emperor, fall today, and become the shortest-lived supreme!"

The foreign emperors are arrogant, and several ancient emperors urge the strongest emperor's soldiers, and the power to cut time and space appears, and the river will tremble over the years, as if everything can be wiped This power, lightning Crossing the endless sea of ​​chaos in general, rushing out of the black hole of the ten-day realm ancient world, the majesty of annihilating the world comes, and the supreme will definitely be bombarded with this blow.

   The Sun Emperor gritted his teeth and was about to use the Universe Gossip Mirror to block it. Even if he blocks it, he is very likely to suffer severe injuries.


   At this time, time and space trembled, and an immeasurable breath was blooming. The real earthquake shone the past and the present, and the long rivers of time emerged directly, surrounding the sea of ​​chaos, surging through the past, present and future.

   This peerless power that can kill the Supreme was blasted away with a loud bang, and it was impossible to successfully attack the Sun Emperor.

"who is it!"

  The ancient alien emperor stood his eyes, and said in a cold voice, someone dared to stop them from taking action. Is this going to stand on the opposite side of the alien ancient universe?

   The Heavenly Sovereign was also surprised, looking for the source of the shot, and those who dared to do this, most of the opponents also had the strongest emperor's soldiers, and it was also the result of several ancient emperors' shots.

   It’s just that which chaotic ancient universe dared to go against the alien ancient universe like this?


   A figure is stepping on the long river of years, with a bright moon on the left and the sun on the right, turning around each other, turning into a yin and yang Tai Chi picture, bursting out boundless ancient chaos, stepping forward.

   However, his appearance shocked the entire Chaos Sea.

   "You guys, are you going to kill my disciples?"

   The figure carrying the yin and yang Tai Chi picture opened his mouth, very calm, but made the several ancient emperors of the foreign race look like enemies, changing their colors one after another: "Taisheng Emperor!"

  The strongest emperor of the generation-Taishenghuang!

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